Just like Macquarie Bank mentioned in their strategies, performance appraisal is one of the key management process. Actually the performance appraisal schemes are not new, the discussion of managers about the progress of employees, their effectiveness in behaviours such as communication.
l individual, group or organizational criteria.
l decision making: extent of vision, individual involvement in job; pay evaluation and pricing
Analysis Lehman brothers bankrupted and that day was a nightmare. Thousands of lehman employees from all over the world suddenly lost their job. But the thing they lost is not as simple as a job, don’t forget the reward and numerous of compensation and benefit related to the job also lost, those people who still in the wall street start worrying about their future. As the result, people start to change, those people who are planning to look for a job changed their reward & benefits requirements. People would expect to have a better work environment. People would expect to see any reward as differential based on achieving result. They also might not need additional performance payments but the chance to stay at the company without axe problems.
The traditional SHRM theory would not fit the current situation anymore, those companies which refuse to change will definitely die.
Normally people use human resource management (HRD) to improve SHRM and help employee to be well-trained. HRD can be defined as any activities contributing to the development of people working for an organization.
HR manager always put HRD and VET (vocational and educational training) together to analysis the best way of improvement. How do people know an approach to HRD is strategic. First it is about the investment in VET and HRD contributes to the achievement of organizational objectives. Second we should know if line managers are actively involved in the diagnosis of training needs and the monitoring of development activities of staff. At last, VET and HRD is linked with other SHRM policies and procedures to achieve horizontal integration.
Most HR managers are using HRD as a catalyst for change. Actually HRD also can be used as a basis for competitive advantage in terms of HRD content and the way it is delivered.
4. The evaluation strategies made by Macquarie Bank to ensure the SHRM impact maximized.
Macquarie Bank has been successful in operating with unique SHRM approach so far but as the bank grows further the executives will have to assess whether these strategies can continue to work. Nevertheless the case demonstrates that participative evaluation can be an effective change strategy even in a turbulent environment, at least for a relatively small, highly specialized and successful niche player such as Macquarie Bank.#p#分頁標題#e#
Evaluating HR strategy has always been seen as more problematic than its formulation or implementation. Most can be divided into two tiers of evaluation, one is strategic evaluation and the other one is operational evaluation.
Strategic evaluation requires HRM concentrate on evaluating the translation of unit objectives from strategic objectives, and to be able to access what the performance choices of the organization are and the extent to which the skills, motivation, structure and HR system influence those choices. It has been summarized by O’Creery in four key areas which is influential to every firm:
l The extent to which HR policies and practice work together to support the organization goal
If Macquarie Bank wants to move forward, it would not be enough to attention all 4 key areas. Macquarie Bank should increase the leadership effectiveness, to build the powerful and strong leadership. Keep eyes on how to improve workforce competence and build an effect performance culture.
Outcomes: it’s related to what I have mentioned before, the HR framework actually is the best way to set up a few question marks to remind Macquarie Bank where should be evaluated. Recruitment and selection; training and development; employee relations and overall HR management, each part has the potential to be improved.
Process: this normally constitute attitude survey to track and monitor staff reaction and opinions to such thing as:
1. Leadership style: effective working relations
2. Support and encouragement for training
3. Effective participation and involvement in appraisal, communication and job improvement processes
4. Involvement and knowledge of organization performance and change
5. Satisfaction with job and teams and conditions
6. Ability to raise concerns and have them effectively resolved
Macquarie Bank should see the full importance of these points. The managers of Macquarie bank should already see how an understanding of employee attitudes could be seen as critical to understanding the level and nature of employee commitment to organization goals and indeed the level of commitment or nature of the psychological contract with the organization.
Humans are an organization's greatest assets; without them, everyday business functions such as managing cash flow, making business transactions, communicating through all forms of media, and dealing with customers could not be completed. Humans and the potential they possess drive an organization. Today's organizations are continuously changing. Organizational change impacts not only the business but also its employees. In order to maximize organizational effectiveness, human potential—individuals' capabilities, time, and talents—must be managed. Human resource management works to ensure that employees are able to meet the organization's goals. From the case of Macquarie Bank, we have the reason to believe that good SHRM will bring banking industry a better future.
