University :Britain
Plymouth Business School BA Accounting andFinanceDegree
Final Year Project Handbook 2009/10
Business plan
This article is written about an idea that I had it about 1 year from Ifirst came to Plymouth. It is not like other people’s big idea for afamouscompany such as work together with Coca Cola or to be a boss to open acompany, it is just make a business plan for my boss also my friend Mr.Zhen; he is a owner of a Chinese take away named East Eat. Mr. Zhen isavery friendly man and he is also a shrewd businessman, when I told himabout my business plan, he felt a great interest in it, and thendecided totry to carry out it. There have lot of advantages about writing abusinessto a company than run a business yourself. One hand is you do not havetotake risks and invest a lot of money and worry about it will lose yourmoney, but you also can earn a not low profit. On the other hand, youdonot have to run the business; you will have more time to do otherthingsyou want and to try different type business.
My business plan is to provide the Chinese take away lunch box for the student in City College of Plymouth who have class in the morning and afternoon that they must have lunchatschool.
For easy to carry out this business plan, there are fifteendishesat total, and the East Eat will provide only three dishes and rice intheset meal, but the three dishes will change every day. The set meal issamefor every student so it will reduce the difficult to carry out thebusinessfor the East Eat. There are many students are complaining they do notlikethe food which supply by the dining room of the City College ofPlymouth.And when I was in the College I had the same problem about what can Ieattoday, so I can catch on the children’s demanded.The food that we provide is the real Chinese food. Why call it a realChinese food? Because almost all the Chinese take away currentlyprovidethe easy Chinese food, it just use sauce to season, but real Chinesefooduse oils, salt, soybean sauce and vinegar to season, it can make foodmoredelicious and healthy. So the food provided by the Chinese take away isfitfor the UK people, and most Chinese student did not very like it. Butwewill provide the most authentic Chinese food; all of the dish must beinaccordance with strict steps of Chinese cooking. Until now, there is noChinese take away do a business like this, we are the first, we canspeedydominate the market. In China, there is also lot of company to supplythenutritional set meal to the students in the school every day; it haslot ofprofit in this business. Why not to try it in the lovely Plymouth? Tobethe one and to take the big challenge! It will become the new beginningforthe Chinese take away! East eatThe Chinese take away locates in 392s Wolseley Road (PL2 2ED). Itsphone is361932. It usually opens every day from 5:00 pm to 11: pm. (bankholiday isstill open.) Like other Chinese take away, there have not manyemployees,one Chef and also the boss of this take away can cook the all the dishtheyprovide, his wife is cooking the rich and noodles, there have one stufftake over the fried food, one stuff for answer the phone call, andtherealso have 1 to 2 delivery drivers to do the delivery job. It spendlowerwage of employees, low material fees, but can gain a very good profit.Ithas been opened for 4 years, it a wealth of experience to keep foodwarmand good taste. East eat also have a good reputation in the area whereitdo the delivery. The boss and his wife have lot of experience for thiswork, they already done this job in different Chinese take away for tenyears. So for them, to carry out this business plan is a piece of cake!#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
TheReason for this business plan
Why I have this idea about to provide food for the student in the CityCollege of Plymouth? Because I used to be a student in City College,and Iclearly understand if we have class from the morning to afternoon inthesame day,Thesis is provided by UK thesis base it will a lot of trouble for us to return to the studentdormitory or home stay. Because almost student live in the three kindsofstudent dormitory, Central Point and Discovery Heights are in the citycentre, Alexander Works is most far away from the City College. Therehaveonly one bus get return to the city centre every 30 minutes at everyonequarter and the third quarters each of o’clock, but all class is overeveryhour on the hour. It will also cost 15 minutes on the road. If youlivingin the Alexander Works, there will have at least more than 30 minuteroadneed to walk from city centre to Alexander Works. So