留學生古代文學方面的英語dissertation指導-Chinese literature
Since ancient times, Chinese literary people have already recognized the great influence of natural regional culture on the customs of the region. Geographical environment not only affects local customs, but also affects the people living in it. Writers as creation subjects are also affected by the geographical environment. Natural regions and cultural environments have great influence on writer’s personality, psychology, and aesthetic attitude. Therefore, different regions nurture different literature styles. There are numerous thoughts on the relation between natural regional culture and literature although there are few books on it. The discussion of the relation between natural regional culture and literature are recorded in special geography works, official geography works, regional chronicles, Genus-book on geography, travel stories, bibliography, poems, Ci poems and so on.
Liu Xie (劉勰, 465-520 ) in Wen Xin Diao Long also discussed the relation between geographic environment and the styles of the writers. In Yin Xiu, there is such description that “朔風動衰草 邊馬有歸心,氣寒而事傷,此羈旅之怨曲也。”. This sentence means the north wind can make people feel pity for the grass, the cold weather make people feel sad. This is the usual feeling of the travelers. The feelings of the travelers are expressed in their writings. By this he states that geographic environment has great influence on literature style. In Wu Se, he came up with an important concept that is “江山之助”. “江山之助” means that with the facilitation of the natural environment people have different emotions. In his description, he wrote that “然屈平所以能洞監風騷之情者抑亦江山之助乎!” (The reason why Qu Yuan can completely comprehend the expressive function of poets and wrote so many famous works is the help of the landscape). He further gave an example and stated that to some extent the natural scenery of Chu helps and accelerates Qu Yuan’s success in literature. This also proves that natural environment have great impact on the works of literary people. Thereafter, the concept “江山之助” becomes one of the most important theoretic theme in traditional poems. This concept is accepted and applied by many poets. Wang Bo (王勃, 649-675 ) once wrote that “既謫岳州,而詩益悽惋,人謂得江山助。” which means that the style of the poem with poignant sadness is closely related to the natural environment in Yue Zhou. Song Qi (宋祁, 998-1061) also explicitly said that “江山之助,本出楚人多才” which means the reason why Chu has so many talented people is that the stimulation of the geographic environment of Chu. Fan Zhongyan (范仲淹, 989-1052 ) stated that “文藻云處,定喜江山助。” In his point of view, the outstanding works must have been stimulated by nature. Lu You (陸游, 1125-1210) in 偶讀舊稿有感 stated that “揮毫當得江山助,不瀟湘豈有詩。” He indicated that without the natural scenery of Xiao Xiang his works could not have been accomplished. Xu Wei explained that “文章本許江山助,藻翰元抽草木妍。” He stated that the soul of writing is from nature. Therefore, from the above statements we can easily understand that works of literature maintains close link to the natural environment.
In general the main thoughts on regional culture are from the following two aspects. One is about the study of the relationship between natural regional culture and literature. And the other is the North-South culture and the description and discussion of the distinction between the North-South cultures. In China the difference between North and South is huge since ancient times. There are a lot of studies on the differences of North and South. Accordingly, our ancestors form different literature views in different regions. Song Dynasty is famous for its achievement of Ci in literature. Ci, a genre of Chinese verses,saw it’s climax in Song dynasty within incomparable talented authors,great works,rich and colorful materials and charming styles; therefore,the study on Song Ci has been a highlight in the realm of classic literature. Song Ci has its own characteristics compared with Ci in other dynasties. The improvement of the political power and the economic status make the South develop quickly. The improvement of the status of the Southerners makes Ci have many features of the South. Since the 80s of last century, the academic world of China has paid much attention to rules of development from all angles on the regional culture-literature study. This thesis in accordance with the natural regional difference studies the description of natural regional culture and the emotion it contains in Song Ci. This thesis studies the description of “water” in Song Ci and analyses how regional culture is expressed through water. The region chosen is Jiang Xi province where breeds many famous Ci poets.