1. Dr. Robert Mathis, (December 21, 2004), Human resource management, 11th edition.
2. Donald R. Brown & Donald Harvey, (March 28, 2005), An Experiential Approach to Organization Development, Pearson Prentice Hall; 7 edition
3. O.C. Ferrell & John Fraed Rich, (December 27, 2006), Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, South-Western College Pub; 7 edition
4. Anne Bogardus, (March 3, 2009), PHR / SPHR: Professional in Human Resources Certification Study Guide, Sybex; 3 edition
5. Michael A. Hitt & R. Duane Ireland & Robert E. Hoskisson, (January 18, 2008), Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases, South-Western College Pub; 8 edition
6. Fred David, (March 11, 2008), Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Prentice Hall; 12 edition
7. Charles R. Greer, (December 7, 2000), Strategic Human Resource Management: A General Managerial Approach, Prentice Hall; 2 edition
8. Michael Armstrong, (October 28, 2008), Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action, Kogan Page; 4th edition
9. Dr Graeme Salaman & John Storey & Dr Jon Billsberry, (October 3, 2005), Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice (Published in association with The Open University), Sage Publications Ltd; 2nd edition
10. Small case 1:
DBS Group will be axing 900 staff (6 per cent of their total strength) from Hong Kong and Singapore by the end of the month in an effort to reduce costs, said CEO Richard Stanley.
DBS posted a 38 per cent drop in quarterly profits on Friday. In order to be more productive and efficient, Mr Stanley said DBS will have to restructure and streamline the organisation.
DBS staff was informed of the forthcoming retrenchment but affected individuals have yet to be told.#p#分頁標題#e#
Joyce says, “Looks like the economy is hitting pretty close to heart strings. 900 is some major retrenchment. Hope this economy will make a turn for the better quicker than expected.”
11. Small case 2:
Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest US investment bank, has filed for bankruptcy protection, dealing a blow to the fragile global financial system.
The news led to sharp falls in share prices around the world, and officials took measures to reassure markets.
Lehman had incurred losses of billions of dollars in the US mortgage market.
Merrill Lynch, also stung by the credit crunch, has agreed to be taken over by Bank of America, the latest twist in a dramatic turn of events on Wall Street.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended more than 504 points lower on Monday, marking its biggest fall since the September 11 attacks.
The Nasdaq composite index shed 3.60% to 2,179.91 and the Standard & Poor's 500 index lost 4.71% to 1,192.70.
US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the US was "working through a difficult period in our financial markets right now as we work off some of the past excesses".
But he added: "The American people can remain confident in the soundness and resilience of our financial system."
However he warned that uncertainty remained and it was likely that there would be further "rough spots" ahead before the market was corrected.
(www.bbc.com accessed at 14th march)
Part B
1. Introduction
It has known that Human resource management (HRM), also can be called personnel management, consists of all the activities undertaken by an enterprise to ensure the effective utilization of employees toward the attainment of individual, group, and organizational goals. An organization's HRM function focuses on the people side of management. It consists of practices that help the organization to deal effectively with its people during the various phases of the employment cycle. This report includes two sections, in section a I have been asked to addressed a regional audience from a management institute on subject of “getting the most from your human resource function—a cost-effective value added service for 21th century”, I will prepare a briefing discussion paper addressing this question that can be circulated after the meeting. In section b I will discuss what should a strategic organization choose when they involved developmental activities, training or learning? From these particular areas, I think we can see how SHRM is changing and have the perspective thinking about the future of SHRM.#p#分頁標題#e#
( Related to Q2 &Q3 in assignment paper)
2. Section a
At the beginning I realized the subject actually is all about how to make developments for HR departments function, it is necessary to find out what are the challenges faced by HR specialists and what are the emerging trends in HR work. After that, it is the time to assess the role of service centre organization of HR functions and plan about the cost-effective value added service for 21th century.