anyone is notwillingto waste about one hour to go to home and return back to the College. Iamone of them so there is lot time I was very very hungry to wait thelastclass over and go back to home to have the dinner. The other reason isIwas doing delivery job in The East Eat from October of 2008 to April of2009, I clearly know how Chinese take away operate and there have a bigprofit to run this business. But as everyone knows that the entireChinesetake away is almost the same. There is little difference between eachother. They have similar menu, the business flow also same, even iftheyhave different name, the tasted of the dishes maybe almost the same. Soitis difficult to think about which one of them is the best or theoutstanding one. But if the East Eat carries out this business plan, itwill make the take away more different and especial. The third reasonisthat East Eat is not far from City College, only have 1 mile, so thefoodcan be ensure is hot and delicious, and the same time it also can cutthecost of the delivery. The Chinese food can not be waited so long to beeaten; it can damage taste of the food and reduce the nutrition of thefood. The most important reason is the food that college provide is notvery suitable for Chinese students. Some students just buy one box ofchipsor crisps as a lunch, but for the Chinese people usually have two orthreedishes and rice as a lunch. For Chinese people the most popular cookway isstir-fry and uses many seasoning. But the food is supplied by thediningroom of the City College of Plymouth which is also cook in the baking,boiling, deep fry and fresh food, such as sandwich, salad and so on.Because the Chinese person’s the stomach and digestive function are notstronger as the British. So we do not have the ability to digest muchmeatdishes. Whereas the dining room of the City College provide more meatdishes than vegetarian dishes.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
There is litter joke about the differentbetween Chinese and British: The British is growing up by fed withmeat,but Chinese is growing up by fed with grass. It maybe just a littlejoke,but it also tells us a fact that is different diet habits and demandedofnutrition between Chinese and British. The age of the student is from18 to21 years old in the City College, and it is the important moment fortheirgrowth, on other hand they need more food than others and easy tohungry.So they need eat a lot! Almost all the students hope that we can eatthereal Chinese food. In the other hand, the students are increasing moreandmore every year from 34 in 2006 to 220 in 2012. (You can see theappendix1, I find out the figure from a Staff of the City College, her name isJackie Zhang and telephone is 07551371586, she works in the HE office.)These are all reasons that make me to have an idea about this businessplan.
Market research The whole economic environment research
1. The macro-economicenvironmentand the natural environment investigation. In this part, we should dotheresearch about the macro-environment of the Chinese take away in UK. Itisvery important to know the situation about the Chinese take away. Themacro-environment of the Chinese take away is affect by the economicsituation of UK. At present, the situation of UK’s economic is not verygood. The British economy is based on the Anglo-Saxon model, focusingonthe principles of liberalization, the free market, and low taxation andregulation. Based on market exchange rates, the United Kingdom is thefifth-largest economy in the world (2006), the second largest in Europeafter Germany, and the sixth-largest overall by purchasing power parity(PPP) exchange rates. The British were the first in the world to entertheIndustrial Revolution, and, like most industrializing countries at thetime, initially concentrated on heavy industries such as shipbuilding,coalmining, steel production, and textiles. The empire created an overseasmarket for British products, allowing the United Kingdom to dominateinternational trade in the 19th century. However, as other nationsindustrialized and surplus labor from agriculture began to dry up, theUnited Kingdom started to lose its economic advantage. As a result,heavyindustry declined throughout the 20th century. The British servicesector,however, has grown substantially, and now makes up about 73% of GDP.TheUnited Kingdom's agriculture sector is small by European standards,accounting for only 0.9% of GDP. The UK though has large coal, naturalgas,and oil reserves. Primary energy production accounts for about 10% ofGDP,one of the highest shares of any industrial state.
And those change oftheeconomics of the UK will affect the future of the business develop.Even ifthe Chinese take away is not a big business, it also affect by themacro-environment of the UK. The nature environment of the business isabout the Chinese student’s culture and diet habits. It is very clearlythat Chinese student at the City College will prefer to choose theChinesefood. Because for every Chinese student the traditional Chinese food isbetter than other kind of dishes. In practice, marketing, only size upthesituation in order to develop practical marketing strategies andtactics.To consider this situation, it is lot of benefits to carry out thisproject. 2. The macro-market environment investigation. It included the industry, market prospects, the market aggregate supplyandaggregate demand, supply and demand structure, industry, equipment idlerate, the ratio of profitable companies, the overall profitability, orlossrate, the industry cost of sales ratios and so on.For this business plan, the market of the Chinese take away maybe limitrecently. But the future of the market for the Chinese take away is notestimate. It can become multi-cultural. It is not only to do the sameworkevery day, but also can take challenge to do some other change or tocarryout the new business plan.Let us talk about the relationship between with demand and supply abouttheChinese take away. There is a lot of Chinese take away in the Plymouth.They can be found all over the city. They supply much kind of theChinesedishes. And the people like the food which cook by the Chinese takeaway.There is quiet lot of demanded for the food. Especially for some smallenterprises such as the Chinese take away, and how to timely andeffectiveadjustment of product supply and demand structure, and to poolresources inorder to win over big, the role of market research is particularlyimportant than others. The factor can affect the relationship of thedemandand supply is the material price, the cost of the production and so on.Thecompetition investigation This part research is also very important.Theway how to do this research is following: To research the majorcompetitor’s investigation is very important. The main surveycompetitor'sproduct status, technical conditions, price conditions, profitability,etc.Surveys in these areas, you can set up some targets can be quantifiedtodetermine the index weight, and then compare the results of the variousindicators described in relation to their own strengths and weaknessesofcompetitors in order to choose the right marketing strategies.Competitorsin the questionnaire again, potential competitors and alternativesinvestigated. In this case, there not have the competitor at present,because we are the first one to carry out the business plan. But therearealso many potential competitors in this business.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
To know thosepotentialcompetitors’ situation is very important for carry out this businessplan.So I also do a lot of research about this part. The potentialcompetitorsare the rest Chinese take away nearby the City College. They have sameability to carry out this business project. But we are the first one.It isgood situation for us. Customer investigation From the date 25 Februaryto10 March, I have made a very detailed market research. First of all, Ifindout 15 kinds of simple but popular Chinese food which can be a productforthis business plan. (Appendix 2) Their main material can be easilyboughtfrom K.W brother company (It is the main supplier for the Chinese takeawayand it sell packaged frozen goods.), and any supermarket likeSainsbury,Tesco, Morrison.
Then I was think about a question is whether there ismarket demand for this product? So I made a questionnaire, which isabouthow Chinese students think about the food of City College, whether theyneed Chinese food as a lunch, how often they eat lunch at school, whatisthe price that the students can accept, and which is their favouritefoodof these 15 kinds of food. Also need to get the time table, in order towhich day and which group of students need to provide the food. DoesEasterEat have ability to cover this plan, or can it make a profit from thisplan? So I was interviewing the boss of the Easter Eat to get the costofeach dish, fees of water, electricity, gas, and the cost of employ adelivery driver. Because this target people are students, so we can notrunthis business whole year, then we also need to find out how many weeksofone year we can get a profit from it. Data AnalysisOn one hand, the data of questionnaire need a very careful and detailedanalysis. In the questionnaire, it has ten questions. They are toresearchthe students’ personal details; do you have a lunch in college whentherehave a class in both morning and afternoon? From Monday to Friday,whichday do you have a lunch in college? How do you think the food in CityCollege of Plymouth? Do you think there have a big difference betweenChinese lunch and UK lunch? Would you like to have Chinese food whenyouhave a lunch in college? If there have someone to provide the Chinesefood,how much do you think the average price is? Which of the 15 followingdishis your favourite?There have 56 males and 44 females attend the meeting, their age isfrom 18to 21, they all from accounting and finance stage
