Task Two - Web Site (60% + 15% Checklist = 75% of the module mark) (LO 3)
Use Dreamweaver to create a website that includes both static and interactive multimedia components on a number of web pages. The site will incorporate internal and external Cascading
Style Sheets in a consistent formatting manner.
As a minimum, the site needs to consist of a homepage, (called index.htm or index.html) and at least 4 other pages of student-designed content (5 pages in total).
,網站需要至少包含一個主頁,(稱為指數。htm或index . html)和至少4其他頁的自內容(5頁總共)。
Your portfolio should also include the following:
A 250 words description of your site, explaining specific features and functions of the site. You should describe any Usability and Accessibility considerations made on your site and show how these are incorporated in the site design. You must also include a site map indicating, links between each page, and, a brief description for each page.
You will lose marks if your work does not feature these aspects:
An image map;
Internal and external Cascading Style Sheets, (CSS);
A site map;
You will upload your finalised Web Pages and other supporting work as confirmed by your tutor.
You will self-assess your work using the standard Submission checklist format provided, giving consideration to the processes involved, your view of the quality of your work and how it might be improved. This submission checklist will be uploaded online and assessed by your tutor.
Criteria for Assessment
Your work will be assessed and written feedback will be provided to you by your tutor.
This table details the weightings of the three criteria by which your work will be assessed.
1. Learning outcomes and content
2. Use of resources and research
3. Analysis and presentation of work
Less penalties applied for under or over the word count
Please refer to the Marking Scheme for further information on how work is assessed and graded.#p#分頁標題#e#
How to pass this module
In order to pass this module, you need to:
Ensure that you have fully met all the learning outcomes and tasks as detailed in this Assignment Brief (if you do not meet one or more of the learning outcomes, you will not be able to pass)
Cover all the assessment criteria sufficiently
Submit all the work required by the given deadline
Before you submit your coursework, we strongly recommended that you check to ensure you have answered all of the tasks and that you have met all of the Learning Outcomes.
Word Count Limit
You must indicate the number of words you have used on the front page of your Assignment Submission Sheet. When you calculate this you must include any quotations and footnotes you have used but you do not need to count the Bibliography or any Appendices. If you go more than 10% over or under the word count limit stated in the Assignment Brief you risk losing marks as a 10% penalty applies.
The contents of your Bibliography and Appendices are not normally given a specific mark, but they may contribute to your overall mark, for example, under the heading of “Structure, style, language and presentation of work.” We therefore recommend that you only use Appendices for supporting material and not for the substantial part of your work.
As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing or thoughts and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right.
Assessors are able to spot cases of plagiarism. The School insists that coursework is submitted through a plagiarism detection system known as Turnitin. Copying another student’s work, large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences.
Please familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. If you are unsure please refer to your tutor.
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