dissertation題目:To what extent can the British political system be described as democratic?
dissertation語言:英語dissertation English
dissertation用于:Pre Undergraduate Assignment 本科預科essay
按照essay格式來寫.文中引用部分需要有harvard style的reference.在dissertation的最后需要有Bibliographical sections.(列出引用的書目,作者,出版社等等)如果有一段較長的引用,如4-5句話的情況,需要設置為居中格式,字體較小.
Coxall,B. et al;(2011) British Politics, Second Edition Palgrave Macmillan
Kavanagh D.et al, British Politics 2006 OUP
Goodwin B, Using Concepts in Politics,fifth edition 2007, Wiley
McNaughton N,Government and Politics for AS: success in Politics, second edition 2008, Hodder
Peele G, Governing the UK, 2004, Blackwell.
Norton P, Does Parliament Matter? 1993, Harvester Wheatsheaf
Politics Coursework 1 Writing Frame
To what extent can the British political system be described as democratic?
This essay argues that the British political system... <What is your overall judgement for how democratic the system is?>
The main reasons for this judgement are...
In making this argument, my criteria for judging a democracy is... <discuss your definition of democracy>
My justification for using this criteria is ... <Give reasons for this definition>
In order to assess the British political system I will discuss <List the main parts of the system you will be writing about, e.g Legislature, executive, etc>
The first element of the British political http://www.mythingswp7.com/dissertation_sample/ system that must be assessed is the legislature... Briefly outline how this works in Britain – House of Commons & House of Lords
- Discuss the most and least democratic elements of the legislature – aim to use arguments from texts you have read, using references
- Conclude your paragraph with a judgement on how democratic the legislature of Britain is that backs up the overall argument in the introduction. Also include any qualifications on this mini-conclusion#p#分頁標題#e#
Having discussed the legislature, the role of the executive in Britain must be assessed....
Briefly outline how this works in Britain – Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Queen and the royal prerogative powers held by the Prime Minister and his/her ministers
- Discuss the most and least democratic elements of the executive – aim to use arguments from texts you have read, using references
- Conclude your paragraph with a judgement on how democratic the executive of Britain is that backs up the overall argument in the introduction. Also include any qualifications on this mini-conclusion
This essay has shown that there are certainly limitations in the extent to which the British system meets my criteria for a modern democracy. However, in recent years there have been efforts at constitutional reform in Britain....
- Discuss some that are ongoing, e.g. House of Lords reform, and voting system reform (you can use references to news stories on this), and alternative ideas that you may have thought of – think back to your poster work on voting systems
- Discuss if some of these proposed reforms were introduced, would it change your judgement on how democratic the British system is
- Then discuss how likely these reforms will come into effect, e.g. The big defeat for referendum on Alternative Vote in 2011, how high priority is House of Lords reform compared to all the other issues governments have to deal with, do most of those in power qq:923678151consider these democratic problems actual problems that need to be dealt with?
In conclusion, the British political system...
- Re-state your argument and summarise the key points
- Mention any qualifications on this argument
- Mention any future areas of research or issues http://www.mythingswp7.com/dissertation_sample/ that you have not mentioned that could affect your judgement in a future essay.
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