UK research范文-中小型企業的國際化轉變
08-06, 2015
Sharon Loane、Niina Nummela和Jim Bell 寫了一篇題為“從愛爾蘭國家的角度看:中小企業走向國際化的變化”的文章,這篇文章是基于愛爾蘭中小企業的經濟角度(Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583)。本文描述和分析中小型企業走向國際化這一過程的變化。這篇dissertation也涵蓋了在愛爾蘭的中小型企業歷經的主要國際化過程,找出與本文相關的話題。此項研究的目的是建立在論證的基礎上,即隨著國際化進程的加速,全球化經濟和全球化運營的小型企業的數量在國際市場上與日俱增(Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583)。在過去的十年,研究小組已開展了對中小企業的研究,這就是為什么要分析中小企業走向國際化的改變,尤其是在愛爾蘭市場。
研究目的—Points of the research
從本文的角度看,此項研究對全球市場的分析很重要,因為之前在同一區域的研究完全忽視了小型企在現代社會經歷公司流程變更的問題,(Lam & White 1999, p. 105 - 34)。認為這篇dissertation是基于Nummela以前的研究(2004,p . 404 - 30),這是一項很細致的研究,因為它解釋了因國際化而引起的公司改革存在差距的原因。
Niina Nummela, Sharon Loane, and Jim Bell wrote an article titled "Change in SME internationalization: an Irish perspective." The article is based on the economic perspective of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ireland (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). The paper describes and analyses the process of change, which are strongly related to internationalization. The paper also covers main internationalization processes among the Irish SMEs with an effort to establish findings related to the topic. The objective of the study was established based on the argument that the number of small firms within the global economy and operating on international markets increase by day with the process of internationalization accelerating at a fast pace within the market (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). This has featured an interest in studying small and medium-sized enterprises in the last decade and the issues engulfing the same. This is one significant reason why the study has been conducted to analyze issues engulfing small and medium-sized enterprises with a particular interest in the Irish market.
研究目的—Points of the research
From the perspective of this paper, the study has been quite significant in the global market because earlier researches in the same areas were totally neglecting the problems which small sized companies' face in the modern period that has experienced corporate change processes (Lam & White 1999, p. 105 - 34). It is argued that the paper is based on an earlier study by Nummela's (2004, p. 404 - 30). It is a masterly study because it is also excellent in filling the gap focusing on the reforms that resulted from internationalization. The paper also details the study as a replica of Nummela's work, one which was in the Irish context earlier, and the main aims being building upon and taking these original works forward. The original framework was earlier assumed that, at the company level, the reforms related to internationalization had both internal and external effects within an economy (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). This is what the paper based on and tried to deduce more information on the same and further the study while developing appropriate findings.#p#分頁標題#e#
文獻綜—Literature review
Vast literature has been used to support this research. Life-cycle-process theory is one great theory used to support the findings of the study. Life-cycle-process theory has been espoused in the works of Van de Ven & Poole (1995, p. 510 - 40) arguing that firms are affected by certain stimuli, and they proceed from a particular stage to another following a similar pattern. This pattern is what Van de Ven & Poole (1995, p. 510 - 40) establishes as the process. The models have also been identified as quite deterministic, and based on an interpretation of reality and human nature (McDougall & Oviatt 1996, p. 23 - 40). From the theoretical perspective explaining internalization as used in the study, the term internationalization is viewed as a response to a stimulus which a firm faces from either internal or external forces. It was established that only a few studies have applied the theory and few have given a teleological interpretation of the process, which is why the study holds as pivotal in explaining internalization as a process (Jones 1999, p. 15 - 41).
This study is based on a number of models from other scholarly works. The models that describe and analyze this study base on small-business internationalization processes. They are dominated by an established incremental-change paradigm as established by Lam & White (1999, p. 105 - 34) and Havnes (1998, 134 - 141). These models are referred to as stage models, which are termed as tempting because of their logic and simplicity (Lam & White 1999, p. 105 - 34). However, some scholars have been identified as critiquing this model used in the study including Clark Pugh & Mallory (1997, p. 605 - 23) and Petersen & Pedersen (1997, p.117 - 34). The paper establishes that the internationalization models used in this study follow the life-cycle-process theory.
