廣告以及它是如何吸引男人,女人,和社會(huì)的 Advertisement And How It Appeals To Men, Women, And Society
Companies use advertisements try to entice people buy their merchandise. When people see ads whether it’s in a magazine, on television or anywhere else, society gets the need to go out and buy it. Is it to hard for us to resist the temptation of having something new. There is no reason why we have to have it. A person sees it and wants to go buy it and as soon as someone does here comes something new that we want. Advertisers target consumers by creating illusions and desires in which people help them because they have brand loyalty. Also America as a society create false identities about ourselves which in the long run the need for all these things create credit debt and problems for us. Sports Illustrated it’s audiences identities by having ads in there that gives it’s readers a false impression that the things in there will increase there athletic performance.#p#分頁(yè)標(biāo)題#e#
Advertisers can use whatever they can to sell the goods that they have and will try to sell it in any way they can and where ever they can. Sex is one example of how advertisers sell their goods. Sex can sell anything from clothes, underwear, cigarettes, and more in any way shape or form. For example, in Sports illustrated they have and ad that has a nice looking girl holding a twix candy bar. There is a reason that they put that girl in that ad because the advertisers know that the majority of people reading the magazine is male. Advertisers know that they can get a man to look at that picture or ad if they put a good looking girl in it. These ads only do one thing and that is create a desire and illusion that we can have or be like the person in the ad if we have what the ad is trying to sell. The desire that it creates is the one that is popular and we have to get it for us to be popular with our peers and that we have to have the best available that is out there. The illusion that it creates is that if you wear this you will look a certain way but really you can’t because everyone doesn’t look the same so if the person in the ad looks good in it that doesn’t mean that we will look that way. The girl that they used in this particular ad had somewhat of a perfect body.
The name of the clothing line today plays apart in whether or not the clothes are bought or not. Name brands have become the big trend that is going on right now and if someone doesn’t have the name then you are not with the in crowd. When we go to the store we look for the name and when we see something that looks good we don’t buy it because the name is not advertised every second we watch television or open a magazine. Why do we have loyalty to some of these brands because as a society we put a lot on the kind of clothes we wear and it kind of gives us our social status. For example, in Sports Illustrated they are in a way promoting bran loyalty because they have these athletes in there wearing a certain brand and when this is seen by a one of it’s readers they might want to go out an by that particular brand because they saw and athlete with that on. I believe that sports illustrated is a cheap way for athletes to advertise there products. Celebrities also create trends that people flock to and what we see them do we want to do to be just like them Barron says, “ In catching trend, isn’t averse to tarting up the product, as in the super low jeans. Unlike prior designs that have mostly bubbled up in-house, the idea for the super lows was adapted from the phenomenon of celebrities such as Mariah Carey cutting off the waistbands of the Levi’s mainstay 501’s”(157). Since Levi’s got the idea from her they should have sold a lot of those jeans because if people saw her with them on then they assume that it is alright for them. It seems like celebrities have to approve for us to get something because if they don’t have it people don’t want it. People only want what the stars have and that it and if they don’t have it then people don’t want it. #p#分頁(yè)標(biāo)題#e#
In addition also ads play a big part in what people eat and why we as a society eat those things. The biggest thing is the fast food commercials and what they portrayed to us. The biggest crowd that they attract is the youth as Solomon says, “ American advertising, we can conclude that America is a nation of fantasizers, often preferring the sign to the substance and easily enthralled by a veritable Fantasy Island of commercial illusions”(142). For example, in sports illustrated they have a Wendy’s fast food and it give the impression that Wendy’s is good for you. But I do see a reason why they would have it in a sports magazine because a portion of it’s readers are males that don’t workout. Kids don’t know any better all they see is the toy that comes with the meal Bower it says, “ While Mom and Dad are snoozing on Saturday morning, the kids are being hit with a barrage of ads for fast food restaurants”(75). What people eat is learned at a young age and that’s a big reason why now people eat what they eat because they developed this habit at a young age. If people really knew what they were eating at these places they would not feed it to there kids and they would not eat that food themselves in some of the ads that are shown on television some of the advertisers use teen in the ad to talk about there food. MacArthur says that “That chanllege is more complex for fast food outlet, said subway’s Mr. Carroll “we can’t fight [share] battle with the McDonald’s, Burger Kings and Taco Bells of the world. What we see as a big opportunity is trying to communicate to parents the whole healthy eating piece”(27). So she is saying that if they use teens to sell there food that they will be able to appeal to everyone because if the kids want to eat healthy then there parent will have no choice but to get the food for them. If you look on television an observe all the ads you will see that a lot of fast food chains are doing this. It is a smart way to double there sells because if there is one to two parents a child that ends up selling two to three more meals then they would if just the parent was buying.
Another issue to consider is that with the prices of the things people buy they can’t realistically afford all the things that we want because we don’t make enough money to be able to spend that way. The way that we buy it is we charge all the things that we want put us into big debt and after awhile all the builds up and we will be in trouble because that person will then will have to pay the money back. Why buy things like new cars if there is nothing wrong with the car we have. Personally I believe that buying a used car is just as good as getting a new one and it is a lot cheaper. There are a lot of things that we could get a lot cheaper such as clothes and accessories. Barron said, “ the company needs a ringing success: earnings fell 41% to 88 million for the nine months ended August 26 on a 10% decline in sales to 3 billion”(157). They are talking about Levi’s jeans and the decline in sales the they had. The drop in sells is related to the fact that society is spending money on the name brands and Levi’s has in a way went out of style. But the article also says that since Levi’s has changed it’s look there sells have went up a bit and they are transforming to the new trend. This relates to the fact that if people spend money on things that look like the name brand then they will save money and still have the look that they looking for. Things that look the same are just as good as the real thing.#p#分頁(yè)標(biāo)題#e#
Sports stars are now becoming big with advertisements and they can get people to buy anything. The sports star that advertisers use is Michael Jordan if they use him they can sell anything because every young up and coming basketball player wants to be like Mike. Sports stars are good with selling shoes and other sports apparel. All these thing are apart of there strategies and they know that things will work because that is why they use them. Fila used a different approach to appeal to their audiences they showed two sides of there athletes which show a hard an athletic side and a soft an caring side in which they showcase another talent that the athlete they chose has. For example, Lefton says “ thus, creative with Hill and Stackhouse cuts from them playing basketball to one playing the piano as the other sings”(6). Playing the piano and singing was to show that these athletes have other talents and they wear Fila’s at the same time. The message that they were trying to get out was that the Fila shoes they had on gave them their talents. We buy a lot of things to build us up and a lot of things give us a false identity and this identity is given to us by the people on the outside. Do what people on the outside matter that much that we have to fake how we really are to impress them? I don’t think that they are. They can think what they want to think because I really know who I am and the people around me know who I am, and that is all that matters. People on the outside can think what they want of anyone but the good thing is that you wont really know what they are thinking because it is not like they are going to tell you.
Advertising is game and advertisers will do what it take to sell whatever it takes to sell what they need to sell. The world will always have it wants and needs but it is up to us how we go about for filling these needs. Sports stars are good at what they do and they have a talent that everyone is not blessed with so if they wear a specific shoe it doesn’t make them better and it won’t make the consumer better. Advertising is great but we can’t let it create who we are and we can’t let ads create our identity.