Business essay代寫參考-美國外國投資和石油委員會。本文是一篇由本站留學生代寫服務提供的Business essay代寫參考,主要內容是講述頁巖氣產量的增加導致了天然氣價格的下跌,這使美國的許多能源公司陷入了金融動蕩,因此需要投資者籌集資金。這一點在2013年中化集團與先鋒自然資源公司就Wolfcamp Shale 40%的股份進行的交易以及切薩皮克能源公司與中石化就密西西比石灰合資企業進行的低價出售中可見一斑。先鋒自然資源等公司正在尋找非常規天然氣以外的機會,而中化集團的交易有助于為利潤更豐厚的非常規石油開發提供資金。下面就一起來看一下這篇Business essay代寫參考的具體內容。
Increased shale gas production has resulted in a low natural gas price that has put many energy companies in the US in financial turmoil – and are, thereby, in need of investors to raise capital. This is evident in the deals between Sinochem and Pioneer Natural Resources for a 40% stake of the Wolfcamp Shale and Chesapeake Energy’s low selling price for the Mississippi Lime joint venture with Sinopec, both in 2013. Firms like Pioneer Natural Resources were looking for opportunities outside unconventional natural gas, and the Sinochem deal helps to finance the more lucrative development of unconventional oil.
Moreover, these investments by the Chinese in the US has helped deepen ties between the two countries, resulting in further collaboration on the exploration for unconventional natural gas, outside of the United States.
Foreign investment and international cooperation in the energy sector are essential for a vibrant modern economy. Chinese investment in the U.S. energy sector has the potential to provide tremendous benefits for both America and China. America’s renewed focus on domestic production and overwhelming need for expansion of the domestic energy infrastructure has left U.S. companies hungry for investment capital. The persistently high levels of unemployment and the jobs that those investments would create add further incentives to support these efforts.
Although Chinese investments may benefit the United States economy/companies or the US – China bilateral relationship, the ones by state -owned or state -controlled entities, in particular, have been a constant concern for the US Government, with fears that these investments may be with other strategic goals in mind and could, potentially, pose risks to its economic and national security.
Several cases have garnered the Federal attention and their corresponding intervention, such as CNOOC’s purchase of Nexen, a Canadian energy company with ties to US, as well as the Wanxiang Group’s purchase of the battery maker A123 Systems. Recently, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) reviewed several cases in which foreign purchases of domestic energy companies created national security concerns.
有幾個案例引起了聯邦政府的關注和相應的干預,例如中海油收購與美國有聯系的加拿大能源公司Nexen,以及萬向集團收購電池制造商A123 Systems。最近,美國外國投資委員會審查了幾起外國收購國內能源公司引發國家安全擔憂的案件。
Third Example: In a third case, CFIUS blocked the development of a wind project purchased by Chinese-owned Ralls Corp. from a Greek energy firm called Terna Energy. The wind project, located in Oregon, would connect turbines to a regional electrical grid located near a U.S. Navy facility. A Presidential order forced Ralls to divest all of its interests due to national security risks.
第三個例子:在第三個案例中,美國外國投資委員會阻止了中國Ralls Corp.從希臘能源公司Terna energy購買的一個風電項目的開發。該風電項目位于俄勒岡州,將把渦輪機連接到美國海軍設施附近的地區電網。由于國家安全風險,總統的一項命令迫使Ralls剝離其所有利益。
Pending CFIUS approval, the China National Offshore Oil Company Ltd (CNOOC) sought to buy Canadian oil and gas company Nexen Inc for $15.1 billion. Nexen controlled oil in the Gulf of Mexico, the Long Lake oil sands project located in Alberta, and the world’s third-largest crude storehouse. CFIUS approved the sale, but due to the project’s proximity to strategic Department of Defense locations in the Gulf, CNOOC must adhere to a broad range of security measures.
