DUE DATE: Wednesday 25thJanuary, 2012 - 5.00pm
(1) This assignment represents 25 per cent of the assessment in this unit.
(2) Even if the assignment is late, it MUST be submitted.
(3) This is NOT a group assignment. You must prepare the assignmentindividually without assistance.
(4) This assignment includes two parts: a manual set of accounting recordsand a computer-based set of accounting records using QuickBookssoftware.
(5) You must make TWO submission of the assignment. The QuickBooks fileMUST be submitted via D2L in the Assignment submission area by thedue date. A hard copy of the complete assignment including both parts(manual set and printed QuickBooks file) MUST also be submitted. Thedetails of what must be submitted and how to make the submission forboth on-campus and off-campus students are given at the end of this file(page 5).
(7) It is a plagiarism offence to use a file or any other work prepared byanother person. We have procedures in place to detect files that havebeen used by more than one student. Students trying to do so will bestrictly penalized under the university discipline regulations. Boththe electronic copy and the printed copy may be used in the markingand verification process.
Guidance to complete the assignment:
1. You are required to complete a case study called Cecil’s Cycling Supplies,using both a manual set of accounting records and the QuickBooks software.It is our recommendation that you complete the manual set of accountingrecords first before attempting the QuickBooks section of the assignment.
2. Note that the manual set of accounting records must be handwritten.Typed copies are not acceptable. If you submit a typed copy of thisassignment, you will be given a “zero” mark for this component of theassignment.
3. In the Assignment area on D2L, you can find the following files:- Cecil’s Cycling Supplies.pdf, which provides general informationabout the company and its November 2011 transactions.- Cecil’s Cycling Supplies Pro Forma Journals and Ledgers.doc,which contains the journals, ledgers, schedules and reports that youmust complete in hand writing. Note that this file is supplied in “word”format so that if you need to adjust the columns or add ledgers thenyou may do so.
4. Recommended procedure to complete Cecil’s Cycling Supplies Pro FormaJournals and Ledgers.doc in hand writing:
4.1 Read the information about the company provided in the fileCecil’s Cycling Supplies.pdf (page 1-4).
4.2 Using the transaction information in the file Cecil’s CyclingSupplies.pdf (page 5-9), record all transactions for the month ofNovember in the general and special journals.
4.3 Daily posting: Every time you make an entry in the general journal,you must immediately post the entry in the ledger account as well.This also applies to entries made in other accounts in cash paymentsjournal and cash receipts journal. Journal entries involving AccountsReceivable and Accounts Payable are also posted to the AccountsReceivable and Accounts Payable subsidiary ledgers on a daily basis.#p#分頁標題#e#
4.4 At the end of the month, http://www.mythingswp7.com/Essay_Writing/ enter the totals in various columns of thespecial journals and post the totals to the relevant accounts in thegeneral ledger. Remember that you do not need to add up and postthe amount in the other accounts in the cash payments journal andreceipts journals.
4.5 Prepare the unadjusted trail balance in the worksheet, and makesure that debit is equal to credit.
Submission requirements:
You are required to make two submissions:a) Via D2L – Assignment submission area, submit the following:- Completed QuickBooks data file;- Assignment attachment sheet acknowledging that this is your ownwork.
b) Hard Copies, submit the following:- Handwritten manual set of accounting records as printed from theCecil’s Cycling Supplies Pro Forma Journals and Ledgers file.Typed copies will not be accepted.
Printed copy from QuickBooks data file, which should include: Profit & Loss Report (Reports->Company and Financial->Profit and LossStandard-> 1/11/2011 to 30/11/2011); Balance Sheet (Reports->Company and Financial->Balance Sheet->30/11/2011); Customer Balance Detail (Reports->Customers and Receivables->Customer Balance Detail->All Dates); Supplier Balance Detail (Reports->Suppliers and Payables->SupplierBalance Detail->All Dates); Inventory Valuation Detail (Reports->Inventory->Inventory ValuationDetail ->All Dates); Journal (Reports->Accountant->Journal ->1/11/2011 to 30/11/2011); Audit Trail (Accountant->Audit Trail -> Enter the dates as the day you startedthe assignment and the day you finished. For example, 1/11/2011 to 12/1/2012should cover your assignment, unless you started before 1 November and finishit after due date. If so, change your dates. The idea of the audit trail is to showthe time, the date, and other information you used to enter the transactions. If itis blank you have a problem).
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