Impact of the financial crisis on trade within regions
• On a year-on-year basis, during 1st quarter of 2009, steep declines in each region’s export rates, especially so in CIS, Africa and the Middle East
• By product group, most affected were trade in automotive products, iron and steel, office and telecom equipment and integrated circuits
• Subsequently, recent growth in trade flows due to trade within Asia; China’s imports grew twice as fast as its exports… trade within Asia might have benefited from China’s fiscal stimulus package; China’s merchandise trade surplus narrowed in June 2009 from US$13bn to US$8bn
• Financial crises tend to redress trade balances and affect the less developed countries most
Mini Case Study: ‘China turns to Africa’
• From 2006 onwards, China became an important trade partner of African countries
• China imports from Africa: fuels (70%); other mining products (15%); agriculture products (10%) and manufactures (5%)
• China exports to Africa: machinery and transport equipment (35%); textiles (25%); other manufactures (25%); clothing (10%) and primary products (5%)
• By 2007, approx 800 Chinese state companies were active in Africa, accounting for 50% of all new public works and infrastructure contracts; in some cases infrastructure projects are traded for raw materials contracts; 78,000 Chinese immigrants were brought in to work on infrastructure projects
• China acquired oil-drilling rights in Nigeria, Sudan and Angola, and invested in refineries and pipelines in Nigeria: overall, Africa supplies one-third of China’s oil.
• Chinese trade, loans and aid to Africa are not linked with any other goals such as poverty alleviation, democracy, human rights and corruption.
• What are the benefits to each side in trade between China and African countries?
• Why is there cause for concern about the long-term impacts of China-Africa relations on economic development in Africa?
Patterns of Trade and Implications for IB
• What do you think are the implications for international business or recent changes in
trade patterns?
- …#p#分頁標題#e#
- …
• How should the following respond to changes in the patterns of trade?
- an European MNE
- the government of a developing country
- a MNE from emerging economies
International Trade Theories
• Theories of Absolute and Comparative Advantage
• Factor Endowment Theory
• Product Life Cycle Theory
• The Theory of Competitive Advantage
• Newer Trade Theories
Theories of Absolute and Comparative Advantage
• Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776), promoted the “classical theory” of international
trade based on the concept of absolute advantage: - enjoyed by a country where production of a good involves using fewer productive inputs than would be possible in any other countries
• What if one country has an absolute advantage in all goods? David Ricardo, The Principles of
Political Economy and Taxation (1817),defined the concept of comparative advantage:
- enjoyed by a country where the production of a good involves greater relative advantages in terms of inputs than would be possible anywhere else
Theories of Absolute and Comparative Advantage
• Which country holds an absolute advantage in what good?
• In what goods should country A and country B specialise based on comparative advantage? What
is the emerging pattern of trade between the two countries?
Factor Endowment Theory (Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin, 1933)
• Countries differ in their factor endowments (labour, land, capital and natural resources)
• Products differ in terms of factors of production used and their intensity (textiles are labour-intensive; machinery is capital-intensive)
• The above will determine the comparative advantage of countries: a country will specialise in the production (and export) of the good that uses intensively the factor of production with which the country is relatively well endowed (its abundant factor)
Product Life Cycle Theory (R. Vernon, 1966)
• Applied to manufactured consumer products that go through clearly identified stages: from innovation through to standardisation.
• Based on the assumption that all innovation originated from the US
• Explains changes in comparative advantages depending upon the stage of the product life
• Provided insight into the links between FDI and international trade
Newer Trade Theories
• Take into account recent trends in international trade (Paul Krugman, 1995)
–intra-industry trade: trade in similar
goods between countries of similar levels of economic development
–globalised production: production broken down into different steps in the value chain, each of which can be in a different geographical location; vertical disintegration, increased trade in intermediate products#p#分頁標題#e#
–low cost countries as major exporters
Newer Trade Theories (cont.)
• To explain intra-industry trade, two important aspects are essential:
-product differentiation, differences in attributes between products in the same class
-economies of scale, reduction in the unit cost of products based as a result of higher output
• Oligopolies: an industry dominated by a few very large firms
• First-mover advantages: advantages enjoyed by the first entrant in an industry or market which may make it harder for other entrants to follow and act as barrier to entry
• Monopolistic competition: situation in which there are many producers producing products in the same class, where competition is based on product differentiation within the class
The Theory of Competitive Advantage
• M. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations (1998) made the link between the comparative advantage of countries and the competitive advantage of firms
• The competitive advantage of firms is linked to their home country environment: factor conditions; demand conditions; related and supporting industries; firm strategy, structure and rivalry; plus two extra dimensions: chance and the role of national government (the ‘diamond’ model)
Government Trade Policy
• Free trade: markets are allowed to operate without government intervention
• Protectionism: governments intervene in determining the volume and/or composition of trade for a variety of reasons:
- national security
- strategic industries
- domestic employment
- culture
- consumer protection
Mini-Case Studies for Seminar Discussions
• Financial Times, Oct 5th , 2010 “Commodities: China’s voracious appetite forces Japan into
race for food security”
• Wall Street Journal, Sept 28th , 2010 “Sweet and Sour Chicken Revenge”
• Wall Street Journal, Oct 8-10th , 2010 “EU textile firms criticize deal on Pakistan imports”
• Financial Times, Sept 23rd , 2010 “Banks steer difficult path through unchartered waters”
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