研究方案—The research strategy
Study questions are part of the research strategy and they are well presented in the entire research and covered in a broad context to help understand the issues better and generate adequate knowledge on the same. The study focuses on significant questions looking into the issue of SME and the internationalization process among the Irish companies (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). The research seeks to analyze whether the internalization process has any impact on firm performance. This is answered through an analysis of three companies, interviewees from CEOs and literature review from previous studies. The study also seeks to evaluate the relevance of strategic perspective on the international market expansion (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). The strategic perspective has been identified as affecting the internalization process tremendously which is why the research seeks to generate findings to support the case (Petersen & Pedersen 1997, p.117 - 34). It is also in the same research, that answers are sought on what the external and internal changes a firm experiences because of internalization. The study identified internationalization as a process and one that has consequences. A question on the same is put across for study in order to decipher the meaning and develop further understanding.#p#分頁標題#e#
研究中運用的一些方法—Methods Used In the Study
The methods used for the study are appropriate and supremely relevant in relation to the type of study being conducted and with a consideration of the desired results. The article espouses that the method used to complete the survey was a retrospective case study (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). Retrospective case study is one powerful method in conducting such kind of research because it enables vast comparisons between companies in the same or distinct categories and in turn deducing some similarities and differences which are ideal in making conclusions regarding internationalization of the diverse companies and how it applies as a general concept. Data collection for this study as espoused from the article was done through face-to-face interviews (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). In this case, the identified respondents were asked to look back and provide appropriate descriptions of the changes during the identified time period. In analyses of change for this study, the key interests are the main triggers including milestones, crisis situations and deadlines (Gersick 1991, p. 10 - 36). The same are identified as critical events or incidents by Halinen, Salmi & Havila (1999, p. 779 - 94). The tracking of such incidents through the interviews was an excellent method of enabling the researcher to make observations on the processes and mechanisms through which changes within the firm are created (Schuh 2001).
The CEOs of the respective companies were engaged in face-to-face interviews and closely involved in the change within firms. The interviews used in data gathering were semi-structured with the design following a loose pattern that was based entirely on the theoretical framework as identified in the study (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). Semi-structured interviews are critical in such studies because they generate a lot of data which would be practically indispensable in covering the numerous issues (Schuh 2001). The study also used data triangulation, which was to help in complementing the semi-structured interviews and the secondary data collected from the literature reviews including Internet pages, memos, newspaper articles, brochures, annual reports, and other material. In cases where enormous amounts of data are collected, and an analysis of the same is required data triangulation is critical in integrating the mixed method assessment approach and facilitating the study accordingly (Jones 1999, p. 15 - 41).
Cross-case analysis has also been used in analyzing the effects of internationalization as a process among three identified companies (A, B, C) (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). Cross-case analysis has always been categorized as a qualitative methodology in research widely used in the field of social science (Petersen & Pedersen 1997, p.117 - 34). However, rigorous and systematic analysis techniques produce reliable and objective findings. This is also a significant tactic which has been suggested by Schuh (2001) for searching relevant patterns within cross-case studies. The patterns are relevant to establish the appropriate findings and generalize the results of the study. The patterns are correlated with the identified dimensions or constructs in the reviewed literature. On the same note, the analysis helps in establishing within-group similarities, as well as other inter-group differences. The same point was supported by Schuh (2001) who argued that cross-case analyses are preferable in such a case to search for evident patterns. The overall idea of using cross-case analysis is to allow the researcher to go beyond the impressions in use for structured and diverse data lenses. The use of cross-case analysis is also fruitful as it increases the likelihood of achieving reliable and accurate theory application for the study (Petersen & Pedersen 1997, p.117 - 34). In general, cross analysis works out well in establishing the differences and similarities among the three firms which work well in establishing the common effects as established in global firms.#p#分頁標題#e#
評價證據—Evaluation of evidence
The key findings of the study indicated that the reforms in SME internationalization would precisely be more multidimensional than it is the case espoused within the market. The level of reforms within the market is also established as varying because of internationalization with firms experiencing different types of change while others experienced reforms which were closely intertwined (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). The findings from the case analysis indicated that all companies exhibited varying degrees of radical change in their business idea. The companies also reveal as changing processes and direction from time to time which is forced by respective market forces within the global field.
