文化與語言教學的閱讀列表參考-Culture and Language Teaching Reading List
Hartley, J. (2002) Communication, Cultural and Media Studies: The Key Concepts. Londond and New York: Routledge.
Holliday, A., Hyde, M., and Kullman, J. (2004) Intercultural Communication: An Advanced Resource Book. London and New York: Routledge.
Kramsch, C. (1993) Context and Culture in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Asante, M.K., & Gudykunst, W.B. (Eds.). (1989).Handbook of international and intercultural communication. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
Clancy, P 1986 The Acquisition of communicative style in Japanese. In B. B. Schieffelin and E. Ochs (eds)Language Socialisation across Cultures. Cambrdige:Cambrdige University Press.
Gudykunst, W. In Spencer-Oatey (2001) (ed) Culturally Speaking. London: Cassell Academic.
Kaplan, R. B. (1966). Cultural thought patterns in intercultural education. Language Learning 16, 1-20.
Scollon,R. and Scollon, S. 1995 Intercultural Communication.Oxford: Blackwell.
Byram, M. & Fleming, M. (Eds.). (1998). Language learning in intercultural perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Byram, M. (1988) Foreign language education and cultural studies. Language, Culture and Curriculum 1,1:15-31.
Byram, M., Morgan, C. and Colleagues, (1994), Teaching-and-Learning, Language-and-Culture, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Cankova, M. and Gill,S. (2001) Intercultural Activities , Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Coleman, H (ed). (1996). Society and the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cortazzi, M. & Jin, L. (1996). Cultures of learning: language classrooms in China. In Coleman, H. (Ed). Society and the language classroom. (pp. 169-206). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cortazzi, M. and Jin, L. (1999) Cultural mirrors: materials and methods in the EFL classroom. In E. Hinkel (ed.) Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge Universiy Press. pp 196-219.
Damen, L. (1986), Culture Learning: The Fifth Dimension in the Language Classroom, Wokingham: Addison-Wesley.
Dlaska, A. (2000) Integrating Culture and Language Learning in Institution-wide Language Programmes. Language, Culture and Curriculum, Vol 13, Issue 3, pp247-263.
Dunnett, S. Dubin, F. and Lezberg. A. (1986), English language teaching from an intercultural perspective in Valdes, J. (ed) Culture Bound, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Ellis, G. (1996), How culturally appropriate is the communicative approach? English Language Teaching Journal, 50,3: 213-218.
Ellis, R. (1991) Communicative competence and the Japanese Learner. JALT Journal 13,2:103-127.
Hinkel.,E. (ed) 1999 Culture in second language teaching and learning Cambridge : Cambridge University Press#p#分頁標題#e#
Guest M. ‘A critical "checkbook" for culture teaching and learning’. ELT Journal (2002) 56(2):154–61.
Nelson, G. (1995) Considering culture: Guidelines for ESL/EFL textbook writers. In P. Byrd (ed) Material Writer’s Guide. New York: Heinle and Heinle. pp 23-42.
Richards, J. , Tung, P. & Ng, P. (1992). The Culture of the English language teacher: a Hong Kong example. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Sowden, C. (2007) Culture and the ‘good teacher’ in the English Language classroom ELT Journal 2007 61(4):304-310
Stapleton, P. (2000) Culture's Role in TEFL: An Attitude Survey in Japan. Language, Culture and Curriculum, Vol 13, Issue 3, pp291-305.
Tomalin, B. and Stempelski, S. (1993) Cultural Awareness, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Utley, D. (2000). The culture pack: intercultural communication resources for trainers. York Associates
Valdes, J.M. (1986). Culture Bound. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ELT Journal, Volume 38, Issue 1: January 1984. The question of culture: EFL teaching in non-English-speaking countries by Cem Alptekin and Margaret Alptekin
ELT Journal, Volume 56, Issue 1, pp. 57-64: Towards intercultural communicative competence in ELT by Cem Alptekin
ELT Journal, Volume 47, Issue 2: April 1993. Target-language culture in EFL materials by Cem Alptekin
Holliday, A., Hyde, M., and Kullman, J. 2004. Inter-Cultural Communication. Routledge: London and New York.
