How to make a term paper format?The first thing to know in term paper writing is the variety of term paper formats. Different disciplines have special requirements.This article provides tips for your term paper format.
一、a college term paper format
Asking your professor about the paper specifics is a must when it comes to formatting. For instance, using pictures and diagrams or writing an abstract is a basic necessity in some term papers. Other term papers will ask you to use as few pictures as you can with no need to write a separate abstract.
The main and most common elements of a college term paper format are as follows:
Title Page. Contains information on who wrote the paper, the name of the course, the date, and the name of the teacher.
Abstract. A short summary of the paper.
Literature Review. The analysis of the research that has been done by others.
Methodology. The discussion of methods and approaches used in the student's research.
Results. The bulk of the term paper length, containing the discussion of the findings.
Future Recommendations. Here, the researcher might give advice to those who decide to continue the study.
References List. Contains all the sources used in the research. The sources must be academically referenced and alphabetized.
二、How to format a term paper in APA style
As a rule of a thumb, students specializing in nursing and psychology are required to write academic term papers in APA format. To edit the term paper according to the APA format, follow the guidelines:
The ‘Running Head’ and the paper’s title appear on the Title Page. Other pages should contain the only paper’s title in the Header. In all term paper samples, the paper’s title is in capitalized letters.
The in-text citations contain parentheses. Use them after closing the direct citation with inverted commas. Here, mention the author’s name, the publication year, and the page on which the information might be found. A proper in-text citation would look like (Brown, 1992, p.457).
文本引用包含括號。在直接引語后面加上引號后使用。在這里,提到作者的名字、出版年份和可能找到信息的頁碼。適當的文本引用應該是這樣的(Brown, 1992, p.457)。
An apa format term paper contains a References List (shortly References). Use the Citation Machine, an online application that will cite all necessary resources for you.
三、How to format a term paper in MLA style
This particular style is especially popular among students specializing in humanities and arts. Less cumbersome than the APA format, the MLA style has some rules to follow anyway.
No need for a separate Title page. Simply write down your name, the professor’s name, the subject, and the date in the left corner before the title.
No need for Running heads. Instead, mention a ‘Last name: the page number’ in the upper right corner on each page.
In all term paper examples, the list of sources goes as a Works Cited page instead of References as in the APA-formatted papers.
The in-text citations are simple. Just mention the author’s name and the page number like in the example (Freeman 67).
Citing the resources is really challenging. But don’t fall into despair! There are plenty of free online applications like Citation Machine, which will cite the sources for you.
引用資源確實很有挑戰性。但不要絕望!有很多免費的在線應用程序,比如Citation Machine,它會為你引用資源。
Most college term papers have specific requirements in each case. Your instructor will tell you the details on font and other elements. In case of vague instructions or no instructions at all, use a 12-point Times New Roman font to be on the safe side. Also, use the 1" margins to frame the text. As for the indentation, make it ? inch. The same tip goes for the APA format.
大多數大學的學期論文在每種情況下都有特定的要求。你的老師會告訴你關于字體和其他元素的細節。如果指示不明確或根本沒有指示,為安全起見,使用12號Times New Roman字體。同時,使用1"邊距來框文本。至于壓痕,為1 / 2英寸。同樣的技巧也適用于APA格式。
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