08-22, 2014
HRM Essay
本章介紹了用于開展研究專題dissertation的方法。它將確定為什么一個定性的方法被選為主要研究方法,為什么特定的公司被選中,研究者如何向參與者提供被問及的問題樣本 來輔助面試的有效的行為。每次面試結束研究人員提供面試的總結,它允許參與者評估研究人員從面試中獲得的內容。參與者可以添加他們所說的,或者他們也可以不同意研究者的解釋而重新闡釋觀點。每次面試后立即編制面試的結果,所以就沒有混亂,尤其是當兩個面試是在同一天進行時。
This chapter explains the methods used in carrying out the research for the dissertation. It will identify why a qualitative approach was selected as the methodology for primary research, why the particular companies were chosen, how the researcher supplied the participants with a sample of the questions that were to be asked this aided the efficient conduct of the interview. At the end of each interview the researcher provided a summary of the interview, which allowed the participant to evaluate what the researcher had obtained from the interview. The participant could then add to what they said or they could also disagree with what the researcher had interpreted and explain the point again. Immediately after each interview the researcher compiled the findings of the interview so there would be no confusion especially when two of the interviews were conducted on the same day.
1. Sampling Framework
Three individual interviews were scheduled with participants from a logistics company, a retail group and a recruitment consultancy company to form the sampling framework. The research participants for the logistics company and the retail organisation were human resource managers and the participant from the recruitment consultancy company was a recruitment manager. These were chosen to obtain a wide variety of opinions regarding interviews as a method of staff selection from different sectors of the business world. The participants had been employed with their companies in excess of four years.
2.Data collection process數據收集過程
The researcher telephoned the various companies and arranged suitable appointments for the interviews. A sample list of questions were e-mailed to the people (Appendix 5) who were to be interviewed, so that they would be prepared for the questions and have an idea of what the interview hoped to achieve. This process also aimed to reduce the interview time, as the author was conscious of taking up too much time with the relevant personnel, as they no doubt were very busy. All interviews took place within the participants' offices and lasted approximately forty-five minutes.#p#分頁標題#e#
The interview was structured with questions at the beginning, which were relatively straightforward, and the more complex questions followed. The latter questions were not prepared in advance and therefore the interview took an unstructured or semi-structured form as a result. When conducting the interviews ensured that each interview was conducted in the same way and all interviewees were asked the same questions to minimise interview bias. Throughout the interviews the researcher encouraged the interviewees to include their own experiences and to describe their selection process, ensuring that he/she did not enforce his/her own views on the interviewees. The researcher also asked one or two repeated questions phrased differently to test the participants. This was used as a way to ensure the research was valid. When the interviewees give realistic information the interview research is said to be valid. However, it is difficult to know if they are describing the company's procedure or the procedure that is set done in theory.
3. Data Analysis數據分析
The data was analysed and grouped in relation to the research questions to make sense of the data collected. The interviews were wrote out and the researcher studied each interview intensely in order to extract the information, which was relevant and helped in providing answers to the research objectives which were identified from conducting the literature review. Similarities and disagreements were highlighted between the participant's responses and the literature review was also referred to identify coherencies, contradictions and disagreements.
4. Limitations局限性
The main limitation for this dissertation was the time scale in which to conduct the research. The researcher felt that if more time was given to the research perhaps the results would be more representative of companies in Ireland
The choice of three companies may not truly reflect the majority of organisations in Irelands views on interviews as a method of staff selection. This choice was subject to a time scale constraint.
The sensitivity of the information required was another limitation. Some of the interviewees were reluctant perhaps to express their true feelings on the matter, they just discussed the company procedure, as they did not want to be seen as going against the company.
The information gathered can be subject to the interpretation of the researcher and finally the information gathered could be general and vague and may not be accurate.
The interview remains the most popular selection method in Ireland (CIPD, 2004) although there have been many questions surrounding its validity and reliability in selecting an appropriate candidate for the job and predicting future job performance. The interviews gathered the opinions and thoughts of the participants on this matter. This chapter will consider the research evidence in view of the literature in the following cases, the popular use of interviews, general attitudes towards the use of interviews, dealing with predictability and reliability and to conclude, the awareness of interviews as poor predictors of future job performance.#p#分頁標題#e#
5. Popular use of interviews面試的廣泛應用
The findings suggest that the factors that lead to the popular use of interviews as a method of staff selection vary from company to company. Some companies in this study use interviews as they have traditionally used them, whereas other companies use them as they increase the likelihood of “fit” with the company. The findings also suggest that they are an efficient method, which “gets the candidate up and running quickly”, they give an idea of a candidates experience and how they would act in certain situations. They are also conducted to ensure compliance with equality legislation. The Human Resource Manager from the logistics company stated that interviews are used in the company, as they have traditionally been the method used. This point agrees with what Williams (1992) discovered when he conducted a study on local authorities. He found that tradition was the main reason for the popular use of interviews in staff selection. None of the three companies researched mentioned cost as a factor in choosing interviews as a method of staff selection. The companies choose interviews because, “they increased the chances of finding the ideal candidate to fit the position”. Taylor (2002) and Barclay (2001) referred to interviews as low cost methods of staff selection in comparison to other methods such as assessment centres and tests, hence, their popular use. Although many companies are concerned with keeping the costs of running a business low, cost was not a factor which led the companies in this study to choose interviews as the staff selection method. It is evident that interviews are a popular method of staff selection and companies can choose from a variety of interviews.