Talbot, M. (2007) Media Discourse, Representation and Interaction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
These are some sources on Critical Language Pedagogy and Literacy (these may only interest Alexandra as her topic focuses on this aspect)
Apple, M. (1996) Cultural Politics and Education. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Caldas-Coulthard, C.-R. (2003) ‘Cross-cultural Representation of “Otherness” in Media Discourse’, in Weiss, G. and Wodak, R. (eds) Critical Discourse Analysis – Theory and Interdisciplinarity. Palgrave Macmillan.
Chouliaraki, L. and Fairclough, N. (1999) Discourse in Late Modernity: Rethinking Critical Discourse Analysis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Clark, R. (1992) ‘Principles and Practice of CLA in the Classroom’. In Fairclough, N. (ed.) Critical Language Awareness. Cambridge: Polity.
Cope, B. and Kalantzis, M. (1993) (eds) The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing.London: The Falmer Press.
Fairclough, N. (1989/2001) Language and Power. London: Longman.
Fairclough, N. (1992a) Discourse and Social Change. Cambridge: Polity.
Fairclough, N.(ed.) (1992b) Critical Language Awareness.London: Longman.
Fairclough, N. (1995a) Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language. London: Longman.#p#分頁標題#e#
Fairclough, N. (1995b) Media Discourse. London: Arnold
Freire, P. (1970) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum.
Freire, P. (1985) The Politics of Education. London: Macmillan.
Giroux, H. (1983) Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition. New York: Heinemann.
Goatly, A. (2000) Critical Reading and Writing. An Introductory Coursebook London: Routledge.
Hodge, R. and Kress, G. (1993) Language and Ideology.London: Routledge.
Iedema, Rick (2001) ‘Analysing film and television: a social semiotic account of Hospital: an Unhealthy Business’ in van Leeuwen, T. and Jewitt, C. (eds) Handbook of Visual Analysis London, Sage.
Goddard, A. (2002) The Language of Advertising: Written Advertisements.2nd ed. London: Routledge.
Kress, G. (1985) ‘Ideological Structures in Discourse’, in van Dijk, T. (ed.) Handbook of Discourse Analysis. London: Academic Press.
Luke, A. (1997) ‘Critical Approaches to Literacy’. In Edwards, V. and Corson, D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol. 2 Literacy (pp. 143-51). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publications.