2.1 The challenges faced by HR specialists
For many HR specialists, to main problem they are facing is many procedures seem redundant and bureaucratic; few can be offered the security of long term jobs, regular pay increase and the career growth, yet there is increasing emphasis on the need to understand and exploit human capability within organizations. Importance is now attached to identifying competence as a source of competitive advantage.
There are three main challenges for HR specialist:
1. Confidence. Lack of confidence mat stem from a series of criticism of HR staff for being reactive rather than proactive. It could make HR policies lose strategic issues and become sightless when HR department wants to focus on the business.
2. Identity. The HRM identity of personnel is simply a name change, and the substance of personnel activities has not changed.
3. Direction. This challenge actually is significant. The degree of HR involvement in strategic policy making as opposed to implementation is problematic. There is someone called Torrington concludes that the prospects for the strategic development of HR functions are:
l HR is legitimately reactive and must create different solutions to the HR implication to change.
l Management should not devolve entire responsibility for HR policy to line managers. This dilutes effective people management across the organization.
l HR personnel must focus on the process of how people are employed, deployed, empowered and motivated.
Guest (1994) represented a theory that stresses the need to create HR policies that:
l Reflect new division of labor; that is, choice of where and how to work with organizations.
l Balance employee commitment to work, non-work activities and perhaps multiple organizations.
l Offer differing levels of commitment and flexible policies to fit these differing employee expectations.
l Offer contractual flexibility.
2.2 Trends in the management of HR functions
No matter what kind of HR service you are going to do, before everything start, you need to ask yourself, can your HR departments rise to the full strategic challenge through strategic policies fully integrated with those of the business? Normally people need to analyze the trends in management of HR functions before they enter into the implementation.#p#分頁標題#e#
Some recent trends in the management of HR function are:
1. Auditing performance: this is the central to the setting up of service level agreement and clear expectation of HR’s role. This practice has been prevalent in costing HR’s contribution and also as a basis for open trending of service whereby the in-house function is to open to competition from private sector HR consultancy. The objective of auditing HR function is to ensure that the investment in personnel and training can be justified in business terms.
2. Devolution of HR activities: the objective of devolution is to ensure a more business-led personnel response to employment issues. It involves the reallocation of personnel activities from specialist either to line manager or other specialists or other locations away from the main headquarters of the organization. There have so many activities that HR departments should take responsibility. The activities could be classified into issues such as: Human resource planning and work organization; recruitment and selection; training, development and appraisal etc.
3. Decentralizing HR functions: generally, organizations tend to centralize activities to achieve greater control of process and costs, whereas decentralized activities are thought to allow companies to become closer to their customer base. Centralized structure tends to emphasis the development of specialist skills and knowledge. Decentralized structure lends themselves well to developing flexible management and employee skills and cross-function working.
4. Outsourcing: this part is extremely important if we want to create the cost-effective HR service. As with many business functions, outsourcing has become an important method of achieving flexibility and reduce costs. The arguments for outsourcing HR service can be summarized as follows:
l Outside organization can afford to retain a greater level of specialist knowledge that can be called upon when needed.
l HR activities are not core skills and therefore can be more easily bought in without loss of competitiveness or risk to business performance. The business of the business is not HR management.
l Professional skills have a greater impact when brought in. outside consultants have a better change impact rather than insiders.
However, like devolution we must be careful to look at what is being outsourced. Actually, what I am always doing to achieve the cost-effective HR service is to set up a particular office to handle outsourcing HR services.
(In the issues blow I assume I’m the supervisor of HR outsourcing service office, and I will show you how to make the cost-effective value added service really happen.)
