How to write an argumentative essay outline?By now you have figured out how much you are going to have to write in college. You will have to compose many types of essays on many different issues, and one of the papers is the argumentative essay. This article is here to provide you with all the argumentative essay writing help you need.This article provides you with relevant writing argumentative essay tips, steps and examples for your reference.
一.how to choose a topic
If your professor or instructor does not assign you a specific topic, you’ll need to choose it yourself! Finding what to write about is not as easy as it seems. Ideally, you write about the issue you are familiar with. Do you know enough about the subject matter to expand on its ideas and collect the necessary evidence? Tackling a topic that you are not interested in won’t take you anywhere. You will hardly impress your instructor with an unenthusiastic piece of work. If you already have an inspiration for writing about something, feel free to wrap it up into a smart piece of work.
Remember that you should always focus on your target audience. By knowing your reader, you can adjust the plot to individual needs and preferences. Whether you write for college students or professors, you will have to apply a bit different approach in the language choice and writing format. Every sentence, word, and even letter can make a difference to the final result.
If you are still not sure, you should consider organizing your ideas into a list. By writing down any idea that comes to your mind, you will gain a better overview of the possible argument topics. After you choose the most appealing option, you need to examine it from different perspectives. For example, you can consider writing about “the effects of economic crisis on the fashion industry.”
二.how to write an argumentative essay outline
Do you need to create one now? Then read this article to get all the necessary information, and you will definitely construct a great argumentative essay outline. Ready? Then let’s begin. When you finish reading this article, you should be able to create an important and powerful writing.
1.Argumentative Essay Structure: Main Points
Let’s start with the argumentative structure of an essay, which serves as a base for the paper and its outline. This will show you what to write in it. When you get ready to put pen to paper, the first thing you construct is a plan. Outline is the plan that people use to write papers.
What exactly is an argumentative essay? This is exactly the sort of assignment that is usually expected for a student in the academic world. It uses cases that you develop in order to prove your thesis. It is structured as a five-paragraph composition and contains:
An intro
Main body paragraphs with arguments
A rebuttal of opponent’s arguments
A conclusion
In the next section, we want to discuss parts of the outline in greater detail, so that you can write an outline for argumentative essay for college on your own.
2.Outline Sections In Detail
Now, let’s move on to considering elements of an argumentative essay outline and what should be included. By looking at examples, you can get a clear picture of what to expect, and be able to succeed in writing a good college essay outline. As you write an outline, you should put all thesis statement ideas and positions on paper in point form, briefly. It will make your work simple.
3.The Introduction As an Anchor Of Your Point
Next, let’s look at the introduction as the start of your composition. Craft your writing in a form with bullets, so as to make clear what you will be discussing. Pay attention to this part, this is where you state thesis and grab reader’s attention. Put in it:
Your thesis or main statement
The anchor sentence with which you plan to start
Additional background info if needed
Start with the anchor or hook, in order to catch attention. Make them read your first sentence so that they will want to keep reading. Then add some background information, and finally, state points, which could be the basis of your declaration or main idea of the paper.
For example:
Thesis: Cholesterol is essential for human health, and low cholesterol may lead to premature death.
Hook or anchor: Do you think that cholesterol is harmful? This myth has been debunked by scientists. Read on to see how insufficient or non-existent amounts of cholesterol can lead to death.
4.Thoughts and Proofs
Now moving on to the main part of your argumentative essay outline: the body, and what to include in each paragraph. Your body should be divided into two parts: claims and ideas, and the examination of opponent’s thoughts with rejections.
First, we should look at your case, which you as a student of philosophy, science, or a social science, will have to develop. In your plan, pour out all points, every idea, every fact that you have researched. Any evidence that you consider relevant, any information that proves your thesis. Use:
Make sure to cite sources if you use someone’s words or ideas. Do not commit academic plagiarism. This is a grave offense and is dangerous to your integrity.
5.Battling With Opponents: Strengthen Proofs
Now make your statement stronger: best opponents and their positions every step of the way. In this part of your argumentative essay outline, explain all that you think about claims of actual and possible adversaries, be a great verbal boxer and bring them all down! This should be your victory. Just pour down in bullet form or in short sentences:
All claims of adversaries
All objections to them.
In this form of outline, it is best to do this in a sort of a table, and objections should be in one line with adversaries claims. Like this:
Subject, Objection, Why dialectics are correct
This can help you put forth statements directly and show how well you know the issue, and how well you have researched it. For example, you have found that cholesterol is not harmful, and adversaries from official medical journals still insist that its levels have to be lowered. Defeat them by including all sources of information and statistics indicating that low cholesterol actually could lead to lethal consequences.
Try to understand opponents and their reasons and motivations, but present all facts that you have researched to show that claims are better, and that adversaries are mistaken or insufficiently informed.
6.Conclusion: Wrap It All Up
Now you have reached the end of writing an argumentative essay outline. The concluding paragraph as the summation of your outline for argumentative essay should not be too hard to construct. Just restate your thesis and key claims in other words. For example:
As we have seen, cholesterol is necessary. Instead of lowering it, we have to examine other reasons for obesity and high blood pressure, and not lower cholesterol levels to avoid premature death as a result of a dangerous medical myth.
Do not simply paraphrase thesis that you have stated in your introduction. Make it follow assertions, and summarize all major points that you have used in your body. What’s most important, make it look strong and valuable, warn readers of what may happen if your advice is not followed, and wrong claims are not rejected. It’s this way:
Rewrite your thesis in new words
Briefly restate proofs
Stress the most important point
Your conclusion should be the same length as the introduction. Just about a paragraph, no more. Do not introduce here anything new, leaving any new facts for another composition. Your argumentative essay and the respective outline has to be compact, logical, unified and concise. This is your roadmap for creating perfect paper.
