加拿大多倫多大學人類學專業留學生essay代寫-Essay Guidelines
One of the goals in any writing assignment is to see how well you follow instructions. A part of your grade will depend, therefore, on how faithfully you follow these guidelines. In general it is a good idea to make reference to the (attached) Essay Evaluation Guide, which provides you with some indication of the criteria that we will be using to determine your grade.
Layout and Length: Papers should be preceded with a cover page that includes (at least) the following: the course and section (ANTA01 Lec 01), your name, your student number, the essay title, the instructor’s name, and the date due. This cover page does not count towards the page or word limit. The acceptable length for essays in this course is 6-10 full pages, including everything apart from the cover page (e.g., references, tables, figures, etc.). 5% will be deducted for each page or part thereof under 6 pages or over 10 pages. All essays must be typed or word-processed, double-spaced with 1” margins and a font size of 12. All parts of the essay, including references, tables, and figure legends must be double-spaced.
Content: Your paper should include clearly demarcated Introduction and Conclusions sections. As noted on the Essay Evaluation Guide, a percentage of your grade will be based directly on the content in these sections. The use of other subheadings is at your discretion. Subheadings can be a good way of clarifying the structure of your essay for both you and the reader.
References: EVERYTHING YOU GET FROM ANYWHERE MUST ALWAYS BE REFERENCED!!! Come and talk me if you aren’t sure what this means. References should be cited in the text by giving the name(s) of the author and year at the end of the section the reference applies to. If a paper has more than two authors, cite it by the first author name and then “et al.” Page numbers should not be given unless you are referencing a quotation. For papers with more than two authors, the names of all authors must be given in the references cited section.
For example:
The ear morphology of Ignacius graybullianus is supportive of a close relationship to euprimates, rather than dermopterans (Bloch and Silcox, 2001).
Chronolestes simul is best considered a basal plesiadapoid, not a crown group carpolestid (Silcox et al., 2001).
In the case of a quotation, the reference should be placed at the end of the quotation, with the addition of the relevant page numbers. For example:
“The simple presence of an entotympanic is also unlikely to be a synapomorphy linking dermopterans and paromomyids to the exclusion of other archontans.” (Bloch and Silcox, 2001, p. 191)#p#分頁標題#e#
Web pages should be referenced similarly, but including the author of the webpage (if provided), the date the page was most recently updated (if provided), and the name of the webpage. For example:
All mammals have hair at some point in their development (Myers, Class Mammalia, Animal Diversity Web).
Your paper must include a section entitled “References Cited”, which should include all the sources referenced in your essay, listed in alphabetical order by the first letter of the first authors’ last name. Do not number the references listed in this section. Do not include papers unless they are explicitly referenced in the text. Follow these examples as to how references should be formatted in your References Cited section. Marks will be deducted for deviations from these styles.
An article from a journal:
Asfaw, B. 1987. The Belohdelie frontal: new evidence of early hominid cranial morphology from the Afar of Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution 16: 611-624.
A book:
Leakey, M.G. and Harris, J.M. 2002. Lothagam: The Dawn of Humanity. New York: Columbia University Press.
An article in an edited volume:
Oates, J.F. 1994. www.mythingswp7.com The natural history of African colobines. Pp. 75-128 in A.G. Davis and J.F. Oates, Eds. Colobine Monkeys: Their Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
An abstract in an abstract volume:
Baker, E.W., Malyango, A.A. and Harrison, T. 1998. Phylogenetic relationships and functional morphology of the distal humerus from Kanapoi, Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 26 (Suppl.): 66.
An unpublished PhD dissertation:
Kirkpatrick, R.C. 1996. Ecology and behavior of the Yunnan snub-nosed langur (Rhinocolobus bieti, Colobinae). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California.
A web page:
Wund, M. and Myers, P. 2005. Mammalia, Animal Diversity Web. Accessed August 10, 2010
If no author is provided for a web-page, substitute the name of the webpage for the author in your in-text referencing, and alphabetize with respect to that name in your references cited list.
Suggested sources: The following journals can be good starting points for researching your essay. All are available through the University Library Portal
Evolutionary Anthropology
Journal of Human Evolution
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
American Journal of Human Biology
Current Anthropology
American Anthropologist
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
It is recommended that you use peer reviewed journal articles as your main sources of information for your essay. Secondary and tertiary sources such as newspapers, encyclopaedias, and popular science magazines (e.g., Scientific American, National Geographic, New Scientist) tend to be less up to date, and less reliable. Journal articles are also useful for their reference lists, which can provide follow-up resources and new “leads” on relevant information. Alternatively, if you have an article that is particularly relevant to your topic, you can do a “cited reference search” in Web of Knowledge to see which other papers have cited your source. This can lead you to more recent perspectives on the topic in question.
Notes on using the Internet to research your paper: The Internet can be a tremendous resource for the easy location of information on a huge range of topics. However, it is very important to remember that there is no quality control whatsoever about what is made into a web page. This contrasts with the many levels of evaluation that occur before any book or article is published. When using the Internet, it is important to be very critical of the source of particular assertions. Who is the author of the web page you are using? Is he or she an academic, a student, or a crank? Is the information properly cited? Are the citations to reputable sources (e.g., refereed publications), or questionable sources (e.g., other web pages)?
In other words BUYER BEWARE. If you rely on a website as a key reference to your paper, and the information it contains is incorrect or out of date, it will hurt your essay grade. In general I would recommend that you use web pages only as starting points to provide you with places to look for more conventional reference sources.
Other formatting issues: Please note that there are sections of the Essay Evaluation Guide dedicated to style, spelling, and grammar—in other words, all of these count towards your grade. A particular formatting issue becomes apparent when working with taxonomic names. Please follow these conventions whenever taxonomic names are used:#p#分頁標題#e#
Genus names are both capitalized and italicized or underlined (e.g., Homo)
The trivial or species name is italicized or underlined but not capitalized (e.g., sapiens)
Other formal taxonomic groupings are capitalized but not italicized or underlined (e.g., Hominidae)
Informal derivations of taxonomic group names are neither capitalized nor italicized or underlined (e.g., hominids)
Why is this important? When you get this kind of thing wrong, it communicates to your reader that you are not well versed in the topic you are writing about, hurting your credibility. It is important to get in the habit of doing this correctly. Students formatting taxonomic names incorrectly can expect to receive a penalty.
Suggested Topics for Biographical Report
Fossil Species
Tell me everything you find that describes a particular fossil with focus on answering, where was it found? By whom? How did they find it? How do they know how old it is? How old is it? Think of using a W5H format (who, what when where why and how). Include and reference a map of the site or figures of the fossil. Potential topics include:
Dear Boy
Shanidar Neanderthals
Nariokatome Boy
Archaeological Tool Culture
Tell me all about a specific tool industry or object that pertains to specific cultures. Tell me everything you find that describes a particular assemblage with focus on answering, where was it found? By whom? How did they find it? How do they know how old it is? How old is it? What does it mean in the bigger picture of modern human behaviour? Think of using a W5H format (who, what when where why and how). Include and reference a map of the site or figures. Potential topics include:
Levallois technology
Cave Art
Venus figurines
Personal ornamentation
Other topics
Feel free to write a report on a different topic than one identified here but please clear it with me first to ensure it will make a good topic that is suitably focussed and not too broad.#p#分頁標題#e#
Essay Evaluation Guide
Introduction (10 points)
Is the topic presented well? Does the student clearly outline how the subject will be approached?