2.3 The benefits of outsourcing service
To sustain and excel in this immensely competitive business world you need to adopt strategies like the HR outsourcing services - that are cost effective as well as productive. More and more leading business houses are increasingly showing interest on outsourcing their non-core operations like managing the human resource and maintaining the payroll etc. For these services they are hiring third party service providers and outsourcing the jobs. This technique of HR outsourcing services is sure to give you some direct benefits like:-
· Effective HR solutions - As the service providers have specific expertise in the human resource sector, you get the perfect and useful solutions from them.
· Cost reduction - As the service providers of the HR outsourcing services charge much lesser than the cost of maintaining a human resource department, you will reduce the cost of operation significantly.
· Resource Management - As the HR outsourcing services take care of your human resource requirements, you can mobilize your available resources for the core areas of your business and hence increase the ROI.
The office we set up can provide effective and cost efficient HR outsourcing services in five different industry verticals including the IT, ITES, Consumer, Finance and Healthcare. Our HR service has some unique features that ensure effective human resource solutions for your company. In the following passages, we are presenting a brief overview of the finer aspects of our Human Resource Consultancy Service.
Domain Knowledge - For successful HR outsourcing services, the service provider and the HR Manager of the client company must share the same level of interaction. The better the understanding, the more effective is the HR solution. At Alpconsultants.com we have in depth knowledge of each of the industry that we operate on and our eminent Board of Directors, who head from different industry verticals, guide the company to right directions.
Infrastructure – if we have more subsidiaries and services centers assigned in different places, we will get the efficiency when some urgent missions come down.
Process Hygiene – if we follow a well designed guideline and flawless execution procedure for all the HR services including Executive Search, employee hiring on permanent basis and temporary staffing.
Values - Our services are driven by some core values that make us a class apart in the industry
2.4 There few goals we must pay full attention to it and try to pursuit it properly:
Goal 1: Focus growth in a manner that supports the cost-effective delivery of HRM services, including the cost of constructing, operating and replacing infrastructure and facilities.
1. Maximize the use of spare capacity of existing infrastructure and encourage revitalization of under-utilized residential, industrial and commercial sites.
2. Identify and address infrastructure needs critical to business investment.
3. Attract private sector investment through regional growth planning, infrastructure investment and overall fiscal stability.
Goal 2: Achieve appropriate sharing of infrastructure and facility costs between developers, residents, HRM and other sources.
1. Review Capital Cost Contributions biannually, in consideration of the fiscal sustainability of new development/growth trends.
2. Increase the level of investment by federal and provincial governments in growth related infrastructure and facilities through mutual dialogue, ensuring all investments are appropriate to HRM's long range development goals.
3. Seek appropriate tools from the Province, to enable financing of development related facilities not already enabled in the Municipal Government Act.
Goal 3: Match infrastructure, facilities and services investment with HRM's capacity to pay.
1. Review the long term financial plan and the Regional Plan in the light of each other.
2. Link financial commitments for services such as transportation, schools, libraries, solid waste collection, recreation and parks operations, to the development approval process.
3. Ensure that HRM's tax structure encourages cost effective and efficient development.
Goal 4: Engage citizens in an ongoing dialogue through education, promotion and public debate on regional and local issues.
1. Achieve a high level of satisfaction from members of the public in the quality and timeliness of information that was provided for major decisions.
2. Increase the use of innovative public participation tools where appropriate, such as visual preference surveys, design workshops, 3-D modelling and web based communication.
3. Increase level of volunteer participation and public consultation in HRM initiatives.
4. Confirm public general understanding and support through routinely undertaking surveys to determine public awareness levels.
Goal 5: Coordinate land use policies and regulations with neighbouring counties and the Province, minimizing artificial incentives to development dispersal and associated transportation and servicing costs.#p#分頁標題#e#
1. Avoid a shift in development from HRM to neighbouring counties attributable to land use regulation.
2. Establish an on-going liaison group with neighbouring counties and the Province, to ensure that the respective policy and regulatory environments are coordinated.
Goal 6: Facilitate an understanding of, and commitment to growth management among all levels of government, the public and key private and voluntary sector partners.
1. Obtain amendments to the Municipal Government Act to expand HRM's authority for influencing land use, site layout, environmental quality and building design.
