加拿大政治學課程essay范文參考:Socialism Is More Just Than Capitalism
Socialism and Capitalism are two different forms of economic systems. Socialism's idea is that all people should be given an equal beginning and everyone has the same rights and has the same general welfare. On the contrary, Capitalism is opposed to government efforts to help the poor. It allows for creativity, individual profit based on consumer need, which is based on private ownership of the means of production and allows individual choices in a free market to determine how goods and services are distributed. This statement's line of reasoning is that capitalism necessarily leads to unfair and exploitative concentrations of wealth and power. Because only the relative few rich people who have wealth and power can do what they want and dominate the society while others do not have the similar rights and power. From this point of view, Socialism is more just than Capitalism. The reasons are described in detail as follows. 社會主義與資本主義是經濟系統的兩種不同的形式。社會主義的思想是所有的人都應該被給予一個公平的開始,每個人都有相同的權利,具有相同的一般福利。相反,資本主義是反對政府幫助窮人的努力。它允許創新,基于消費者需求的個人利益,以生產資料私有制,允許個人選擇在一個自由市場來決定商品和服務分布。這句話的推理是,資本主義必然導致不公平和剝削的財富和權力的濃度。因為只有相對少數有錢人的財富和權力可以做他們想做的和占主導地位的社會卻沒有類似的權利和權力。從這一點來看,社會主義比資本主義。原因如下。
First of all, Socialism is characterized by social ownership and controlled by such "Social ownership" political governments. As in Socialism's perspective, true freedom and true equality require equal control of the resources, which provides the fundamental needs and wants for prosperity in any society. Socialism eliminates controlling hierarchies in its organizations and makes everyone equal. Furthermore, on this platform, every member of the society would have the same right and power in decision-making process and overall policy objectives. On the contrary, in Capitalism society, people who have wealth and power are in dominating positions in society. Because such people can have all the rights and power, they may choose where and how to live. However, at the meantime, the options of the poor are limited and the large percentage of the society has to follow what the rich people want and need. As a result, individualism, freedom and equality are for capitalists but not for the working people who are majorities and who have to work to survive. Even though there are many variations of socialism and as such there is no single definition can explain all of them, the philosophy is the same. 首先,社會主義的特點是社會所有制和由“社會所有制”政治的政府控制。在社會主義的角度來看,真正的自由和真正的平等要求的資源平等的控制,提供基本的需求在任何社會的繁榮。社會主義在其組織層次和消除控制使人人平等。此外,在這個平臺上,社會的每一個成員都會在決策過程和總體政策目標的權利和權力一樣。相反,在資本主義社會,誰擁有財富和權力的人在社會中的主導地位。因為這樣的人可以擁有所有的權利和權力,他們可以選擇在哪里和如何生活。然而,與此同時,窮人的選擇是有限的和社會的大比例已經跟有錢人想要和需要的。因此,個人主義,自由和平等是資本家但不適合那些多數人要生存下去的工作的人。盡管有許多變化,如社會主義沒有單一的定義可以解釋他們的哲學,是一樣的。#p#分頁標題#e#
More importantly, because of the means of production are socially-owned, no matter whether the form of Socialism is in Public-ownership models or in all the employee-members of the enterprise models, Socialism is more just than Capitalism because there are more people who can share the whole society and can participate in the process of production and goods distribution equally. For example, different Socialism countries may advocate different social ownership styles, relay on various markets and planning through state governance. However, the economic activity and production in Socialism society are adjusted to meet people's needs and economic demands. In other words, the goal is to produce useful goods and services to meet their whole society needs. Capitalism is totally different from Socialism. In its operation, economic activity is driven by the accumulation of capital and the need to continuously produce profits and reinvest this profit into the economy. Its goal is to gain profit and useful goods and services are a byproduct of pursuing profit. Thus, Socialism sounds more just than Capitalism because more people can have the same rights and power and all goods or services is produced for people to share and use.
Secondarily, Socialism is a more just society that would guarantee a certain basic standard of living which can satisfy everyone's basic needs. Thus, a primary goal of socialism is social equality and a distribution of wealth. The foundation of Socialism is based on one's contribution to society, and an economic arrangement through government, to serve the interests of society as a whole. A socialist economic system consists of a government directly control its economic demands and human needs, so that all goods and services are generated directly for use. No matter how good the system is, people need to take care of themselves needs first, and then consider making profits. Thus, there are many human factors involved in the policies and wealth distribution to the society is more even in Socialism society. On the contrary, a Capitalist economic system is made for private profit driven by the accumulation of capital. In capitalism, businesses must put profit before everything else. In a Capitalism system, the need for growth and expansion on every level is based on profit and competition. If anyone fails to achieve a certain level of growth and expansion will go out of business and business means only making profit and expanding as the NO.1 goal. Therefore, Capitalism more focuses on power and wealth within a small segment of society which controls the economic system whose value is based on unequal social relations.
Finally, Socialism relies mainly on planning to determine investment and production decisions while Capitalism depends on free market and consumer for investment and production decisions. Even though Socialism planning may be centralized or decentralized, it would have its ups and downs, however, it is quite reliable to forecast the society needs in advance and then produce the products to meet the needs. In Capitalism society, companies have to make the profits to survive and thrive, so they have to make every business decision by achieving its profit goal. This could also cause some resources to be wasted due to the competition and interest conflict. For example, in the Capitalism development phase, some dairy firms poured milk into rivers to reduce their overproduced products to keep the balance of production and price in control while many people did need milk but could not afford the price to buy it. #p#分頁標題#e#
In addition, in Capitalism countries, people are free to choose how to utilize their money, whether they want to save, make a purchase, or donate it to charities or invest it on foreign markets because a capitalist society is basically containing a free market. However, without a good planning and control from a big picture of the nation's economy, business may fail or at major risk. Within a socialist society, the means of production and distribution are controlled by the authorities of the governments and the decisions on what will be produced and in what quantity are determined by the governments as well. It seems that Socialism can utilize public resources better to serve the whole society.
In conclusion, this argument is convincing due to the above mentioned reasons. However, this argument is quite controversial as people have different opinions due to their own best interests on their ideal political and economic systems. As far as I'm concerned, socialism is more just than capitalism.
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