2. There are 21 ingroupa, 17 in group b, 18 in group c, 15 in group d, 11 in group e, 7 ingroupf, 9 in group g and 2 in group h. 78% of them often have a lunch inschool,65 in Monday, 78 in Tuesday, 0 in Wednesday, 82 in Thursday, 40 inFriday.The number of the students is telling us that mostly students will havelunch at school when they have the class between mornings to afternoon.Sothere will have a huge demanded for the meal box from The East EatChinesetake away. It will bring us a lot of profit. Comparing with the timetableof each group we can find, there no class in Wednesday and there havenostudents need to have lunch in school, so we can have rest or makepurchaseon Wednesday. On Friday, group g and group h have no class, other grouponly have 30 minutes break, so there are only 40 people to have a lunchinschool. So Friday is not very busy day, we just need prepared the mealboxbefore the students finish the class. And the driver need to deliverthefood before the students beginning the break. Another good news for usisthere is 85% people do not like the food of City College and 92%Chinesestudents think there still have a big different between Chinese and UKfood. #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
It is very clearly to understand the Chinese students like thetraditional Chinese food. And the East Eat is a Chinese take away so itisvery easy to carry out this project. As a result of this, 93% studentswishsomeone can provide Chinese food as their lunch. So it is viable tocarryout this business plan. From Appendix 4, we can find sweet and sourspareribs is their favourite food, 57 students chose it. They all did notlikeHome style bean curd, only 2 of them chose it as their favourite food.Cabbage with sweet-and- sour sauce is the most popular Vegetable dish.Thelast question can give us the advice to have what dish we can provideinthe future. And the question also can tell us which kind of dishes thestudents like and which they do not like. On the other hand, the useful figure that I get from the interview withtheboss of East Eat must be recorded. The fees of water, electricity, andgasare £480 every week. The cost of delivery driver is £6 per hour. Wealsoget the information about the main material of each dish to make theAppendix 2, and the price of each material to draft the Appendix
3.Then, wecan calculate the cost of each dish as Appendix 4. From Appendix
3, wecansee the tofu is the most expensive material, and the cost of cookingHomestyle bean curd is £2.05, Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce is £2. So iftherehave the dish include tofu, we will get less profit. There cancalculatethe assumptive net profit after taxation from 2010 to 2012. You can seethefigure from Appendix 6, every year we will get positive profit; theprofitis very considerable for a profit. East Eat can use this money to buymoreequipment and expand its scale. How to operationThere are several things we need to organize such as the capital,employee,production and so on. It is necessary to prepare those things verywell.After the market research and data analysis, we should to do somechangethat can help the business more suitable for the East Eat to carry out.According to the market research and data analysis, we can find fifteendishes is too much for this business plan, because there is nobodyorder inWednesday, we should cancel 3 dishes. 2 dish have tofu should becancelledfirst, because there only have 2 or 3 people like it, and the cost oftofuis too much. Fried Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant is the other onethatshould be cancelled, the main problem is only 5 people like it, and itneeda much longer time to cook. Then we make the menu as Appendix 5, wemakethe lowest cost on Thursday, because there will have the most peopleorderthe food on that day, if we make it cost the lowest, we will get moreprofit. But we can not provide the food thick is not popular withChinesestudents. It will only cost £7 per meal. We open from 11:30 to 13:30everyday. You can order the food by phone. After studying the daily lunchbreaktime for each group, we only need to delivery twice or three times aday,because through the time table of each group, we can grasp how longeachgroup of students will have for the lunch, we can collect 2 or 3 timestosend meals, that is saving time and reducing costs. We also have anumberof promotional tools, for example you can get a free lunch when you butourlunch 10 times, you also can get a free bottle of Coca Cola when youbuy 5lunch or beyond 5 lunch at one time. We can print 100 pieces ofadvertisingto put them in students’ dormitory. Business analysisBusiness plan must have some advantages and disadvantages, somestrengthand weakness.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
I will use The Marketing Theory of 4Ps (product, price,place, promotion) to illustrate the feasibility of this business plan.Alsouse SWOT to analysis any problem with this business plan. 4Ps4Ps (product, price, place, promotion) are four variables that caninfluence the market demand. When the 4Ps of the product fit for themarketdemand, the theory of a single enterprise as the unit of analysis thataffect the effectiveness of corporate marketing activities, tThesis is provided by UK thesis base aretwofactors: One is the enterprise can not control, such as political,legal,economic, cultural, geographical and other environmental factors, knownasnon-controllable factors, which is the external environment faced bytheenterprises; One is the enterprise can control, such as production,pricing, distribution, promotion and other marketing factors, known asenterprise controllable factors. Product A good product should have a unique selling point, the product'sfunctionsmust be the first place, and only products have good features, it willhavegood sales. Reflected in the value of products it provides to thepurchaser's direct interest and utility. This is the most basicfunction ofproduct.