哈特利, J.(2002 )通訊,文化及傳媒研究:關鍵概念。 Londond和紐約: Routledge出版社。
霍利迪, A.,海德, M.和庫爾曼,J. ( 2004)跨文化傳播:一種先進的資源手冊。倫敦和紐約: Routledge出版社。
Kramsch , C.( 1993)語境與文化語言教學。牛津:牛津大學出版社。
阿散蒂,M.K. ,與Gudykunst , W.B. (主編) 。 ( 1989) 。國際和跨文化交際的手冊。紐伯里公園, CA :賢者
克蘭西,在日本P 1986年收購的交際風格。在BB Schieffelin和E奧克斯( EDS )語言社會化跨文化。 Cambrdige : Cambrdige大學出版社。
Gudykunst , W。在斯賓塞 - Oatey ( 2001) (主編)文化說起。倫敦:卡塞爾學術。
卡普蘭,R.B. ( 1966) 。文化思維模式在跨文化的教育。語言學習16 , 1-20 。
Scollon , R.和Scollon ,S. 1995跨Communication.Oxford :布萊克韋爾。
拜拉姆, M.&弗萊明,M. (主編) 。 (1998) 。語言學習,跨文化的視角。劍橋:劍橋大學出版社。
拜拉姆,M. ( 1988)外語教學與文化研究。語言,文化與課程1,1:15-31 。
拜拉姆, M.,摩根,C.和同事, ( 1994) ,教學和學習,語言和 - 文化,克利夫登:多語言的事項。
Cankova , M.和吉爾, S。 ( 2001)的跨文化活動,牛津:牛津大學出版社。
科爾曼,H (ED ) 。 ( 1996) 。社會與語文課堂。劍橋:劍橋大學出版社。
Cortazzi , M.&晉,L. ( 1996) 。學習文化:語言教室在中國。在科爾曼,H. (教育) 。社會與語文課堂。 (頁169-206 ) 。劍橋:劍橋大學出版社。#p#分頁標題#e#
Cortazzi , M.和金,L. ( 1999)文化的鏡子:材料,并在英語課堂教學方法。在大腸桿菌中辛克爾(主編)文化在第二語言教學和學習。劍橋:劍橋Universiy出版社。頁196-219 。
達門, L. ( 1986) ,文化學習:第五個維度的語言教室,沃金厄姆在: Addison-Wesley出版社。
Dlaska , A.( 2000)整合文化與語言學習機構中全語言課程。語言,文化與課程,第13卷,第3期, pp247 -263 。
鄧奈特, S.杜賓,F.和Lezberg 。 A.( 1986) ,從巴爾德斯的跨文化視角英語教學, J。(編輯)文化展,劍橋:劍橋大學出版社
埃利斯, G. ( 1996) ,如何在文化上適當的交際教學法?英語教學雜志, 50,3 : 213-218 。
埃利斯, R. ( 1991)交際能力和日本學習者。 JALT雜志13,2:103-127 。
辛克爾。 , E。 (ED )1999文化在第二語言教學和學習劍橋:劍橋大學出版社
游客M.的一個關鍵“支票簿”文化教學“ 。英語教學期刊( 2002) 56 ( 2 ) :154- 61 。
尼爾森, G. (1995 )考慮文化:指南ESL / EFL教材編寫者。在體育伯德(ED )材質作家的指南。紐約:海因勒和海因勒。頁23-42 。
理查茲, J. ,東,體育和吳正和,P.( 1992) 。英語教師的文化:一個香港的例子。香港:香港城市大學。
Sowden , C.( 2007)文化和“好老師”的英語課堂英語教學雜志2007 61 ( 4 ) :304- 310
斯臺普頓,P. ( 2000 )文化的作用在英語教學:在日本的一個態度調查。語言,文化與課程,第13卷,第3期, pp291 -305 。
托瑪林,乙和Stempelski ,S. ( 1993)文化意識,牛津:牛津大學出版社。
厄特利,D. ( 2000) 。文化包裝:教員跨文化交際的資源。紐約聯營公司
巴爾德斯,J.M. ( 1986) 。文化的束縛。劍橋:劍橋大學出版社。
英語教學雜志,第38卷,第1期: 1984年1月。文化的問題:英語教學非英語國家由杰姆阿爾普特金及瑪格麗特阿爾普特金
英語教學雜志, 56卷,第1期,頁57-64 :走向跨文化交際能力的英語教學者杰姆阿爾普特金
英語教學雜志,第47卷,第2期: 1993年4月由杰姆阿爾普特金在英語教材目標語言文化
霍利迪, A.,海德, M.和庫爾曼,2004 J. 。跨文化交際。勞特利奇:倫敦和紐約。
塔爾博特, M. ( 2007)媒體話語,表示和互動。愛丁堡:愛丁堡大學出版社。
蘋果,M. ( 1996)文化政治與教育。白金漢宮:公開大學出版社。#p#分頁標題#e#
卡爾達斯 - 庫特哈德, C.-R. (2003年) ,在魏斯, G.和沃達克,R. ( EDS)批評話語分析“跨文化的傳媒話語的”他者“的表示' - 理論與跨學科性。 Palgrave Macmillan出版。
Chouliaraki湖和費爾克拉夫, N. ( 1999)話語中晚期現代性反思批評話語分析。愛丁堡:愛丁堡大學出版社。
克拉克,R. ( 1992) “原則和CLA在課堂上的實踐” 。在費爾克拉夫, N. (編輯)批判性語言意識。劍橋:政體。
應付灣和Kalantzis ,M. ( 1993) ( EDS )識字的權力:一種體裁法在教學Writing.London :五南出版社。
費爾克拉夫, N. (1989 /2001)語言與權力。倫敦:朗曼。
費爾克拉夫, N. ( 1992年a )話語與社會變遷。劍橋:政體。
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