Post First Client Meeting By Greg Tress
Meeting Date: 2ndMarch 2012
Attendance: Greg Tress, Nicola Eade, Dave Gyte, Jeremy Abe, Matthew Launder, Bowen andKate
Location: Artspace office meeting room
In this first meeting where all of our group, Bowen from venture matrix and Kate who is our clientin which we are making the product for. To the meeting we created a project proposal with lots ofdifferent ideas ranging from virtual walkthroughs, viral adverts, YouTube videos and a few others.We presented each of our ideas to Kate to see in which she preferred best. Before the meetingwe also sent Kate the project proposal so she could have a brief look through our ideas with someof her colleagues. Kate really liked the idea of a viral advert, which consisted of a stick characterrunning around different pictures to which we have taken from the soar works site, giving a senseof humour to the advert but also showing the viewer different pictures from around the site. Wehave already planned to go to the soar works on 5/3/2012 to take the pictures to which we will usein our viral advert. The viral advert could be sent round to different companies and agencies whichwould be looking to use the soar works to carry out their projects.
Kate proceeded to inform us on the different things to which she doesn’t want in her product andthe different things that she will want on the final product. Kate really liked the idea of having ahumorous side to the product, whilst making the product attractive to the viewer’s eye.
Our next meeting with Kate will be when we have our product finished so we can present it to her;we have also clarified contact details so we can send Kate different screen shots to make sureshe approves of the pictures used.
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