Findings from the case also reveal that small firms take diverse routes when it comes to handling internationalization and the level of change. The main reason for the diverse routes is the varying levels of internationalization (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). The cases also reveal that the framework used for this study is practically a well-functioning tool that would be used to analyze such changes, because not only the external and internal changes, but also the business idea role was evident among the companies. The paper also establishes the complexity of the concept which is demonstrated through the fact that the reforms in the diverse dimensions are not connected, but they are context dependent (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). It is established that the resultant feature is substantial managerial challenges because it complicates the evidence of weak signals from the diverse environment and therefore, the prediction of future changes. The multidimensionality identified from the study also presents extensive requirements for further research, as operationalisation has to be managed carefully. It has also been identified that explicit definition is critical for the research if comparable and reliable results are to be derived.
Clear evidence also was apparent from the case companies that the diverse types of change are intertwined and linked with each other. For instance, it was identified that venture capital funding drives personnel changes and in turn facilitates more internationalization activities. The case companies were revealed as illustrating a "domino effect" regarding the change in SME internationalization (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). Theoretically, it is observable that the case companies indicate diverse change levels, an additionally, there are a number of sources identified as triggering the change. It was rather surprising that the firms under study revealed that, at some point, the internationalization was not connected with the reforms happening within the sector. The case also argues that internationalization per se does not always count as the change motivator, but there are other continuance entities that provoke change. Some of the changes were driven by environmental factors and industry level factors. A connection between strategic decision making and reforms within the firm were highly observable in the study.#p#分頁標題#e#
However, there are identified limitations of the study which makes it a challenge to provide justification of the findings. This study is described as an exploratory type with the findings based on at least three cases. On this note, the results of the study can only be taken to be tentative and requiring more research because there are other types of companies experiencing diverse change effects (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). The results of only three companies as espoused from the study cannot be generalized to present the case of the global trend in company international expansion. Another momentous limitation identified from the study is the retrospective nature of the design used for this research. The design is established as challenging which particularly puts more weight on memory and ability of the respondents in an effort to identify change. The memory of the respondents might be poor and cannot be relied upon wholesomely to provide valid data for the study (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). Therefore, it is quite a challenge to rely on the information provided and use it in generating the appropriate findings.
The conclusions deduced from this study are highly valid and can be supported adequately by appropriate evidence from both the company cases and the literatures reviewed. The conclusions from this study are well aligned and justified with appropriate evidence from the literature review (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). As revealed in the conclusion, strategic perspective is highly esteemed when it comes to expansion into the international market. The global expansion means that the company has to strategize appropriately. The change strategy is what is needed for the expansion and in creating a novel environment, which is sound for global market expansions. Schuh (2001) takes on the topic and tries to espouse on the same idea noting that, without strategic planning, the company cannot advance in its international expansion. He notes in his works that strategic planning means structuring the organization's goals, missions and objectives to fit the global market and result in easy expansion. On the same note, it was evident that strategic perspective works well with the company analysis. Company A strategized appropriately by utilizing horizontal cooperative means particularly targeting external sales agents as well as representatives in several locations and this worked perfectly well for the company in its market expansion and sale increment (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). The strategy also involved a combination of vertical and horizontal cooperation which in turn helped in increasing their level of competitiveness within the global market.
The study also makes a conclusion that models for analyzing small-business internationalization are characterized by the incremental-change paradigm. Change is eminent in any given business when it comes to international expansion. As from the works of Halinen, Salmi & Havila (1999, p. 779 - 94), it is apparent that the international market holds various forces and influences on a particular business plan to venture in the same. Such pressures include a competitive market and this call for a business to change in order to rhyme with the market and strategize appropriately on the progress. The analysis of the three companies indicates that all companies have substantially changed, and these have both internal and external reforms affecting the company's operations.#p#分頁標題#e#
The study also concluded that the changes are both external and internal in nature. External changes are identified from the study as those that can be seen from the outside for instance changes in export strategy of the business including products, operations and markets. The internal changes were generalized as to be relating to the organizational structure, personnel and finance. Evidence on the same has been revealed in the case analysis of company A, B and C (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). All the companies exhibited changes both internally and externally which was clear that the forces resulted to the numerous changes in their strategic planning. Company A for instance experienced a change in the board of directors who were strategized to make the transition into the international market better. The board was strengthened with the company including new non-executive directors as well as other, board members after the third venture capital rounds. It was also clear that the export business that the company started in USA led the company to pressure of opening and staffing a USA office which would necessitate its success (LeCornu et al. 1996, p. 1 - 14).