2. Obtain legislative authority to implement innovative traffic control measures and dedicated lanes to support walking, cycling, carpooling and transit use while reducing energy consumption.
3. Periodically review the regulatory process with the public and development industry.
Goal 7: Streamline development regulation while maintaining a high level of public confidence in the approval process.
1. Eliminate out-dated and ineffective requirements.
2. Adopt development approval processes which add value rather than time, and which focus consultation on the issues of most interest to the public.
3. In consultation with the public, produce robust community plans which do not require excessive or repeated amendments to accommodate development proposals.
4. Increase the percentage of development applicants who conclude the process.
Goal 8: Identify areas of regional significance and ensure that policies and regulations for these areas reflect the collective interests of HRM citizens.
1. Provide policies that recognize the strategic value of key locations and other emerging centres to the long-term economic and social well-being of the region.
Goal 9: Ensure strong, consistent and pro-active code enforcement to maintain neighborhood and community integrity
1. Ensure that regulations are intelligible for enforcement purposes.
2. Support an efficient and effective monitoring and enforcement regimen.
3. Establish integrated and automatic enforcement procedures.
If you have been empowered and got the ability to achieve those goals, it would be a pretty easy job for you to reduce the cost of HR service
3. Section b
The learning and development, in almost every developing country for example China, will be defined as the key activities. From the time China was just established to nowadays it is described by many reports as the fastest developing country, Chinese people use only 50 years to achieve it. If I am the supervisor of HR department and I am trying to make some new HR development strategies, China’s development will definitely be a successful sample to give us some revelations.
But, is there any difference between learning and training? Should we shift from the training mode to learning mode and put extra attention at learning? Be more specifically, all questions could combine into one, that is, Training, learning and development, what is the difference between them?
Well there are a number of very important reasons. As we all know, knowledge is locked up with the employees of a Company and it is this factor that determines how successful a business is. If as a manager you don’t understand this point, then the performance of the Company will be jeopardised.
So why is it important to understand the exact definition of these terms? Well it’s because they are used in an inexact way which is often interchangeable. People do not use them in an exact way or in accordance with their literal definitions. This will cause problems when you come to develop your employees as the inability to match your training, learning or development objectives with the right programme will not only result in you wasting valuable time but also wasting money and undermining your credibility in the eyes of your employees.
For instance, Call of the Wild Ltd place great emphasis on this issue when they initially meet with clients. It is important to understand what the objectives are and what will be the best programme to meet these objectives using our blended learning approach. they seek to clarify for the clients what the actual terminology means and what form of delivery is required so that they can get best value out of the programme.
In simple terms, education provides a knowledge base that underpins any other activities the individual may engage in at a later stage. Training is not as general and tends to concentrate on skills development. “Development” allows both activities to be integrated. It has been described as “the general enhancement and growth of an individual’s skills and abilities through conscious and unconscious learning”.
Development, therefore, includes education and training as well as a range of other activities such as coaching, looking, listening and mentoring. Learning is the outcome of both training-led and education-led approaches to development, yet learning itself is complex. It is far more than the shifting of knowledge or information from educator/trainer to the learner.#p#分頁標題#e#
This is where Call of the Wild’s approach is different to others in that they recognise that people have different learning styles and they seek to focus on self-learning through our bespoke development programmes. They understand that learning is not simply something that takes place as a formal process in a classroom. They understand that there is a need to incorporate a wider range of activities in the typical learning mix – their blended learning approach.
Training is something you do. Learning is something that happens. Learning should be the major outcome of training. Sometimes having a trainer speeds up the learning process.
Training is successful if learning occurs. Changed behavior in the workplace is essential if organizations are going to grow and develop. Planned training that relates to the current organizational direction can make a real difference.
In the old time, I might believe that training and learning are both important, because employees in companies existed as human beings, and all human has the character we called deactivation, if you don’t force them to do something, they will become lazy. But in recent year, with the development of scientific psychology, we could make a scientific and effective regulation inside the strategic organization and reduce the deactivation during learning process.