Our product is Chinese food, it provides to the hungry Chinesestudent, it can reflect the value of itself, it is needed by thepeople,93% Chinese students want to eat it, so it is a good product and therehavea strong demand for it. It also have its unique selling point, it isnotlike other Chinese take away food cooked for UK people, it is realChinesefood, no fry and healthy. You can not find this food in City Collegebeforewe provide. There have 15 kinds of food, and you can try different foodevery day. We will replace the 15 kinds of food after periods of timetoprevent consumers have the feeling of disgust to the food. We also willselect the high quality materials of the food and ensure the taste andhealthy of the food. But we can no test the product, until the businessplan take into operation. PriceAccording to different market positioning, companies develop thedifferentpricing strategies. Now we are the first one to do this business, so wecanmake any price we want. But we still have to consider two things. Firstisthe ability of these students to accept. We can not make the price thatstudent have not enough money to buy it. There have 74% students chosen£6;£6 is a universal price that anyone can accept. But we decide the priceis£7, there have two reasons that can explain £7 is an acceptable price.Oneis there still having about 20% student chosen £7, this shows that 7poundsfor students is not an unacceptable price. Another reason is comparingwiththe price of City College £7 is not expensive. According to my personalexperience and my interview with some students, male usually costaround £6to have a lunch. So add 1 pound and get a much better food is excitingnewsfor them.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
7 pounds is a common price that recognized by the market. 7pounds can bring more profits about 10,000 pounds one year than 6.10,000is amazing number for a Chinese take away. 7 pounds has a huge positiveimpression to the development of East Eat. Place Place here, is not the literal meaning. It means to draw on externalresources to complete the process of products sales service. In otherwords, it is a process that the company sales its product in what way(suchas the Chinese student phone us and buy the food.) Now, phone the EastEator text to the boss (07834780982) is the only 2 ways to buy the lunch.Place appears a major factor that hinders this business of East Eat.Because the boss of the east eat can not use the website. Once I wascontact with, and decided to put this lunchbusiness on it, then the students ordering the food will becomeconvenient,but the couple of East Eat did not know how to use it and they thinkthisis only the short time business (because it just run 30 weeks ayear),sothere is no need to pay other fees. The phone call and text is just fitfortake away, this is the easiest way for the students, if the phone cannotbe connected, and the students can text to the boss to order the food.PromotionPromotion is the business by changing the sales practices to stimulatetheconsumers, by using the short-term behaviour (such as the ones whoenjoy,buy one get one, etc.) to contributed to consumption growth. Thisbusinessis first one, so it needs to do a lot of promotion works. First is todosome advertising job, the easiest and direct method is to print someadvertising paper to introduce this business, we only need to send themtothe student dormitories. When the business takes into action, we intendtocarry out some sale events, such as if you buy 10 times the lunch, youwillhave one free lunch next time, or you also can get a free bottle ofCocaCola when you buy 5 lunch or beyond 5 lunch at one time. SWOT Analysisforthe Business Plan SWOT is an analysis method used to determine thecompany's competitive advantage, competitive disadvantage,opportunitiesand threats, thus the strategy of the company and the internalresource,external environment, the organic integration. Therefore, a clearidentification of the company's resources, strengths and weaknesses,knowthe company faces the opportunities and a challenge for the developmentofthe company’s future development strategy has a crucial importance. AndtheSWOT analysis is talking about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunitiesandthreats to be a comprehensive assessment and analysis of theconclusion,and then adjust the enterprise resources and carry out the businessstrategies to achieve business goals. The rules of SWOT analysis: SWOTanalysis must be carried out when the company's strengths andweaknesses ofobjective knowledge. SWOT analysis must be carried out when the branchofthe status and prospects. SWOT analysis carried out must be consideredwhenthe full. SWOT analysis must be carried out when compared withcompetitors,such as superior or inferior to your competitors. SWOT analysis tomaintainthe simplicity and to prevent the excessive complexity and analysis.Strengths In this part, there are five major strengths in our business.Forthe East Eat, as I know about, it will come out lot of strengths ifcarryout this business plan. If there is more strength, it is meaning fortherewill many opportunity to get the profit. And to make the owner of EastEatknow there is lot of strengths for the competitive, he will have morecourage to take the challenge to begin the business plan.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
The six majorstrengths are following: Technical skills advantages: The East Eat hasaunique production technology, the low-cost production methods, theleadinginnovation capabilities, strong technical strength, and perfect qualitycontrol system, the wealth of marketing experience, excellent customerservice, and excellent large-scale procurement skills. The uniqueproduction technology is about the cook style and the material we willusein this business plan. In this business plan, I advice the East EatChinesetake away use the Chinese traditional cook style to make the home-madedishes for the Chinese student. At present, there is not a Chinese takeaway do the same way like us. So it is the advantage to make thebusinessoutstanding. And the East Eat had already the relationship with thematerial supplier, so the take away can buy all the material they needin alow price, for which can reduce the cost of the production. Because thechefs of the East Eat Chinese take away has the great deal ofexperiencefor cooking. They can make sure the high quality of the meal box. AndtheEast Eat Chinese take away has four years business history; it meansthatthey have plenty experience about to do the business. Tangible assets advantages: It includes the advanced production lines,modern equipment, abundant resources, storage, adequate funding,comprehensive data and information of the business. As everyone knowthateach company or organization has their tangible assets. It is also thebigstrength for the competition.