Conclusions from the study also generalized that there is a need for appraisal of the organization performance in all sectors of the company. This means that such appraisal including training and increasing the ability of the employees within the company is quite significant (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). It was facts that Company A, invested enormous amounts of resources to train a well as develop own people with the company attributing the investment as the key in pulling the company to success.
Another significant conclusion or generalization from the study was that internationalization has a great impact on the performance of a firm. It was also concluded that changes within the firm can be measured in terms of turnover, which is the profit development within the firm over a year or a specified period (McDougall & Oviatt 1996, p. 23 - 40). This was a similar case with evidence from the three companies; the companies reveal that internalization forced the three companies to change. Performance for the respective firms has been measured through revenues and sales within the respective markets. The change which profited company B was apparently geared towards improving sales (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). The company employed four people which consisted of dedicated sales person in an effort to target the UK market and this was fruitful because it increased the revenue from impressive sales, which increased substantially in due time. Revenues, which were exceedingly slow in growth and difficult to grow and the company even facing harsh economic times to a point of being bought by a local technology business angel later changed drastically and it started profiting. The buyout gave the company a new strategic direction as well as a purpose that brought in changes from a "one-product wonder" to a global supplier of products and services in the global market (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583).#p#分頁標題#e#
On the same note, partnerships and alliances have been concluded as a resultant feature of internationalization which is caused by global expansions (McDougall & Oviatt 1996, p. 23 - 40). This is evident in all companies planning to expand to the international market as they are regarded as strategies meant to strengthen the company's operations and develop their competitiveness within the market. Evidence from the analysis of the study revealed that external relationships were valued as to have changed the state of the market for company A since it strategized on internalization. Company A placed several close relationships establishing partnerships with nine marketing partners which were global organizations (Niina, Sharon & Jim 2006, p. 562 - 583). The company also established strong relationships with numerous affiliations, which were also attributed to have changed the international market approach. The partner/strategic alliances redefined the company's boundaries via vertical cooperation, which was also an appropriate response to the market expansion and increasing the reach for the company in terms of market diversity.
研究價值—Research Value
The findings from this research are highly valuable because they make immense contributions especially on diverse fields. The contributions made are a true reflection of the piece of work as related to the main topic. Based on the findings of this study, there is accomplished relevance for SMEs within the Irish markets as well as the international markets. The companies categorized as SMEs would increase their ability of anticipating future changes within the environment as well as plan ahead on how to adapt to them. This would be of value because they are able to avoid challenges within the market which force them out of operations and might lead to their collapse (McDougall & Oviatt 1996, p. 23 - 40). The plans to handle the prospected changes for the SMEs can be well reflected in their strategic planning for the fiscal years with adequate policies and strategies put in place to handle the same. This is therefore essential to the SMEs in helping them maintain their operations, as well as the economic advantage in the global market.
Additionally, the findings deduced from this study are relevant because they can be utilized in managing and organizing public support for global internationalizing SMEs. The idea is to develop capabilities that will necessitate immense competition to survive in a globally competitive market (Van de Ven & Poole 1995, p. 510 - 40). In the modern era, where small businesses have been challenged in the international market by the huge competitors, it is apparent that there is a need to have ample knowledge, which will guide in global expansions for the small firms (LeCornu et al. 1996, p. 1 - 14). The knowledge details appropriate plans and strategies as well as future prospects required giving a small business the kind of boost needed for international development.#p#分頁標題#e#
The research findings are also of enormous importance because they add to the broad base of literature on SMEs and the internationalization process. As established earlier, the literature available related to SMEs internationalization is less, and many scholars focus on other issues including the marketing mix strategies for SMEs and the structure and operations within the localities (Lam & White 1999, p. 105 - 34). Knowledge that would link SMEs to global trends, and the changes involved would be of considerable value in the professional field and this research targets to include the same (Clark Pugh & Mallory 1997, p. 605 - 23). The findings will also be of immense value in filling in the existent gaps in the field of knowledge where many questions are still unanswered relating the concept of internationalization and SMEs.