Strategic management is the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its objectives. It is The process of specifying the organization’s objectives, developing policies and plans to achieve these objectives, and allocating resources to implement the policies and plans to achieve the organization’s objectives.
Strategic management, therefore, combines the activities of the various functional areas of a business to achieve organizational objectives. It is the highest level of managerial activity, usually formulated by the Board of directors and performed by the organization’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and executive team. Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and is closely related to the field of Organization Studies.
A company’s strategy consists of the combination of competitive moves and business approaches that managers employ to please customers, compete successfully and achieve organizational objectives. We may define ‘strategy’ as a long range blueprint of an organization’s desired image, direction and destination what it wants to be, what it wants to do and where it wants to go. Following other definitions are also important to understand the term:
”The common thread among the organization’s activities and product-markets that defines the essential nature of business that the organization was or planned to be in future”.
”A unified, comprehensive and integrated plan designed to assure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved”.
Scope and Nature of Strategic Management 戰略管理的范圍和性質
To fix mission of the unit: There is certain objectives, behind establishment of the each company. To achieve such objectives, long term as well short-term purposes and goals are fixed.
To make favourable internal environment: In internal environment of business, financial resources, production tools and production capacity, selling capacity, manpower, physical facilities etc. are included. In case if such environmental resources are not proper, to meet with objectives of the unit, efforts should be made to make it convenient.
Analysis and evaluation of External environment: In external environment, policy of competitors, product of competitors, trend of customers, new research, education, technology, government policy, fashion, taxes etc. many such matters are involved. An evaluation to be made in relation to, external environmental factors affecting currently and in future, by making its analysis e. g. government’s export import policy and tax policy, how it’s affecting the business, considering the trend of customers in changing fashion, into account, marketing management should be arranged.
(4) SWOT分析:在對內部和外部環境進行研究后,進行SWOT分析。其中,考慮了公司的優勢、劣勢、機遇和威脅。這些每一個因素都與公司的目標有關,并制定了適當的戰略,以避免這些因素之間的阻礙。例如,公司有足夠的出口導向,但其勞動力沒有正常工作。這是公司的弱點。若采取適當的措施,該公司有足夠的潛力增加出口業務。但是,如果不及時采取適當的措施,就會有產品過時和浪費的風險。
(4) SWOT analysis to be made: After making study of internal as well external environment, SWOT analysis should be done. In which, company’s strength, weakness, opportunities and threats are taken into account. Such each factor are related to the company’s objectives and proper strategy is made, to avoid obstructive matters among this e. g. Company has enough export orientation, but its labor are not working regularly. This is the company’s weakness. If proper steps are taken, company has enough potential for increase in export business. But, if no timely proper steps are taken, then there is risk of product to be out of fashion and wastage of product.
(5) 選擇新的替代方案以實現使命:為了實現公司的愿景,應該從為實現使命而找到的許多替代方案中適當選擇一個替代方案。在這個階段,選擇最佳的替代方案,同時考慮公司的能力、弱點、風險和商機,例如,對于準備太陽能汽車的任務,首先應該優先考慮,對于準備小型機器或太陽能汽車,在取得成功后,研制“太陽能汽車”的任務可以實現。
(5) Selection of new alternatives to achieve mission: For achievement of mis??sion of the company, proper selection of an alternative should be made out of many alternatives found out for benefit of achievement of mission. At this stage, best alternative is selected, keeping company’s capacity, weaknesses, risks, and business opportunities into consideration, e. g. For mission of preparing motorcar running by solar energy, first of all preference should be given, for preparing small machines or vehicles run by solar energy, after getting success on it, mission of preparing “solar motor-car” can be achieved.
(6) 制定大戰略:針對確定的公司業務備選方案,有必要明確公司的長期目標。為了實現這一目標,我們制定了一個目標戰略,例如,生產小型機器和車輛,使用太陽能,選擇地點,建立工廠,保留研究部門,在實驗基礎上進行生產,然后進行商業生產。
(6) To develop grand strategy: In relation to company’s business alternatives ascertained, it is necessary to clarify long-term objectives of the company. For success of such objective, a goal strategy is prepared, e. g. for production of small machines and vehicles, run by solar energy, a location to be selected, to erect plant, to keep research department, pro??duction to be done on experimental basis and thereafter commercial production to be made.
