會計留學生dissertation制定-Report on PMRS applying on Blue Moon
Executive summary
Nowadays the completion between companies have become fiercer, most companies have adopt some strategy to improve this situation. The author thinks PMRS is a good approach. This essay will analyze PMRS applying on Blue Moon. Blue Moon has applied PMRS in the year 2012, but in the year 2013, they faced some problems. The author has concludes the concerns of the directors and provides some new measurement. And at the last part of this essay, the author puts forward a new approach for the company, SWOT approach. With new measurement and new approach, Blue Moon will acquire a better performance in 2013.
1. Introduction
Now the development of Blue Moon has faced a fierce situation. There are some competitors offer a lower price and others offer some new service, customers can book a boat online and design some detail of their boat. In order to offer customers a better boat with better quality and lower price. For a consistent and long development, Blue Moon should enhance its ability improve the brand and embrace the new strategy. The company decides implement a new stagey, the performance measure and reward system namely PMRS, with this system, the company can evaluate and reward the department directors. And the final objective is controlling the cost of the company.
2. The three elements of PMRS
Blue Moon has applied PMRS in the year 2012, and most of the directors have met the budget. The applying of PMRS in a company includes two major steps the design of PMRS and the operation of PMRS. Now the author introduces the three elements of PMRS.#p#分頁標題#e#
PMRS includes two major parts, performance measurement and rewards. And performance measurement includes two elements and rewards include one element(Ammons, David N, 1995). The first element is the factor (performance) to be measured, there are many factors can be used to measure performance. The factors always used include direct materials cost, customer satisfaction, defect rates, assignment completion, market share and so on. Each factor can be used to be the measurement tool, in reality operation the factors can combined to apply. And the second element is a specific performance target(Ammons, David N., Charles Coe, and Michael Lombardo, 2001). Generally, a measure factor has corresponded target. For example, when measuring direct materials cost, the possible performance should be budget direct materials cost. The last element is a reward attached to the performance target, when the staff or department directors have reached the set goal, company should give some rewards to their staff. The rewards can be divided into extrinsic rewards and intrinsic rewards. Staffs get extrinsic rewards from the company it may include monetary bonuses or “employee of the Month” awards. And intrinsic rewards is a feel of satisfy that acquired from doing the task; it may be improvement of oneself, achievement and enjoyment.
In the year 2012, Blue Moon has used the system and chooses costs, time, ROI as three factors to set target for their staff, when reach the budget the company would distribute corresponded rewards. Generally speaking, factors can have different styles, they can be financial or non financial, quantitative or qualitative, short-term or long-term, external or internal, flexible or inflexible, subjective or objective. But Blue Moon only measure financial index. And in the year 2013, Rob hope reducing the budget of costs, but it hard for directors. So with the consideration of real situation, the company should have an analysis on PMRS. And company should know clearly the role of PMRS on directional and motivational influence.
3. The role of PMRS on directional and motivational influence
From the above part, the author knows that PMRS has a factor, a target and rewards elements. The three elements have lead to directional and motivational influence on behavior.
3.1 A directional influence on behavior
When using PMRS, the company will set target on several on several factors, Blue Moon has set objective on costs, time, ROI. They have a standard costs, time, ROI number, so the staff must work hard to reach this standard or even surpass this standard. The standard leads a direction for their daily work. For a specify example, the company can measure the performance of distribution director through market share, and the target performance of 2012 is maintain the market share. So the distribution director should maintain the market share or even get more market.#p#分頁標題#e#
3.2 A motivational influence on behavior
Reward is a main element of PMRS, just as the distribution director said; he did not want to work for free. So with no reward, people will not work hard for the company, even the company has set a serious of targets, but completing the targets has no rewards, no one will work, then the company cannot achieve their goal. So reward has a motivational influence on behavior.
4. The detailed limitations of Blue Moons' PMRS
In the year 2013, the company has faced some problems to apply PMRS. And directors all increase the budget of their cost in 2013. This will increase the cost of all the company and the company cannot raise their price, so they will win less profit. And when asking the directors to cut their budgets, they have a lot problem and they think this is not good for the long development of the company. Every director has his own concern; the author will introduce their concern in the next problems.
5. The specific dysfunctional behaviors Blue Moon's three Directors have engaged in
The three directors have face different problems and have different concern. First for creative directors, he has some press on finish prototypes. The time is not enough for him to complete a satisfied prototype, and production department also cannot produce good production. So some customers are disappoint for our company, this is not good for the company. And for production director, he wants to produce high quality and innovation boats for clients. But he needs the best equipment and skilled workers. These all need to increase costs. But in order to attain the target of PMRS, he agrees the idea to cut maintain. This will harm the development of the company. And for distribution director, some target cannot reflect his work, for example ROI. And some potential market has found, but it cannot acquire rewards. And decrease the cost will lead the dissatisfy feel of customers, this is bad for company. Performance measures of the PMRS have some room to improve.
6. Recommendations for new performance measures
From the concern of the three directors, the author provides some new performance measures for different directors. First for creative directors, he need more time to design the boat, so the company can give him more time, but increase another target to measure his performance, the satisfaction of customs. The production acquire more satisfaction, he can acquire a longer time and correspond bonus. And for production director, cost cannot be the only measurement, high quality and innovation boats is good for the company, with high quality and innovation boats, higher price will also has customers. So company can supply some fund for production department, but the profit of the company cannot decrease. They have a net profit target. Distribution director needs money to develop more distributors, the company cannot only cut cost. The target should not be cutting cost, but can setting different cost standard for different distribution. The company must use the least cost to acquire the biggest profit.#p#分頁標題#e#
7. Conclusion
PMRS sometimes has some limitations, so when apply it, company will face some difficult, but it is an effective tool for company to improve their ability. And this approach is a tool to improve the internal ability of the company. Here the author introduces SWOT approach for the company, it can measure internal and external situation of the company.
SWOT analysis approach is a strategy analysis approach. It analyses the internal strength and weakness and external opportunity and threat of the company and try to find the core competition (Chang-Yuan Gao, 2011). And we can see that SW represents internal factors of the company and OT represents external factors of the company. Based on company strategy theory, company strategy is the things a company can do (strength and weakness) and possible do (opportunity and threat) (Hsu-Hsi Chang, 2006). Compared with other analysis approaches, SWOT analysis has the characteristic of structure and system. For structure aspect, SWOT analysis gives different meaning for different areas. For the content aspect, SWOT analysis emphasis analyzing external and internal resource with structure analysis (L.A. Leskinen, P, 2006). Early in 1960s, there some scholars suggest the analysis of strength and weakness of the internal company and opportunity and threat for the external company. But they did not combined these factors together and analysis them alone (J. Ma, Z.P. Fan, 2006). SWOT analysis combined these factors to do comprehensive analysis to make it more scientific to make plan for company. Now fierce complete is a major problem that Blue Moon faced, so if Blue Moon want to win other completers, Blue Moon should know them better and then improve Blue Moon, except PMRS , the author also think SWOT can be applied in the company .
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