For the East Eat Chinese take away, ithasalso the complete and enough tangible assets already. The take away isoperating the last four years, so they has the fixed assets for thisbusiness plan, such as the kitchen ware, cooking stuff, the capital tocarry out the business plan, the fixed place and the information forthecustomers. Intangible advantages: excellent brand-image, a goodbusinessreputation and positive corporate culture. Those are the intangibleadvantages for the business. For this business plan, the East EatChinesetake away is very famous at local. They have many loyal customers.Becausetheir professional service, they have a very nice credit standing andrespectability. When the people hear about the take away, it will bringthem a good brand-image. For this business plan, it is very easy tomakethe Chinese students in City College to accept the food that providedbythe East Eat.
Human resources advantages: the employee with expertiseinthe key areas, actively motivated employee, strong organizationallearningcapabilities, rich experience in this work. The chef of the East EatChinese take away owns the business, so he will try his best to gainmoreprofit. Furthermore, the employees in the Chinese take away have thegoodability to help to carry out the business plan. All of them are theveryimportant advantages to compete. Competitive advantage: The productdevelopment cycle is short term, comprehensive dealer network, with agoodpartnership between suppliers and market share leadership position. IftheEast Eat Chinese take away will take this advice, they will become thefirst one take away to do this kind of business. So the East Eat willgainthe huge of market share. For this project, I had already do the marketresearch for the East Eat take away; to carry out what kind of dishesthestudent wanted. So the process to make the dishes is very easy forthem. Itneed not long time to research and develop the dishes. And as I knowthat,the owner of the take away has a very good relationship with thesupplier,such as K.W Brother, they are also friend. When they need material forfresh and cheap, they can ask for the K.W. The K.W will send theirstaff todeliver the goods at soon as possible. Weaknesses Unfortunately, whenthecompany carry out the new business plan, it can also bring the risk tothecompany. On the same time, the company must face the risk and find themeasure to deal with it. In our business plan, there is also someweakness.The major thing is following: First of all, the business plans advicetheEast Eat to make the home-made meal box for the Chinese students in theCity College. These kinds of dishes are not like the food they provideatpresent. The home-made dish is the traditional Chinese food, for whichismeaning to make the Chinese student can eat the real Chinese food inUK.But the traditional Chinese food is cook with lot of material andseasoning. And some of the material and flavouring is not cheap.Furthermore, the high price of the material and flavouring will makethecost increasing. Secondly, if the East Eat takes this advice, they willopen before ten o’clock am at least. For the employees, they willchangetheir schedule. It is simple for the chef, because the chef living inthesecond floor of the take away. But it is difficult for the driver.Usually,the staff who do the delivery job is part time job. They have alwaysanother job or lesson on the day time. So it is not very easy to findthedriver for the day time work. Thirdly, the East Eat Chinese take awayisvery small company. The fact is small company do not have the abilitytodeal with the finance risk. The business plan maybe can not work verywell.If the business plan makes the take away lose money, they maybe need alongperiod of time to recovery. The last one is the customer is not fixableforevery year. The students will change every year. For this reason, theEastEat take away need to do the market research each year. It isinconvenientfor the owner. And the same time, it will cost the time, money andlabourto do this job. After the market research, there will have a foundinganalysis to get the result. Opportunities The market opportunity is asignificant factor affecting the company strategy. Company managersshouldbe recognized that every opportunity to evaluate every opportunity togrowand profit prospects, select those with the company's financial andorganizational resources to match the company's competitive advantagetoobtain the greatest potential for best opportunity. As the East Eat,therehave many potential customers in this business. And the customer willincrease every year. At the same time, the demand of the product willincrease.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
