1. Introduction
Following the assessment of the amount of emissions to air from shipping in chapter 3 and the effect on climate and ozone described in chapter 4, this chapter focus on alternatives for reduction of emissions to air from ships. In the following both technical and operational measures are presented.
The assessment of various options was performed with both a short term and long term perspective. In the context of this report, short term is closely related to availability of technical measures. As applicability of various measures may be different for new and existing ships, the discussion of the various technical alternatives was divided into one part concerning new ships and one part concerning existing ships.
2. Short-term considerations – applying state-of-the-art knowledge
短期考慮 - 國家的最先進的應用知識
2.1. Hull and propeller: new ships
This section focuses on the energy savings that can be obtained by application of current technology within hydrodynamics (hull and propeller ) on new ships. Energy savings can then be easily converted into emission reductions.
International merchant shipping is a highly economically optimised business. Fuel cost is a major operating cost of most merchant ships. Ship designs are usually fairly well optimised with respect to maximum profitability. Thus, one should expect that there is not much efficiency to be gained by better design and selection of propulsion systems without changing the external economic conditions. Also in this section, measures that are not currently profitable will be discussed.
The energy savings obtained by different measures can be very accurately predicted for a specific ship. However, savings will in most cases vary between different ship categories and even between ships of the same category. Due to this, the general presentation presented in this chapter was supported by the case study presented in chapter 6.
Hull Design
It is reasonable to expect that due to the significant effort put into hull optimisation for many years, there should be little potential left for improvement. Experience from work in the MARINTEK towing tank however indicates that reduction of power in the order of 20% may still be gained by relatively minor changes to the bow and/or stern on a vessel. From this experience, one might conclude that there is still a significant potential for power savings by good hull design, and that hull optimisation must be carefully performed by specialists for each new hull design.
To try to quantify a typical potential for energy savings by hull design, MARINTEK’s database of model test results was used to estimate best and worst speed-power curve for typical categories of large contributors to CO2 emissions identified in the emission inventory study in chapter 3. This was done by normalising results in the MARINTEK database for each of the ship category back to the size of a typical case ships (further described in chapter 6) and then drawing estimated best and worst curves as shown in Appendix 4. The results of this approach show very large potentials for reduction – in the order of 30%.
Figure 5-1 - Example of speed-power curve for tanker case ship, included predicted best power level
To exploit this potential one must have full freedom in selecting optimum main dimensions. This is not the case in practice, where limitations in harbours and canals usually restrict selection of main dimensions. Thus, 5 – 20% is considered more realistic, and in line with experience from work in the towing tank. The reference for this reduction is taken as the average of the fleet that is basis for the case-ship study.#p#分頁標題#e#