The Electrode Green Sheet of Patterning Bus Electrodes for ac-PDPs
Patterning of Bus Electrode is one of the very importantprocesses for making PDP. 總線電極的圖案化在PDP制造的過程中占據著很重要的作用。 In this work, Electrode GreenSheet(EGS) was prepared by casting of incorporatingbinder polymer, solvent, multi-functional monomers, photo-initiator, and silver powder(or black powder). EGS havemerits low linear resistance, pattern uniformity, and finepattern realization. Therefore, EGS process is suitable,especially in large size(over 60 inch) and highresolution(XGA grade, Full HD) PDP. 因此,電極化的過程步驟也是十分合適的,尤其是在大尺寸(60英寸以上)和高分辨率(XGA級,全高清)的PDP應用上。
In AC Plasma Display Panel(PDP) manufacturing, fewmethods are available for the patterning of bus electrode,such as screen printing, patterned screen printing andphotolithography method using photosensitive paste.Currently, screen printing method with photosensitive pasteis widely used in the industry for the formation of buselectrode. As the size of PDP increases, screen printingmethod has weakness in wide-size uniformity, linearresistance, and fine pattern realization over 60 inches andhigh resolution(XGA grade, 42” or 50”Full HD).Electrode Green Sheet(EGS) is considered to be the bestmethod to overcome the mentioned above bus electrodepatterning.In this paper, we report the application of EGS method tothe bus electrode patterning for premium PDPs.在這一份報告中,我們ch闡述了利用微型pdp的一些法則。
(2)-1. Preparation of Electrode Green SheetThe bus electrode of normal AC-PDP is constituted byblack matrix (BM) and Ag layer. We made BM and Aggreen sheet separately. The BM green sheet is composed ofblack pigments, glass powders, binders, monomers and UV-light sensitive photo-initiators. The BM green sheet iscovered with protected films on both faces.The Ag green sheet is made up of two layers. One is Agpaste layer, and the other is a dry film resist (DFR) layer. DFR is a negative photo-resist (PR) composite, which isUV-light sensitive. Ag green sheet is also covered byprotected films.
Figure 1. shows that EGS is constituted BM and Ag greensheet separately.
(2)-2. Bus electrode patterning by photolithographicmethodFigure 2 shows formation process of bus electrode of PDPusing EGS.First, the BM layer was laminated on the front panel thatITO(Indium Tin Oxide) electrode was patterned.Second, the BM-EGS was exposed to UV light throughphoto-mask patterning.
Third, DFR/Ag layer was laminated on the BM layer andthat was exposed to UV light with photo-mask.第三,在BM層上被淘汰的DFR/ Ag層,是與光掩模一起暴露在紫外線下。Both unirradiated DFR/Ag and BM were developed withalkaline water for 30~40 sec. PDP panel was sintered in thehigh temperature oven up to 580 oC for 30 min.The polymer and other organic components were burnedout this firing process.#p#分頁標題#e#
Third, DFR/Ag layer was laminated on the BM layer andthat was exposed to UV light with photo-mask.Both unirradiated DFR/Ag and BM were developed withalkaline water for 30~40 sec. PDP panel was sintered in thehigh temperature oven up to 580 oC for 30 min.The polymer and other organic components were burnedout this firing process.
Results and Discussions結果與討論(3)-1. The fine patterning abilityTable 1 shows that line width of the developed EGS isdifferent from the patterns of photo-mask.In XGA grade, the line width of bus electrode has to be80um, and that of bus electrode in Full HD grade isrecommended as 50um.EGS satisfies in bus electrode’s pattern size for both XGAgrade and Full HD。EGS滿足兩個XGAgrade下總線電極的圖案尺寸和全高清的要求。
(3)-2. The lower resistance of EGSTable 2 shows that the linear resistance and the specificresistance of photo-sensitive paste and EGS in the selectedline.The specific resistance of EGS decrease up to 30%,compared to the conventional photosensitive paste method.The reason is originated from the content of the glass fritand the difference of the burning out property of the two-layer structure.Table 2 shows that the specific resistance of EGS iscompared to conventional photosensitive paste method.表2表示的的特殊狀況下的EGS 電阻比,和以往采用的感光性漿料法的不同。
4. Conclusions 結論
In this paper, we made BM and Ag green sheet separately,and we confirmed that the EGS have merits of the finepattern ability and the low resistance, and the thicknessuniformity for the BM and bus electrode.These results imply that the EGS process is especiallysuitable for large size and high resolution PDP.這些結果意味著,在EGS中是特別適用于大尺寸和高分辨率的PDP。