From carrying on this project, the East Eat can find the bestwayto run this business. The market will become bigger and healthier. Inthefuture, the East Eat can provide the meal box for other people. ThreatsInthe company's external environment, there is always some of thecompany'sprofitability and market position, the factors that pose a threat. Theowner should be promptly recognized the threat of endangering theinterestsof the company's future, and make evaluations and take appropriatestrategic action to offset or mitigate their impact. The threats forthebusiness are following: First, there are lot of the potentialcompetitor inthe new business, but the East Eat maybe can not figure out in thefirstinstance. Because there is lot of Chinese take away in the Plymouth.Evenif, they not find our business plan is an opportunity to gain theprofitfrom it. But the methods of the operation for the Chinese take away isalmost the same. So they maybe copy our planning. Second, the economicrecession will affect the business. If the exchange rate between withRMBand Pound will increase in the future. The result of the change ismaybethe Chinese student want to send less money. And the reduction of thespending; the student will think the meal box is too expensive or it isnotnecessary to have it.
So the demand of the product will decrease.Thirdly,there is some product can replace our product. Such as the City Collegedining room provide the three meals for students each day. And there issome convenient store in the school. The student can buy some simplefoodat school. ConclusionTo sum up, East Eat can get a wonderful profit from this plan, but thisplan is only for 2009 to 2010. It is just an assumption. We want to putthis business plan into action from September of 2010. So we do thisbusiness plan as a forecast. We did Appendix 6 according to the figurewecan get is all in 2009. The boss of East Eat has read this businessplan,he feels a great interest in it, and have made an agreement with me,September of 2009 I will help him do a new market research and renewtheplan for him. If there have no or less profits in the first month, hewillstop this business. It there have good profit; I will get 10% of theprofitas an award. No need to invest money and maybe to get the money fromthisis good news for me. Other thing that I must announce is about Appendix6,I only calculate the added net profit after taxation, not the total netprofit after taxation. Because the boss of East Eat have no incomestatement or balance sheet in his hand. All the price and cost I get isfrom price list of K.W. Brothers Company, Sainsbury, and the bill ofsomecompany such as British Gas. I have studied it for a long time; pleasedonot underestimate it. It cost me one month to do it. The questionnaireisalso need a large amount of time to do the interview job and analysisthedata. This is not a great business plan, but it has all my labours.Finally, hope East Eat can get more profit from this plan. Appendix 1year The number of Chinese students2006-2007342007-200889 2008-20091312009-20101522010-20111782011-20121972012-2013220Appendix 2Name of the dish Main Material #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#Thesis is provided by UK thesis base diced chicken with peanutsChicken 200g, Celery 100g Chinese bounilliPork 250g Fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce Pork 200g,GreenPepper 50g, Carrot 50g Twice cooked spicy pork slicesPork with skin 250g Sweet and sour spareribsRibs 300g Chinese hot wingChicken wing 300g Sautéed Beef Filets with Spring OnionBeef 200g, Spring Onion 100g Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot SauceTofu 200g, Green Pepper 100g Home style bean curdTofu 200g, Mushroom 100g lettuce with oyster sauceLettuce 300g Chilli and sour shredded potatoPotato 300g Cabbage with sweet-and- sour sauceCabbage 300g Dry-Fried French BeansFrench Beans 300g Tomato omeletteTomato 100g, egg 200g Fried Potato, Green Pepper & Eggplant Potato100g,Green Pepper 100g, Eggplant 100gAppendix 319 Main MaterialPrice per 100g Eggplant33p Green Pepper20p Potato5p Tomato18p egg10p French Beans43p Cabbage13p Lettuce10p Tofu90p Mushroom25p spring onion23p Beef44p Chicken wing14p Ribs45p Pork with skin33p Pork40p Carrot7p Chicken21p Celery21p Rice 12pAppendix 4Name of the dish Fix cost of each dish Times be chosen Spicy diced chicken with peanuts63p 