(7) 確定短期年度目標:為了公司最高任務的成功,需要確定短期目標。一般來說,它們的持續時間為半年或一年。為此,制定了時間表和預算。在年度期間,編制一份時間表,說明生產哪種產品、何時生產以及生產多少車輛,例如何時生產機械或車輛,有必要確定目標,在多長時間內生產多少車輛以及生產什么車輛。
(7) To fix short-term annual targets: For success of company’s top mission, a short-term targets are required to be ascertained. Generally, they are of half-year or annual duration. For this a time schedule and budget is prepared. During annual period, a time table is prepared that, production of which product, when and how much would be made e. g. when production of machineries or vehicles is to be made, it is necessary to fix targets, that during how much period, how many and what vehicles would be manufactured.
(8) 籌集資源和設施:為了按照時間表實現目標,有必要籌集所需的資源和設施。關于產量的增加,需要增加員工及其設施。在這一階段,應在確定財務資源和非財務資源的可用性后,對其進行適當分配,對管理進行必要的改革,以鼓勵員工實現目標等。這些事項都已考慮在內。
(8) To raise resources and facilities: To achieve targets as per time schedule, it is necessary to raise required resources and facilities. In relation to increase in production, it is required to increase employees and their facilities. At this stage, proper distribution of financial as well non-financial resources is to be made after ascertaining their availability, necessary changes in administration to be made, to encourage employees in relation to achieve targets etc. such matters are taken into account.
(9) 對活動的評估和控制:有必要定期評估,在確定的時間內,整個戰略的成功以何種速度實現了短期目標。如果活動沒有朝著既定目標的方向發展。對相關員工進行培訓、指導、領導和鼓勵。通過將結果與原始目標進行比較,如果結果不好,可以通過控制步驟使活動更加有效,例如控制步驟、必要的技術變化、提供培訓、與貿易商簽訂合同、政策、程序和方法的變化。
(9) Evaluation and control on activities: It is necessary to evaluate regularly that, short-term targets, within decided period, for success of entire strategy, are achieved, at what rate. If activities are not progressing towards direction of decided goals, steps, viz. training to related employees, guidance, leadership and encouragement should be taken. By comparing results with original targets, activities can be made more effective by controlling steps, if results are not favorable, e. g. as controlling steps, necessary changes in technology, providing training, making contracts with traders, changes in policy, procedure and methods may be made.
Importance of Strategic Management Strategic management provides the framework for all the major business decisions of an enterprise such as decisions on businesses, products and markets, manufacturing facilities, investments and organizational structure. In a successful corporation, strategic planning works as the pathfinder to various business opportunities; simultaneously, it also serves as a corporate defence mechanism, helping the firm avoid costly mistakes in product market choices or investments. Strategic management has the ultimate burden of providing a business organization with certain core competencies and competitive advantages in its fight for survival and growth. It is not just a matter of projecting the future. It is not just a forecasting job; it is concerned with ensuring a good future for the firm. It seeks to prepare the corporation to face the future and even shape the future in its favour. Its ultimate burden is influencing the environmental forces in its favour, working into the environs and shaping it, instead of getting carried away by its turbulence or uncertainties. It is environmental uncertainty that makes strategy and strategic conduct essential in a business. The more intense the environmental uncertainty, more critical is the need for strategic management.
Quite naturally, considerable thought, expertise and effort goes into the process of strategic management. The success of the efforts and activities of the enterprise depends heavily on the quality of strategic management, i.e. the vision, insight, experience, quality of judgment and the perfection of methods and measures.
Strategic planning and implementation have become a must for all organizations for their survival and growth in the present turbulent business environment. ‘Survival of fittest ‘as propagated by Darwin is the only principle of survival for organization, where ‘fittest’ are not the ‘largest’ or ‘strongest’ organization but those who can change and adapt successfully to the changes in business environment. Just like the extinction of the dinosaurous who ruled the earth one time but failed to survive in change condition of earth natural environment many organizational giants have also followed the path of extinction failing to manage drastic changes in the business environment. Also business follows the war principle of ‘win or lose’, and not necessarily win-win situation arises in business world. Hence the organization has to build its competitive advantage over the competitors in the business warfare in order to win. This can be done only following strategic analysis, formulation and implementation.
The strategy-making/strategy-implementing process consists of five interrelated managerial tasks. These are
Setting vision and mission: Forming a strategic vision of where the organization is headed, so as to provide long-term direction, delineate what kind of enterprise the company is trying to become and infuse the organization with a sense of purposeful action.
Setting objectives: Converting the strategic vision into specific performance outcomes for the company to achieve.
Crafting a strategy to achieve the desired outcomes.
Implementing and executing the chosen strategy efficiently and effectively.
Evaluating performance and initiating corrective adjustments in vision, long-term direction, objectives, strategy, or execution in light of actual experience, changing conditions, new ideas, and new opportunities.
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