中國海洋石油總公司試圖以151億美元收購加拿大石油和天然氣公司Nexen Inc。Nexen控制著墨西哥灣的石油,位于阿爾伯塔省的Long Lake油砂項目,以及世界第三大原油倉庫。美國外國投資委員會批準了這筆交易,但由于該項目靠近海灣地區的國防部戰略要地,中海油必須遵守廣泛的安全措施。
CFIUS forced similar concessions in a deal between Wanxiang Group Co., China’s largest auto-parts maker, and a bankrupt electric-car battery company called A123 Systems, Inc. Wanxiang acquired A123’s automotive, grid, and commercial business assets for $256.6 million. The CFIUS would not allow Wanxiang to receive A123 government grants or purchase U.S. government contracts due to security concerns, so a U.S. firm called Navitas Systems LLC purchased these contracts instead.
在中國最大的汽車零部件制造商萬向集團有限公司與破產的汽車電池公司A123 Systems,股份有限公司的交易中,CFIUS做出了類似的讓步。萬向以2.566億美元收購了A123的汽車、電網和商業業務資產。出于安全考慮,美國外國投資委員會不允許萬向獲得A123政府撥款或購買美國政府合同,因此一家名為Navitas Systems LLC的美國公司購買了這些合同。
In 2005, the U.S. Congress (citing security concerns) effectively blocked the attempt by China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) to buy Unocal for an estimated $18.5 billion, which had a chilling effect on Chinese investment in U.S. energy assets for several years. However, such investments have been on the upswing since CNOOC’s 2010 and 2011 investments (totalling approximately $2.4 billion) in shale projects led by Cheasapeake Energy Corp.
2005年,美國國會(以安全問題為由)有效阻止了中國海洋石油總公司以約185億美元收購優尼科的企圖,這對中國在美國能源資產的投資產生了幾年的寒蟬效應。然而,自2010年和2011年中海油對Cheasapeake Energy Corp.領導的頁巖項目的投資(總額約24億美元)以來,此類投資一直在上升。
The blocked cases demonstrate that, while the projects comply with energy initiatives between the U.S. and China, they raise concerns about U.S. national security. China’s ability to infiltrate U.S. power systems, the transfer of key technologies to China, and the proximity of foreign-controlled projects to sensitive military facilities are several of the concerns that account for the CFIUS’s thorough review of recent Chinese purchases, since critical U.S. infrastructure and energy grids are vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
In a recent Wall Street Journal interview, CNOOC’s CEO said that they “learned [that] we need to be more prudent in terms of public relations and political lobbying when dealing with such a big deal. We now understand American politics better.”
Given the current political climate in America, Chinese investors would also do well to pay attention to the biggest driver in American politics today by adding a 4th pillar to the model, namely:考慮到美國當前的政治氣候,中國投資者也應該關注當今美國政治的最大驅動力,在模型中增加第四個支柱,即:
Create U.S. jobs, quantify and publicize job creation and U.S. economic impact, and come to the table with U.S. unions.
In January 2012, Sinopec invested $2.2 billion for a one-third stake in oil and gas fields being developed by Devon Energy in Louisiana, Mississippi, Ohio, Colorado, and Michigan.
In March of 2011, LDK Solar, a large Chinese manufacturer of solar cells invested $33 million in Solar Power Inc., of Roseville, California, boosting a company with 60 employees.
A large order and sizable investment from Winston Battery of Shenzhen, China allowed MVP RV of Riverside, California, a maker of recreational vehicles, to stay in business, saving a company that employs 250 people from bankruptcy.
China state-owned Anshan Iron & Steel Group invested $175 million for about a 14 percent stake in a Mississippi rebar plant being built by Steel Development Co (an American startup), creating up to 1,000 construction jobs and 200 permanent manufacturing jobs.
2011年3月,中國大型太陽能電池制造商LDK Solar向加利福尼亞州羅斯維爾的Solar Power股份有限公司投資3300萬美元,使該公司擁有60名員工。
來自中國深圳的Winston Battery的大量訂單和巨額投資使休閑車制造商加利福尼亞州河濱的MVP RV得以繼續經營,使一家擁有250名員工的公司免于破產。
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