Analysis of a Test Object 250pts
Description: 4-5 pages, double-spaced, plus separate MLA-format Works Cited page
Skills: Using a source as a lens; developing a thesis using representative evidence
Due: Rough Draft:_______; Final Draft:________
Sources: Rebel Without a Cause
AND two RAW essays
Analyze a film’s representation of http://www.mythingswp7.com/thesis_sample/ an issue, question, or phenomenon using evidence from one or more film scenes. Perform a close analysis of your chosen scenes and develop a thesis that engages specific cinematic details to form an argument about the film as a whole. Apply two RAW essays as lenses to extend and complicate your argument, using them in service of this paper’s larger goal: to enhance the reader’s understanding of the film.
For your thesis:
• Consider how the themes and concepts from your RAW essays interact to provide you with different angles from which to form an argument about your chosen film.
• Use tools for visual analysis and “The Method” on the film to generate specific, concrete details. You may focus your argument on two or more scenes (roughly 4-6 minute segments).
• Use those details to make an argument about how the film represents an issue, question or phenomenon. WA’s suggestions for X-Y thesis statements (icro) may be helpful.
For structuring your argument:
• Remember the principles of “Pan, Track, and Zoom” (WA 213-214) as you establish representative and complicating evidence .
• Remaining focused on the implications of specific details (“10 on 1,”WA :211-213) will help you avoid simple plot description.
• Use WA’s strategies for comparison/contrast (156-58) to help structure your argument. You might isolate an interesting similarity within a difference or an interesting difference within a similarity between scenes, or use the RAW essays to engage the film from differing perspectives.
For using the RAW essays:
• Put two RAW essays in conversation with each other as a means to advance your claim about the film.
• Use a claim or concept from each of the essays as lenses to develop, contextualize, and complicate your claims (WA 213-4). Test the limits of the essays’ usefulness.
Criteria for Evaluation:
• Focused, complex thesis that makes a claim about the film as a whole 50 points
• Analysis of specific details from the film; only brief#p#分頁標題#e#
and strategic plot summary75
*Purposeful engagement with http://www.mythingswp7.com/thesis_sample/ sources that enhances understanding of film 75
• Logical flow of ideas in paragraphs with transitions that develop and 25
Illustrate main points
• Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and MLA citation 25
250 points
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