三.argumentative essay example
Prompt:The title of this essay is:How Differently Men And Women Use Language.It is not a new questions whether or not men and women truly speak the same language, or if they can ever really communicate with each other. Sure, both genders can physically speak the same language to each other in English, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, but is the true intent behind the words the same, or even more so, understood?
Studies have shown that women and men do communicate differently and women do it better due to the way that their brains are wired. The female brain excels more in verbal tasks, whereas the male brain is better at completing visual, spatial, and mathematical tasks. Women prefer to talk, while men prefer actions to words. Obviously men and women use language differently while having a conversation on a day to day basis, or posting on social media, or even in the workplace. But the real reason as to why, comes back to psychology and biology.
There is a theory that claims that the female brain is mainly hard wired for empathy, and the male brain is mainly hard wired for understanding and building systems. Empathizing is the action of identifying another person’s emotions or thoughts, and then responding accordingly with an appropriate emotion. Systemizing is the action of analyzing, and exploring anything that operates on inputs, and outputs using rules. There are three common “brain types.” Type E is when empathizing is stronger than systemizing. It is also called the female brain because women tend to empathize and socialize more. For example, when given the option of what type of toy to play with, more girls than boys will choose dolls. While playing with dolls, they enact more socially and emotionally, making up characters, scenes, and dialogue. Type S is when systemizing is stronger than empathizing. It is also referred to as the male brain because tests were ran, and they showed that most males naturally have an advantage in systemizing. For example, if a person is shown two shapes, and asked if one is a rotation or a mirror image of the other, males are quicker and more accurate than females are. Another example is reading maps. It has been proven that men can learn a route in fewer trials, and can recall more details about direction and distance. The balanced brain is when systemizing and empathizing are equally strong.
Social media is a platform where people can talk and type freely on topics that might not be appropriate in a workplace setting. Even on social media, Facebook to be more specific, there is a huge difference as to what women post about and what men post about. A team of computer scientists analyzed two years’ worth of status updates. They found that the language used by women was, “interpersonally warmer, more compassionate and polite.”(Loerke) This reasoning can be supported by what was stated in the first paragraph about how their brains are wired to empathize with people more. Women tend to talk more about family matters, and friendships because they are more emotion. Whereas the language used most often by men, was more, “colder, hostile, and impersonal.” (Loerke) Who tended to talk more about politics and sports, because they are more systematic.
Those same computer scientists conducted another study, but looked at two different topics. They looked at the use of affiliation, (language that included more statements of support and understanding,) and then they also looked at assertiveness (criticism, and imperative statements or disagreements.) The results showed that women were more likely to use language that was highly assertive, but also warmer, such as expressions of positiveness, and warmth toward others. On the other hand, males were more likely to use language that was both highly assertive, and cold, such as swearing, and covering controversial topics. The results captured that women are becoming more assertive in nature, and this could possibly be because of the increase of women in the workplace with leadership positions. It could also be because Facebook is a place where people are friends. There is no authority figure, and no one to tell you what you can and cannot post.
In politics, however, there are authority figures and rules that you have to play by. Speaking a certain way with a certain tone gets you the most respect and gets people listening attentively. There are two gender-associated language styles that are used by men and women to achieve certain objectives. Masculine language is commanding and instrumental, and is considered conducive to politics. Masculine rhetoric is argumentative, and competitive. A technique that is used is interrupting another speaker which shows power and control. It is also often that they use commands such as “Give me,” or, “I need.” which also shows leadership and dominance. Masculine rhetoric is very unattached. They use statistics and technical terms to show intelligence and capability, and almost always share examples that are impersonal. However, since the 1920’s, when women were granted their right to vote, they have developed their own rhetoric in an attempt to use them in politics. Feminine language is intimate and unifying, but was considered too passive for politics.
But as time progresses, has feminine and masculine style rhetoric become interchangeable for the two genders depending on the topic? More specifically, do men use more feminine speech more frequently now to establish unity and maintain relationships? “Feminine style rhetoric is used by both women and men to appeal to a group and motivate a team spirit.” (Spoelma) It can be extremely effective and powerful when used well. It is most effective when men or women are communication through television, or discussing compassionate issues. Contrary to the masculine rhetoric, the focus isn’t about authority, but rather a shared commitment for a greater good. When people use feminine rhetoric, they utilize questions such as, “isn’t it?” or, “can’t you?” They also frequently use pronouns such as “we” and “us” to show unity, and if talking about a pressing issue, to let the audience know that the people are in this together, as a whole.
The ways of communication from men and women are biologically and psychologically different. From the minute a person is born, their brain will become wired a certain way, which will impact how they speak, how they use their language, and how they choose to act. While females are statistically proven to be better at empathizing and communicating with people to obtain what they want, it is also proven that males are better at asserting dominance, and portraying leadership while using their language and rhetoric. So which one is, in the end, better? Well that really depends on the situation. In the world on politics, women might want to start using the male techniques, but in most everyday life, men might want to start taking notes on the way women speak, and listen. It is not impossible for the two genders to learn to use the others language or rhetoric style to their strengths, but it might take a little humbling and open mindedness.
All forms of essay writing follow a specified format, and they all need an outline.With argumentative essays, the student must explore his stance on an issue and think about possible rebuttals to this claim. Otherwise, the argumentative essay is incomplete.
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