I am doing MSc Media and Communications; I need 3000 words essay for my course assessment.My course title: Digital Media Futures.My Essay question: Emerging technologies are creating new forms of power. Discuss.
Lecture notes:
Platforms and Algorithms: New Forms of Power Required Readings
1. Gillespie, Tarleton (2010). "The Politics of Platforms." New Media& Society 12, pp. 347-364.
2. Lash, Scott (2007) ‘Power after Hegemony: Cultural Studies in Mutation’, Theory, Culture & Society 24(3): 55–78.
I provided all required readings Recommended Readings
1. Halavais, Alexander (2009) Search Engine Society. London:Polity Press
2. Gruber, Tom. (2008). Collective knowledge systems: Where the Social Web meets the Semantic Web. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 6(1), 4-13.
3. Kitchin Rob and Dodge, Martin (2011) Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
4. Pariser, Eli (2011). The Filter Bubble: http://www.mythingswp7.com/Essay_Writing/ What the Internet is Hiding from You. New York: Penguin Books.
5. Sen, Shilad, & Riedl, John. (2011). Folksonomy Formation.Computer, 44(5), 97-101.
6. Vaidhyanathan, Siva (2008) The Googlization of Everything. Berkeley: University of California Press.
I just provide some of recommended readings, coz some of them I cannot get by myself. Required readings are necessary when you writing, you should refer to them. Other recommended readings you can refer to when you think it is good for essay, or you can also look at other jornals/articles/books you think it is better for the essay. Thanks a lot.
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