英國大眾傳媒碩士dissertation寫作需求,Ethics Approval Application Form Department of Media and Communication
If you have answered ‘YES’ to any of the questions in the Research Ethics Review Checklist then you will need to describe more fully how you plan to deal with the ethical issues raised by your research. This does not mean that you cannot do the research, only that your proposal will need to be approved by the Research Ethics Committee.
1. Please list below the questions you answered ‘YES’ to on the Research Ethics Review Checklist:
2. Purpose and Design of the Proposed Research
(a) Briefly describe the basic purposes of the research proposed
Purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the life style and media audience behaviour.
(b) Outline the design of the project.
(If interviewing people or administering a survey/questionnaire, please attach either a list of the broad questions you propose to ask, or a copy of the questionnaire).
Part 1:Users’ Behavior
1. How many days in a month did you read e-magazines on average?
(1)More than 21 days (2)11 -20 days (3)6 - 10 days (4) 1 -5days (5) Less than 1 day
If your answer to this item is the (5), you should answer part 2 directly, you can continue if your answers are others
2. Do you subscribe to some e-magazines?
(1)Yes (2) No
If your answer to this item is the (1), you should answer item (5) directly, you can continue if your answer is (2)
3. Do you read e-magazines regularly?
(1)Yes (2) No
4. Which of the following methods do you use to read an e-magazine?
(1) Use reading software (2) Download exe file (3) Online (4) With mobile (5) Other
5. How many types of e-magazines do you read monthly?
(1) l-3 types (2) 4 -6 types (3) 7-9 types (4) More than 10 types
6. How much time did you spend on an e-magazine on average?
(1) Less than 1 minutes (2)6-15 minutes (3)16-20 minutes (4)21-30 minutes
(5) 31-60 minutes (6) More than 60 minutes
7. Which type digital magazine of following you will read? (Multiple choice)
(1) Fashion, Life (2) Anime games (3) Digital (4) Education (5) Movie Star (6) Music
(8) Auto (9) Travel (10) Visual design (11) Male (12) Female (13) Emotion (14) Food (15) Health (16) Independent e-magazine (17) Celebrity magazine (18) Other
8. Why do you read digital magazine presently? (Multiple choice)
(1) Care about current affairs (2) Collect and check information (3) Kill time
(4) Access to knowledge (5) Relax (6) Academic needs (7) Habit (8) Increase the topics of conversation with others (9) Try new things (10) Other
9. What attacks you most in the digital magazine? ( Multiple choice)#p#分頁標題#e#
(1) Beautiful and dynamic images (2) Provide valuable information (3) Video
(4) Nice background music (5) Visual impact (6) Flip effect
(7) Interactive or entertaining (8) Convenience (9) Less advertising
(10) Environmentally-friendly (11) Personality (12)Other
10. Have you share any of e-magazines with other peoples?
(l) Yes (please specific) (2) No
11. Are you willing to pay for the digital magazine you need?
(1) unwillingly very much (2)unwillingly (3) neither willingly nor unwillingly
(4) willingly (5)willingly very much
(If your answer of this item is the (1) or (2), you should answer items (13) ,if your answers are any of other 3,you can continue )
12. If you are willing to pay subscriptions, how much are you willing to pay for a type of e-magazine ?
(1)Less than 1 yuan (2)1-2yuan (3)3-5yuan (4)5-10yuan (5)More than 10 yuan
13. Have you been involved in the production of electronic magazine?
(1)Yes (2)No (3) Do not have but would like to try
(If your answer of this item is the (2)or (3), you should answer part 2 directly, if your answers is (1) ,you can continue)
14. Which type of the e-magazines you have taken part in making?
(1) Personal e-magazine (2) Private independent e-magazine (3) Other
15. Why have you participated in making the e-magazines?
(1)Job requires (2) Academic requires (3) Social activity requires (4 ) Hobby (5) Other
Part 2: Life Style
For each of the following questions, please write the number behind the items that corresponds with your views for life at the present time.
Totally disagree =1 Partially disagree=2 Neither agree nor disagree =3
Partially agree=4 Totally agree=5
1. I have the habit of savings and financial management.
2. I think I have leadership skills.
3. No matter how tired I am, I will spare some time for exercise.
4. I'm used to pay for things with credit cards.
5. I always pay attention to the discounts.
6. I often make new friends through network.
7. I often look for the discounts information in network.
8. I will pay attention to the most popular thing.
9. I like to watch TV to pass the time.
10. My favourite program is news among all the TV shows.
11. I like exciting activities.
12. I like to participate in activities with others.
13. I like to watch various shows.
14. I like to play games online.
15. I like to go out with friends other than stay alone.
16. Health is more important than any other thing.
17. I will buy economic and practical things, no matter what it looks like.
18. I always do not know what I have paid for.
19. I am very concerned about how to invest.
20. I think bargain is needed when shopping.
21. As long as the product is good enough, the higher price is not matter.
22. I always hope to attract people's attention.
23. I do not like special offers, discount goods, because the quality is unreliable.#p#分頁標題#e#
24. I am concerned about the political, economic and social news
25. Before buying the product, I will collect information about the product.
26. I always pay attention to the list of pop songs or bestsellers.
27. I often change the brand of household products to pursuit novelty.
28. I often share the information of product consumption trends with my friends.
29. Compared with other traditional media, I prefer to use the network media
30. Compared with television, I prefer to books.
31. I will read some magazines and newspapers regularly.
Part 3: Personnel Information
For each of the following questions, please choose or write the number behind the items that corresponds with your own situation or views at the present time.
