China’s pension system
3.1 Basic knowledge of pension system
Divided by how to benefit, there are two types of pension system, which are Defined Benefit (DB) plan and Defined Contribution (DC) plan.
DB plan is defined the benefits level at the first place. It either be a fixed premiums or calculate by some fixed variables. The variables normally are average income and working period or amount of individual earning in a certain past. In other words, individual will be very clear about the pension benefits level before retired. DB plan, the contribution rate of pensions is endogenous, and adjusted on the basis of population structure and real income changing.
DC plan is defined contribution level at the first place. Individuals join in pension plan will normally have personal accounts. According to the contribution rate, which individuals choose to pay, personal accounts will keep accumulating all the contributions. Individuals will find out the final pension benefits after tired. In DC plan, the benefits level is endogenous, and contribution rate is exogenous. Those personal accounts normally managed by government or relevant agencies and then financed on the capital market.
Divided by how to financing contributions, there are also two types of pension system, which are Pay As You Go (PAYG) scheme and Fully Funded scheme.
PAYG scheme is arranging the contribution of working generation to pay the pension benefits to retired generation. Pension contribution would not reserve but pay the received amount right away. It means the benefits level depends on present population structure and economic environment. Ideally, PAYG scheme has Pareto Efficiency due to human generations are unlimited.
Fully funded scheme means individuals pay part of earnings to some foundations, those foundations will invest the contributions and pay back after individual retired. In other words, fully funded scheme is an especially kind of savings, which the savings can only withdraw after tired.
It is very easy to see the similar and distinguish characters of two defined plans and two financing schemes. Since DC plan requires a personal account and fully funded scheme is an especially kind of savings, thus these two systems often working together. On the other hand, DB plan and PAYG scheme are also often working together as a result of it is easier to calculate the pension benefits level.
Modern pension systems are generally multi-level. In the light of international experiences, enterprises and employees are taking more responsibility in pension system.
In these different plans and financing schemes, each system has own advantages and disadvantages.
DB plan allows employees easily have retirement, and contributes to social stability. However it requires complex regulations, strong supervisions and excellent financial plans. A little careless action would bring enterprises a large financial burden to bear. DC plan has relatively clear contribution management system, and is possible to bring a healthy competition among enterprises. However, it needs very cautious investment behaviours to avoid reserves evaporation owing to inflation or other macroeconomic reasons, and it also needs strict national regulations.
DB計劃允許員工輕松擁有退休和社會穩定作出貢獻。然而,它需要復雜的法規,強有力的監督和優秀的財務計劃。稍有不慎行動會帶來大型金融企業承受的負擔。 DC計劃有比較清晰的貢獻管理系統,并有可能使企業之間的良性競爭。然而,它需要非常謹慎的投資行為,以避免蒸發儲備由于通脹或其他宏觀經濟原因,它也需要嚴格的國家法規。
PAYG scheme is easier to calculate the benefits level, and hardly had a waste of contribution. Samuelson (1958) established an overlapping generation model, which concluded PAYG system has Pareto efficiency under certain exogenous conditions. However PAYG scheme requires a stable population structure. Under the global aging wave, a pure PAYG scheme is difficult to survive. Fully funded scheme on the other hand is superior choice under the current situation due to it is sufficient to protect the funds. However it also requires excellent investment behaviour, and strict state regulations.#p#分頁標題#e#
At the same time, establishing a sustainable pension system is not only to see the characteristics of the system itself, but also have to pay attention on how will the pension policies affects individuals’ behaviour. For example, whether different pension policies influence personal savings? In China, because of low-income and high housing prices, it has been difficult to save enough money to buy a house, let alone save money to old age. China’s replacement rate of state pensions is on an average level among international. It is difficult to compare with other developed countries, and because China still remains a low-income country, with the average replacement rate, elderly would be difficult to have a decent life. In this case, discussing how pension policy influence personal savings has great significance.
Feldstein (1974) explained how pension policies influence personal consumption and savings behaviour. He believed that the social security has a dual impact on personal savings, which lead to impossible to have a clear predict of whether it has positive or negative influence on personal savings. He drew a lifetime consumption plan figure to explain his opinion. Because the time was American 70 years, and American pension system was based on PAYG scheme, in other words, Feldstein explained personal consumption and saving behaviour under PAYG system.
Feldstein (1974) indicated since the American pension policy asked pensioners retired as general employees to be a condition of did not have potential risk of losing benefits (higher income has lower benefits), thus such policy lead to three results. If individuals plan to work until retirement age before join state pensions, then pension plan will obviously reduce their savings. If individuals plan to work after retirement age before join state pensions, then pension plan will induce them retired earlier, thereby pension plan has chance to reduce their savings. If individuals plan to work after retirement age whether they join state pensions or not, then pension plan will increase their savings. Obviously, the first two situations are more common, and last type is extreme example. We will use same approach of lifetime consumption plan to discuss what is the case in China after the next section.
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