The overall aim of the learning and teaching strategy is to encourage you to take responsibility for
your own learning within a supportive environment, developing self and dissertation management
skills along the way.
A range of resources are available to you including:
• This handbook
• Research Methods Lectures
• Dissertation lecture in Semester 1
• Support sessions in Semester 2 and over the summer
• Advanced library tutorials
• Your Dissertation Supervisor
This section details the supervision arrangements and mutual expectations for Postgraduate students
and their dissertation supervisors. It also includes advice as to how to get the most from your
5.1 The role of the supervisor
A supervisor will be allocated to you on the basis of the title of your proposed dissertation and on
what you have written in your Dissertation Proposal Form. Whilst the exact nature of the role of
supervisor may vary, they will all undertake to:
Discuss the proposal for the dissertation
Agree on the approach to be adopted and timetable of work
Give guidance on reading (as appropriate)
Give advice on structure and presentation
Give advice and feedback on the acceptability of www.ukthesis.com elements of student draft chapters.
information on your dissertation topic. Obtaining this material inevitably is your responsibility.
Since the expertise of the School is extensive the supervisor may be able to refer you to another
member of academic staff. However, it should be emphasised that the onus of responsibility for the
dissertation rests with you, the student, and that the role of supervisor is one of guidance and not
dependency. Your supervisor may wish to complete a progress sheet of supervision (Appendix C)
or ask you to take and submit ‘minutes’ after each meeting, summarising your discussion and
agreed actions.
Please note: if you send work after the date agreed with your supervisor, and particularly send work
at the last minute, you cannot expect your supervisor to have the time to do the necessary checks.
Supervisors will not normally read and/ or comment on a complete draft close to the deadline for
submission. You should establish, with your supervisor, the last date on which they will receive a
complete draft. In addition, your supervisor cannot be expected to correct English. You should
make use of the service provided by the English Language Institute in the University, and your
supervisor may direct you to this service if they feel it is necessary.
Once you have agreed your methodology with your Supervisor, you must also complete and sign a
separate Ethical Issues in Research form (Appendix G). If you have not completed this and had it
signed by your supervisor, you will not be able to proceed with your data collection. If you require
ethical approval, you will be given further instructions. Students who collect data without the
necessary approval will be asked to destroy any data collected, and if this becomes apparent
when the dissertation is marked, the dissertation will be failed.
5.2 Supervision meetings
You must arrange to meet your supervisor in March and June and three times between July and
September. These latter meetings should be agreed with your supervisor. Remember that your
Supervisor will be supervising other dissertations and that they have to share their time fairly.
Please also ensure that you establish the availability of your supervisor over the summer, as it is
likely that your supervisor will not be available throughout the period. By doing this you can plan
your time effectively.
The following points are intended as guidance for you regarding your responsibilities during the
process of supervision. Taking control of these meetings will ensure that all parties benefit.#p#分頁標題#e#
Be well prepared
Make sure you have read any texts suggested
Note down any problems you have and discuss strategies to overcome them
Have a clear view on how the dissertation is progressing
Submit written work well in advance of the meeting for discussion
Remember that this is your dissertation and you are expected to guide the meeting.
Make notes during meetings and keep a record of what has been discussed and agreed – your
supervisor may ask you to submit this to them. Before ending the meeting with your supervisor
think about whether you have:
Raised all the key issues
Agreed the date of the next meeting and discussed future work
5.2.1 Suggestions for meetings
The following notes may help to focus your ideas on the purpose of each meeting at the different
stages of the supervision process. It should be emphasised that the following are only suggestions,
and you and your supervisor may decide on your own approach to supervision, eg: group
supervision, by email etc.
First Meeting (after submission of proposal)
• Feedback on Dissertation Proposal
• Progress Update
• Discuss any difficulties
• Consider the overall structure of dissertation
• Discuss progress as above
• Review time-plan
Second Meeting
feedback on literature review
finalise methods
Ethical issues form introduced here
Subsequent Meetings
Discuss detailed aspects of your methodology
Approval of research instruments, as appropriate
Submit preliminary draft of methodology for feedback.
Submit a final draft of your dissertation by the agreed date.
為了提高此模塊的學分獎勵的門檻標準,你必須展示學習成果的實現模塊中的描述和說明。 “
In order to achieve the threshold standard for the award of credits for this module, you must
demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes and described in the module description. The
pass mark is 50%.
6.1 Assessment criteria
The dissertation will be assessed on the weighted criteria listed in Appendix A.
6.2 Marking process
Your dissertation will be marked independently by two academic staff, one of whom will be your
supervisor. Your grade is agreed by these two markers and will be ratified by External Examiners
and the Board of Examiners. As you are at the end of your studies, qualitative feedback on your
dissertation is not automatically forwarded to you. If you would like feedback, please contact your
supervisor who will arrange for it to be sent to you by email.
6.3 What if I need an extension?
There is no automatic right to an extension.
If you believe significant extenuating circumstances will prevent you from submitting your
dissertation on time (for example sustained serious illness), please inform your supervisor and
submit an extenuating circumstances form as well as a programme extension registration form by
17 August 2012. This will be forwarded to the Director of Postgraduate Studies for consideration.
Any extension form will need to be accompanied by supporting evidence. Please note: IT failure is
not a valid extenuating circumstance at any stage of the dissertation – keep regular back-ups! Please
read the extension regulation in the PG Handbook, which also includes the forms you need to
complete. Please ensure that you request an extension by the deadline above, as extension requests
will not be considered after this date or retrospectively.
6.4 What happens if I fail?!
The pass mark for the dissertation is 50%. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of
achieving a mark below 50% you will be advised by the Board of Examiners as to whether you can
resubmit your dissertation. Dissertation can not be considered for compensation. In most cases, a
second submission is permitted within 6-months of the Board of Examiners, usually based on the
original work improved using the feedback from markers. The maximum mark that can be achieved
on resubmission is 50%.
If you are told that you have failed, you should contact your supervisor who will summarise the
feedback from the two markers to guide your resubmission. They will meet with you once to
confirm that you understand the feedback and what you need to do. They will also look over one
draft of the work that you intend to resubmit, and give general feedback. The draft must reach the
supervisor no later than one month before the resubmission date.