Hence, I think nowadays learning is more important than training. In another words, I totally agree that organizations should shift the focus from “training” to “learning”.
I hope that all organizations could remember the words in quotation marks.
“Focus on learning, not training.”
Analysis: “training” suggests putting stuff into people, when actually we should be developing people from the inside out, so they achieve their own individual potential, what they love and enjoy, what they are most capable of, and strong at doing, rather than what we try to make them be.
“Learning far better expresses this than training”
Analysis: training is mostly a chore; people do it because they are paid to. Learning is quite different, people respond to appropriate learning because they want to, because it benefits and interests them, and also because it helps to grow and to develop their natural abilities, to make a difference and to be special.
Training is something happens at work. Learning is something that people pursue by choice at their own cost in their own time. Does it not make sense for employers to help and enable that processes? Of course it does.
The word “learning” is significant: it suggests that people are driving their own development for themselves, through relevant experience, beyond work related skills and knowledge and processes. “Learning” extends the idea of personal development to beliefs, values, wisdom, compassion, emotional maturity, ethics, integrity and most important of all, to helping others to identify, aspire to and to achieve and fulfill their own unique individual personal potential.#p#分頁標題#e#
Learning describes a person growing. Whereas “training” merely describes, and commonly represents, transfer of knowledge or skill for organization gain, which has generally got bugger-all to do with the brain. No wonder people don’t typically enjoy or queue up for training.
When we help people to develop as people, you create far greater alignment and congruence between work and people and lives—you provide more meaning for people at work, and you also build and strengthen platform and readiness for any amount of skills, processes, and knowledge development that your organization will ever need.
Obviously do not ignore basic skills and knowledge training, for example: health and safety; how to use the phones, how to setup your desktop etc. Of course these basics must be trained, but they are not what makes the difference. Train the essential skills and knowledge of course, but most importantly for the person, beyond work skills to help them grow and develop for life, to help them to identify, aspire to, and take steps towards fulfilling their own personal unique potential.
“Develop the person, not just the skills and knowledge”
Analysis: skills and knowledge are the easy things. Most people will take care of these for themselves. Helping and enabling and encouraging people to become happier more fulfilled people is what employers and organizations should focus on. Achieve this and the skills and knowledge will largely take care of themselves.
“Give people choice”
Analysis: give people choice in what, and how and when to learn and develop, there is a world of choice, and so many ways to access it all. People have different learning styles, rates of learning, and areas of interest. Why restrict people’s learning and development to their job skills? Help them learn and develop in whatever way they want and they will quite naturally become more positive, productive and valuable to your organization.
At last part let’s see how to use HRD strategies to achieve the purpose of learning and developing.
To understand the critically of HRD in a highly competitive global marketplace, it must be set in the context of organizational development. Today there is an increased focus on organizational development in the quest for a high-performance culture. Learning and development is central in this equation.
Organizational development is undertaken to achieve a flexible and creative organization that constantly seeks to improve and reinvent the way it carries out its business, and serves its customers. As we have noted, a high-performance culture is its goal. Flexibility not only enables an organization to embrace change, but exploit change in the external environment to organizational advantage. Central to organizational development is integrated working; integrated working through inter-disciplinary teamwork and cross-function collaboration enabled by new technologies (e.g. IT technologies such as knowledge bases, information and contextual search engines). Such integrated working practice require culture change, and learning is vital in bring about change.#p#分頁標題#e#
To promote leaning and development many large corporations have their learning own learning organizations, corporate universities or corporate business schools. The successful of those organizations is highly dependent on how well learning initiatives are aligned to business objectives.
4. Conclusion
After analyzing the cost-effective HR services and HRD strategies, it will show obviously that how HR turns from purely personnel management into a organizational combination which is challenging most HR managers and enforce them to make the right strategies, under the economical crisis, we cannot afford the extra cost brought by wrong HR strategies.
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