1. Sex:
(1)Male (2) Female
2. Age:
(1)Less than 18 years old (2) 18-21 years old (3)22-25years old
(4)26-30 years old (5)31-35 years old (6) More than 35 years old
3. Education:
(1) Graduated high school and below (2) Trades certificate (3) Graduated college
(4) Bachelor (5) Master and above
4. Job:
(1) Students (2) Public officials of Party , government organs or institutions (3)Management in enterprise or company (4) Staff in the Enterprise or the company (5) Professional and technical personnel (6) Educational or medical personnel (7) Service industries (8) Media practitioner (9) Freelance (10) Unemployment (11) Other
5. Average monthly personal income: (If you are student, count the amount of monthly disposable income)
(1) Less than 500Yuan (2) 500-1000 Yuan (3) 1001-2000Yuan (4) 2001-3000 Yuan
(5) 3001-4000yuan (6) 4001-5000Yuan (7) 5001-6000 Yuan (8) 600-17000Yuan
(9) 7001-8000Yuan (10) More than 8000Yuan
3. Recruitment
In the box below please provide information on the following points:
• how participants will be recruited for this project
• indicate how many participants are likely to be involved
• how initial contact will be made
• how participants will be invited to take part in this project.
• Does the recruitment process raise any privacy issues, e.g. does the researcher plan to access personal information to identify potential participants without their knowledge or consent?
A copy of any relevant correspondence should be attached to this application.
We will not recruite people for this project.
The questionnaires of this research were sent at the website: http://www.askform.cn/77275-89563.aspx.
200 participants will likely to be involved.
We will invite the online customer in the websites of sina, renren, kaixin and douban from a larger population randomly, once they accepted , could visit the website to answer the questionnaire and returned at the website, before this ,they will be told that participated in this survey was voluntary.
The recruitment process will do not raise any privacy issues,
4. Personal identifiable data for medical/health research
Are you obtaining personal identifiable data specifically for medical/health research that is held by a government or private sector agency?
5. Vulnerable participants
Will participants include students, children, the mentally ill or others in a dependent relationship?
If so, provide details:
6. Payment
Will payment be made to any participants?
If so, give details of arrangements:
7. Consent
Describe the consent issues involved in this proposal. Describe the procedures to be followed in obtaining the informed consent of participants and/or of others responsible. Attach any relevant documents such as a consent form, information sheet, letter of invitation etc. If you do not propose to obtain written consent (e.g. if working with non-literate people) give a detailed explanation of the reasons for seeking oral consent, describe the procedure you intend to adopt, and specify the information to be provided to participants. If you have answered ‘YES’ to Question 5 above please address any issues of consent and the possibility of coercion.
I am a students come from Leicester University and studying the related research on use of e-magazine, this research aimed at understanding the public use of e-magazines as well as public views for the e- magazine; your valuable information will be very helpful to our research. So, I hope you can spare some time to answer the following questions about e-magazine usage behaviour and lifestyle online, we will do not see your name and know who you are, the answers neither right nor wrong. The data will only be used to research. Thank you very much.
8. Protection of privacy (confidentiality)
英國媒體學碩士dissertation寫作指導Describe the confidentiality issues involving in this proposal. Give details of the measures that will be adopted to protect confidential information about participants, both in handling and storing raw research data and in any publications. Blanket guarantees of confidentiality are not helpful. If the term “confidential” is used in information provided to participants, a full description of what precisely confidentiality means in the context of this research should be given.
We will do not see the respondents’ name and know who they are; this will protect their personal information. Only we can see the data at the website.
9. How the research might impact on participants
Describe and discuss any possible impact of the proposed research on the participants or their communities that you can foresee. This might include psychological, health, social, economic or political changes or ramifications. Discuss how you will try to minimise any impact.#p#分頁標題#e#
They will re-access the e-magazine usage behaviour and lifestyle.
http://www.mythingswp7.com/dissertation_sample/New_Zealand_Dissertaion_Sample/We will tell the respondents the information they provide are neither good nor bad.
10. Other ethical and any legal considerations
Comment on any other ethical considerations that are involved in this proposal, including any potential for legal difficulties to arise for participants.
11. Handling possible problems arising from the research
describe the arrangements you have made to handle concerns and complaints by participants, or emergencies involving participants or researchers.
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