47 Chinese bouilli100p 28 Fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce93.5p 37 Twice cooked spicy pork slices82.5p 24 Sweet and sour spareribs125p 59 Chinese hot wing42p 22 Sautéed Beef Filets with Spring Onion111p 43 Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce200p 3 Home style bean curd205p 2 lettuce with oyster sauce30p 23 Chilli and sour shredded potato15p 12 Cabbage with sweet-and- sour sauce39p 43 Dry-Fried French Beans129p 16 Tomato omelette38p 30 Fried Potato, Green Pepper & Eggplant58p 5Boil Rice36pAppendix 5 Monday Sweet and sour spareribs; Twice cooked spicy pork slices; Tomatoomelette; RiceTuesday Sautéed Beef Filets with Spring Onion; Spicy diced chicken withpeanuts; lettuce with oyster sauce; Rice Thursday Chinese bouilli; Chinese hot wing; Chilli and sour shreddedpotato; RiceFriday Dry-Fried French Beans; Fried shredded pork with Sweet and soursauce; Cabbage with sweet-and- sour sauce; RiceAppendix 6 Total add value to the East eat in the following 3 yearsConditions: 1.there have 5 days to run this business in a week and30weeksevery year.(from third week of September to the next year's third weekofMay), I get this information from HE office of City College) there willhave 66 students in 2009 year to 2010 year will order the food everyday(this figure is calculated by questionnaire of interview the chinesestudent in City College) Increasing fees of water, electricity, gaseveryday is £16 (get this figure from the interview with the boss of EastEat)the cost of employ a delivery driver one hour is £6, the driver onlyworks2 hours every day from 11:30 to 13:30. (get this figure from theinterviewwith the boss of Easter Eat) the cost of dish everyday is £2.43 and addtheoils, salt, soybean sauce and vinegar cost of each dish 20p (thisfigure iscalculated by Appendix 4) the price of the food is £7 and the tax is17.5%working 1 2009 2010 2011 2012 66 77 86 96 2010 2011 2012£££ Sales 80850 90300 100800 Costs of sales Variable cost 30376.5 3392737872Gross profit 50473.5 56373 62928fixed cost 4200 4200 4200 Profit before interest and taxation 46273.55217358728 Interest 0 0 0 Profit before taxation 46273.5 52173 58728Taxation(17.5%) 8097.863 9130.275 10277.4 Net profit after taxation 38175.6443042.73 48450.6#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
TurnitinUK要求Comments on the first attempt: Aims of Research - a clear Aim (much better than the idea you had told me to expect) Literature Review - It is okay for a small Literature Review, as it is a practical project. You have mentioned only a few price lists, which were not evidenced, but listed in Appendices 2-4. They should be shown.Sources of Statistics on UK economy?
Research Methodology
- Questionnaire of all PCC Chinese students was performed - good.
Empirical Research - A simple idea, which requires little planning prior to trial. However, this project reads like a rushed job - there isn't enough detail to support the (good) idea. Discussion - Practicalities need to be covered. For example, how long from the receipt of the telephone order until delivery to PCC?Where will the students eat? In a classroom? (presumably not in the canteen?) Has PCC given permission for you to bring in non-PCC food? If so, let's see written evidence of their agreement in the project.Note that there is no Finance Risk to consider: it is very easy to start / stop this extra work (unless more staff need to be hired by the restaurant)Does East Eat need a new licence to start to trade at lunchtime?Profit calculations in Appendix 6 appear to be incorrect: you are assuming 5 days a week, but yor Data Analysis section showed 3.5 days of the full number of students will be dining. This means that profits in year 1 should be down by at least 30%, no?Taxation is not 17.5% - that is the VAT rate. Your figures should exclude VAT, but you need to allow for the taxation on the extra profits (corporation tax if East End is a company; income tax if it is a sole trader) Conclusions - Okay "Value Added" - The idea is good and achievable; Thesis is provided by UK thesis base project is not good. Project Limitations and areas for further research - Much more evidence and detail is required for a good project. Overall layout and presentation - Pages should be numbered. It is incorrectly laid out (it should be Arial 12 font with one and half spacing) Appropriate use and referencing of sources - no source is shown for the statistics on the UK economy, nor for the supplier price lists
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