6.Types of interviews面試的類型
From the research it is evident that all companies use a wide variety of interviews and staff selection methods. These range from structured interviews, behavioural interviews and situational interviews to competency-based interviews and from reference checks to personality profiling. This section will discuss the use of the various types within the companies studied.
7.The Logistics Company物流公司
The logistics company use a normal structured interview with some past behaviour questions as they believe their chances of selecting the correct candidate are increased by using this type of interview. This is coherent with the literature and the study carried out by Barclay (1999) who discovered that the main reason for the use of behavioural interviewing was to improve selection decisions. Also, studies by Campion et al., (1994) and Pulakos and Schmitt, (1995) have revealed that past behaviour questions have demonstrated improved validity over less structured questions. The use of a structured interview will improve their chance of selecting the ideal candidate and research by McDaniel et al., (1994) and Wiesner and Cornshaw, (1988) in Buckley et al., (2000) have shown they also have greater predictive validity than unstructured interviews. They also use competency-based interviews as they allow more specific questions relating to the job to be asked which will help to identify the suitability of the candidate for the position. This is coherent with Woods and Payne (1999) who stated that competency based interviews help match a persons skills to interests and the demands of the job.
8.The Recruitment Agency招聘機構
The recruitment group use behavioural interviewing, situational interviewing and a personality or reference check for their first interview. As seen in the literature Salgado and Moscoso (2002) found behavioural interviews are strongly related to job experience, job knowledge and social skills. Therefore, the company use this type of interview to identify if the candidate would be suited to fill the vacant position. The use of situational interviews in this company enables the interviewee gain an insight into how the candidate would deal with things and act in certain situations. This type of interview has a good validity rating as shown in Barclay (2001) from the research by the following (Arvey et al., 1987; Latham and Saari, 1984; Latham et al., 1980; Robertson et al., 1990; Stohr-Gilmore et al., 1990; Weekley and Gier, 1987). They also use a reference check and or a personality profile. A studied carried out by Smith, Greg and Andrews (1989) revealed that reference checks had very low predictability of 0.13 on the other hand, the personality profile/test had a reasonably good predictability of 0.41. Perhaps this company is unaware of the low predictability of the reference check or they share the same thoughts as McMahon (1988) who stated that reference checking is the next most popular selection technique to interviewing (Gunnigle et al., (2002). He also mentioned that they help validate information that has already been obtained and they allow the interviewer form a picture of the candidates individual previous performance. The human resource manager stated that they use the reference check to probe any areas of concern and to speed up the selection process. This method would appear be more of a convenient and quick method than a reliable one. The personality check would be a better method as it enables the recruitment manager to assess whether or not the candidate has the skills required for the job. For their second interview they use a combination of competency based and situational questions.
The predictability of these methods differ and with a combination of these different types of interviews they hope to increase the chances of selecting the ideal candidate for the position and improve the predictability of the entire interview process.
9. The Retail Group零售組織
The retail group use competency-based interviews and also reference checks for some positions. They use a competency-based approach to interviewing as this method gives the interviewer an idea of the candidates previous standards of work. This approach provides for the use of value questions, which identifies how candidates achieve results, and if they will be able to work in the way the company wants them to work. These reasons coincide with one of the reasons, which Wood and Payne (1999) identified, that the purpose of competency-based interviews was to match a person's skills and interests to the demands of the job.#p#分頁標題#e#
The use of the various types of interviews gives rise to individuals having different opinions and attitudes towards the choice of the interview as a method of staff selection.
10.General attitudes towards the use of interviews
From the findings it was identified that both the retail and the recruitment companies feel interviews are a good method of staff selection provided they are used properly e.g. carefully planned and the time is used to probe the candidate and assess him/her against the job description as opposed to the logistics company who think that they are not the best method as often people will perform better on the job than in the interview but then it is not always possible to have a trial run with the candidate to assess on the job performance.