在一般區域文化的主要思想是從以下兩個方面。一個是關于自然區域文化與文學之間的關系的研究。另一種是南北文化和南北文化之間的區別的描述和討論。在中國北方和南方之間的區別是自古以來巨大。有很多關于南北的差異研究。因此,我們的祖先形成在不同的地區不同的文學觀點。宋代是著名的文學成就詞。慈,中國詩歌的體裁,看到了它的高潮,在無與倫比的才華的作家,偉大的作品,豐富多彩的材料和迷人的風格在宋代,因此,研究宋詞一直在古典文學領域??的一大亮點。宋慈與慈在其他朝代相比,其自身的特點。政治權力和經濟地位的提高使南方快速發展。的南方人的地位的提高,使慈有南方的許多功能。自上世紀80年代,中國的學術界非常重視發展的規律從地域文化 - 文學研究中的所有角度。本文按照自然區域差異研究自然地域文化的描述,它包含在宋詞的情感。本文研究的“水”在宋詞的描述和分析了區域文化是通過水來表示。選擇的地區是江淅省,那里孕育著許多著名的詞人。
2. The expression of natural regional culture in Song Ci
In the above chapter, the relationship between nature and literary works has been introduced. The following is the specific study on the relationship between Song Ci and natural regional culture.#p#分頁標題#e#
2.1 Regional culture
Regional culture refers to a relatively stable and distinctive culture, which is gradually formed in the long process of historical development of a specific region. This paper takes the relationship between Song Ci and the regional culture as the research objective. Topics are placed at a specific time (Song Dynasty), spatial (Northern and Southern Song territory) as the background. This thesis applies the research method of traditional classical literature, drawing on cultural geography, historical geography, other subjects and related theories, case studies. The regional culture of Song Dynast y had great influence on the Song Ci, including: The regional culture impelled the Song Ci to flourish and strongly stimulated the style of the creation of Song Ci; rapid development of southeast regional culture made the creation group of Ci writers assemble in Jiangxi, Zhejiang etc; the regional culture strongly influenced on Ci writer’s creation style through two aspects of physical geography environment and cultural geography environment; different regional culture repel led the Ci writer to change his creation style. Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (1979) in his Artistic Philosophy states that to understand one work, one need to study more about the nation which creates it, the customs and habits inspires it, and the environment it in . People are always live in one specific time and area and this specific time place create regional culture. People in this time and area are constrained and influenced by regional culture.
This research examines and interprets the relationship between Song Ci and regional culture. Zhu Xi states that there are two elements which can affect the article style. They are the temperament of the writer and regional cultural environment. Liu Xie in Wen Xin Diao Long also detailed the relationship between regional environment and the article style.
2.2 North and south regional culture
Different landscapes nurture different regional cultures. Chinese ancients have recognized the geographical and cultural differences between south and north long before. In Chinese ancient culture, North-South difference is larger than West-East difference. This is because China’s water systems mostly are from west to east. Big rivers effectively communicate upstream and downstream. However, these water systems also build the barrier to the two sides (North & South). On the other hand, owing to the difference of North and South, different geographical environments nourish different geographical culture. In Chinese geography, Qin Ling-Huai River is the boundary of North and South. South and north geographical environment vary considerably. Specifically, the climate in the northern is temperate monsoon climate and in the south is subtropical monsoon climate. The landscape of the north is plateau and plains. In the south, the landscape is mountainous and there are many rivers. Geographical difference leads to the difference in production and living. In transportation, the north has many pastures which are suitable to rear livestock, therefore, horses are popular transportation tools. In the south, there are many developed water systems and waters can carry boats, therefore, water transport is developed. On eating habits, the north is appropriate for wheat which prefers cold weather and is drought-resistant; therefore, the staple food in the north is noodle. While in the south, there is abundant rich rice, so the staple food is rice. In language, in the north because of the flat terrain, traffic is relatively convenient; therefore, the language is relatively simple. However, the south is mountainous and there are dense forests so that the traffic is blocked and the internal communication is not successful. Therefore, there formed a rich and complex dialect area. But relatively speaking, the northern area is developed earlier, so before the Northern Song Dynasty, China’s political center was in the north. The southern part has rough terrain, high mountains, dense forests, a hot climate, abundant rainfall, therefore, it is difficult for the ancients to live and the South was developed later. However, with the beginning of Northern Song Dynasty and the development of society, China’s social-cultural and economic center is moving toward south. #p#分頁標題#e#
After the Song Dynasty, the discussion about the difference of north and south in geographical and cultural differences is more. Taking the Song Dynasty as an example, Song Qi once said Southeast had thin soil and shallow water and various living creatures. Thus, this area is wealth and the people are weak. its not too heavy man rob, extravagant food and drag on, who just cowardly and less brittle, narrow of the service. Why Northwest was like this? He pointed out that its highland and cold water lead to the scarcity of the living creatures. The people there were diligent. Therefore, they are indomitable. Song Qi’s analysis is quite similar to the studies of the previous generations. Their thoughts were generally along the geographical position - regional property - regional cultural character. It is quite popular in the Song Dynasty to study the people, matters, and works from the view of the difference of regional culture. In addition, the adaptation theory of English man P•Roxby, the human ecological theory of American man H﹒Barros and the cultural landscape theory presented by German Schluter and Carl﹒Sur in geographic world also discussed the relationship between culture and geography.
The study of geographers on the man-land relationship and the thinking on geography and civilization continue to influence regional culture - literature.
Tao Hongjing (陶弘景, 456-536)in 答謝中書compared Jiang Nan to paradise. He described the scenery like this:
山川之美,古來共談。高峰入云,清流見底。兩岸石壁,五色交輝。青林翠竹,四時俱備。(The beauty of the mountain and river is talked from ancient times. The peaks of the mountain impale into the cloud. The bottom of the river is easy to see. On the both sides of the river, the stone is colorful because of the reflection of the water. The trees and bamboos are verdant.) From his Ci, it is easy to find that all the words are praising the scenery in Jiang Nan. The first sentence praises that the beauty of the mountain and river is discussed from ancient times. After his description of the scenery there, he concluded that Jiang Nan is a real paradise. There is no other place can compete with the scenery there.
Jiang Xi is on the borders between the two kingdoms Wu and Chu. Therefore, it has been an advantageous area. Since ancient times, Jiang Xi has the reputation of “文章節義之邦,白鶴魚米之國” (Jiang Xi is a friendly place and is abundant in natural resources). Ci is of course one of the precious pearls in Jiang Xi. Many poets and Ci writers aroused in this place and create huge success. Gerritsen states that (2007, p15) the population of Jiangxi increased significantly during Song. Jiangxi produced 5400 jinshi degree holder during the Northern and Southern Song dynasties .
2.3 Song Dynasty regional culture
The previous part reviews the study on regional culture of China. This article studies the natural regional culture of Song Dynasty from the regional culture - literature research perspective. Although in Song dynasty, China did not have strong national strength, its position in the history and culture in China is quite important. Song dynasty culture is a new stage of Chinese ancient culture. It is not only reached the peak but also served as a link between the past and the future. In space, regional characteristics are more prominent. Ci is the best representative of the Song Dynasty literature. Although academic world still has controversial over that if the achievement of Song Ci is more than Song poems. However, it is an indisputable fact that the Song Ci matured and reaching the top in Song Dynast. Thus taking Song Ci as the achievement of Song Dynasty is quite reasonable. This thesis choosing regional culture - literary perspective on the development of Song Ci is based on the regional characteristics of Song culture and literature.Chen Yinke (1980) states that “華夏民族之文化,歷數千載之演進,造極于趙宋之世。” (the culture of the Chinese nation went through thousands of years and matured in Song Dynasty). Song as pinnacle of ancient Chinese culture has various regional culture. The changing and imperfection of the layout in Song is the initial causes of regional cultural-literary sense. #p#分頁標題#e#
Late Tang and the political separatism of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms strengthened the uniqueness of the regional culture and also cultivated the concept of regional cultural literary. Southern Song Dynasty the north was occupied by Jin Dynasty, therefore, the isolation between regions was further deepened and the regional culture formed its own characteristics. This also contributed to the profound realization of regional culture-literature of Song people. The political regionalism of Song people makes it easy to cultivate Song regional culture of literacy. In the selection of personnel the Song monarchs and government officials have a strong regional concept. The rise in political status of the Southern people makes the Northern people feel depressed, so the estrangement on their thoughts between to areas became more serious. It is easy to observe that the geographical distribution of North Song Dynasty poets is unbalanced. We can say that the achievement of the South is in poetry, while the North in text. The northern region is grandness northern literature is solemn and the south is delicate, the Southern literature is tasteful. Their characteristics are in accordance with their different geography and culture. The geographical and cultural characteristics of Song Ci are also quite obvious. In terms of dictions, the southern Ci is amorous and the northern Ci is dynamical. In terms of tone, the southern Ci is silvery and the northern Ci is deep. The main difference is that the northern Ci is rough and the southern Ci is week. The North and South deviations of Song Ci are also affected by the regional culture. As Xie Zhangting (謝章鋌, 1820-1903 ) once pointed out that the soft Southern water and warm mountains have great impact on vaguely Southern Song characteristics . In 1905, Liu Shipei (劉師培) in his The Difference of North-South literature describes that one of the huge difference is voice and the other is water and soil .Wang Guowei thinks that the North School and South School can not be reconciled in literature. The North School is emotional and the South School is full of imagination .
Mr. Yang Haiming(1998)in his Tang and Song History of Ci directly put forward “Southern literature” . Wang Zhaopeng and Liu Xue (2003)in Statistical Analysis of the Song Writers discovered that the development of Song Ci is mainly reflected on the development of the South. From geographical distribution of the authors, the vast majority of the writers of Song Ci are southerners.Over 80% of the writers are southerners and about 78% of the works are created by southerners. Integrating all sorts of data and material we can get such an analysis that most of the Song Ci writers are southerners and most of them are from Jiang Xin. In Tang Guizhang’s collection of Ci--Tang and Song Ci, there are 1397 writers and over 170 of them are from Jiang Xi province, accounting for ten percent of them. Jiang Xi Ci writers have made tremendous contributions to the exploitation and development of Song Ci. Three of the four famous Ci poets (Yan Shu, Zhang Xian, Yan Jidao, Ouyang Xiu) are from Jiang Xi. In the South Song Dynasty, the poets of Xin School such as Liu Guo, Zhao Shankuo, Yang Zhengyan and Xin Qiji are all live in Jiang Xi province. Although Xin Qiji himself is not a local peopel of Jiang Xi, he spent most of his time there and died there. 350 out of his 626 Cis are written in Jiang Xi province. In the top 30 rank of great Ci poets, most of them lived in Jiang Xi, Jiang Su, Zhe Jiang. This is inseparable from the development of regional culture in the southeast region. Beautiful landscape, prosperous cities and comparatively high educational level made the South the producing center and consuming center of Ci. The rich regional culture nurtures a large number of outstanding Ci writers.#p#分頁標題#e#
In short, Song regional culture – literature is distinctive. Since the 20th century, the academic world is also quite concerned about the regional culture and literature