Anderson (1992) and Taylor and O' Driscoll (1995) identified some deficiencies within the interviewing process. These deficiencies included stereotyping of candidates, primacy effects, similarity effects and negative information bias (Appendix 4). When the participants were asked to comment on any disadvantages associated with the interviewing process some of the companies reflected on these various deficiencies. The logistics and recruitment company stated that it was a false environment as the interview could be rehearsed and it does not truly reflect how the candidate would really act. Often the candidates are nervous, therefore would not perform well in the interview and the interviewers do not get to see how the candidate would perform on the job. The retail company identified that in some cases interviews are poorly planned and based on gut feeling. In these cases the interviewers will hire people who are like themselves and not because they are suitable for the position which can lead to problems with performance later on. Interviews may have some disadvantages but they also have many advantages and benefits.
11. Benefits which interviews provide that other selection methods do not achieve.
All companies state that interviews provide direct face-to face contact in which the interviewer can ask questions, including probing questions to gain clarification on certain areas and enable the interviewee to see how the candidate would perform in formal situations. The retail company disagree with the use of personality tests as the candidate may respond in a way that would lead to being offered the position and not give a response of how they would respond in reality. They also refer to aptitude tests as useful methods but they can often be used incorrectly and therefore are not an effective method. Wood and Payne (1999) suggested that competency based interviews help prevent interviewers and assessors from making quick judgements about people and also judging them on characteristics that are irrelevant to the job in question. This type of interview helps eliminate interview bias and some of the deficiencies identified by Anderson (1992) and Taylor and O' Driscoll (1995) (Appendix 3). Therefore this is a huge benefit to interviewers and hence the use of this type of interview by all three companies. Whilst the interview has many benefits the question still remains regarding its predictability and reliability.
12. Dealing with predictability and reliability處理可預測性和可靠性
Structured interviews are used right across the board with the main reason being to eliminate bias. All candidates are asked questions, using exactly the same words and in the exact same order.
The retail company conducts competency based interviewing as it gives them an idea of their previous standards of work and an indication of their suitability for the vacant position. They feel that this interviewing approach combined with value questions and a specific tailored induction role ensures that the candidate will be able to perform to the desired standard. The logistics and recruitment companies state that their approach's to the selection process and a combination of interviews and reference checks are suitable for ensuring that the candidate performs to the desired standard. However this contradicts the meta-analytical studies carried out by Buckley and Russell (1999); Rynes, Barber and Verma (2000) and Salgado (2001) which provide evidence of the poor predictive power of the interview.
13. Awareness of poor predictability不可預見性的意識
Kumra & Beech (1994) suggest that some human resource managers have no knowledge of the research which addresses that fact that interviews have poor predictive power, reliability and validity. Taylor (2002) also stated that one of the possible reasons that interviews remain the most popular method of staff selection within Irish companies is that managers may be unaware of the evidence that has been found regarding interviews as low predictors of job performance and their defects. But from the research carried out with the participants it can be seen that this is not the case with all Human Resource Managers. The Human Resource Managers in the retail group and recruitment agency were both aware of this fact but still used interviews as they felt the predictability increased where the interview was planned and the interviewer received training and also that a combination of the methods was more successful at choosing the correct candidate. The logistics company was the only company unaware of this fact but they were not surprised as the interview cannot assess the candidate fully or predict their performance until they are in the job, therefore how could it possibly have high predictability. Dessler (2006) defined interviewing, “as a procedure designed to solicit information from a persons oral response to oral inquiries and a selection interview as a selection procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicants oral responses to oral inquiries” (p.122). The Human Resource Manager in the logistics company would not accept this definition as she stated that, “it is not possible to predict a candidates performance until they were in the job”.
14. Personnel responsible for the recruitment process人事主管的招聘過程
From an Irish study carried out by Price Waterhouse Cranfield Project (1995) (Appendix 1) it can be seen that both the Human Resource Department and Line Management were responsible for recruitment and selection within companies. From the research of the companies and their interviewing process it is evident that interviews are conducted with a Human Resource Manager and a management representative. The logistics company conduct interviews with a recruiting manager and a representative from the human resource department and where interviews take place for senior management positions they are conducted by the hiring manager who is at senior level and the human resource manager or director. Senior management positions involve a great deal of responsibility and hence the need for involvement of the director in the selection process. The recruitment company use a combination of a human resource representative and a role manager when conducting their interviews and the recruitment agency use a combination of internal recruitment managers, general management and also directors in their selection process.
Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations.Human Resource management is evolving rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce.