07-26, 2015
Today, managers play an important role in the development of business and effective organizational performance. At the same time, professional skills of managers are crucial for their professional success. In this respect, I can refer to my personal experience. In actuality, I have reached a considerable progress in the development of my managerial skills and abilities but I need to keep progressing to reach my professional success and to become an effective manager. In this respect, it is important to focus on the most important organizational, communication and other skills and training which are extremely important for contemporary managers.
In fact, organizational skills are particularly important for modern managers. I have always attempted to develop my organizational skills and, at the moment, I believe that organizational skills are strategically important for my professional development. In actuality, I have already managed to organize my life and learning process that help me consistently to study successfully and develop positive relationships with my peers and educators. In this respect, I should say that the development of organizational skills helped me to organize my schedule and now I can use my time effectively and interact with my social environment.
At the same time, a good manager is a clever manager who can use analytical thinking to take right decisions. In fact, analytical thinking is crucial for a good manager and I need to develop my analytical thinking because without analytical thinking it is impossible to take effective and right decisions. In such a way, my analytical thinking comprises an integral part of the decision making process. The latter, in its turn, comprises an integral part of the work of any manager. The effectiveness of decision making defines the overall effectiveness of the work of a manager, especially in the contemporary business environment, when decisions should be taken fast and managers should be able to take right decisions in possibly shorter time. Hence, analytical thinking can help me as a manager to learn to take decisions fast on the ground of adequate and effective analysis of the current situation and specific circumstances in which the decision should be taken.#p#分頁標題#e#
Furthermore, in the course of my learning I focus on the planning process because planning helps to organize my life and learning properly. At the same time, I am conscious of the fact that planning is essential for a manager because the organization of the work of a team or unit is impossible without planning. In fact, planning is necessary at all levels of the organizational structure, from the strategic planning to the level of team management.
At the same time, I have discovered that I have underestimated significance of control in the work of the manager. Now, I understand that control is essential for the effective implementation of the plan and it helps consistently to change my work as a manager, if I fail to reach goals I have planned to reach. In fact, it is due to control I can monitor my professional performance.
多元化環境—Multicultural environment
In the contemporary world training is extremely important. In such a situation, the effectiveness of the training process becomes one of the main factors that influence the development of the company through the professional growth of its personnel. However, the effective training is impossible without the profound knowledge of the training cycle and ways of its practical application in specific industries.
First of all, it should be said that the training process may vary depending on the circumstances of its applications and its goals, but still the major stages of the training cycle remain similar. In this respect, it is necessary to underline that the training cycle starts with the clear definition of the goals of the training. What is meant here is the fact that before start training it is necessary to clearly define what the training cycle should target at, namely it is necessary to assess the current needs of a company and define the goals of the training that could provide the improvement of the performance of a trained employee and the performance of a company at large.
As the goals of the training are defined, it is necessary to create the training team and find a specialist who could train the personnel selected for the training. In this respect, it is possible to recommend either inviting of a specialist that is experienced in the field where the training is needed or to use a specialist that works at the company and can share his/her knowledge with other employees to improve the qualification level.
Furthermore, as people for the training are selected, it is necessary to develop a plan of the training. In this respect, necessary to underline that the training cycle should include the planning that could count for a long-term, short-term and near-term perspective. In such a way, the training cycle would prepare specialists for different stages of the improvement of their skills. In fact, such a plan will make employees better understand the current, near-term goals of training, its further perspective in short-term and, finally the long-term perspective. It is important to start with long-term perspective and gradually lead employees to near-term perspectives that will show them how strategic long-term goals may be practically achieved.#p#分頁標題#e#
After that it is necessary to execute plan. However, the execution of the plan should be accomplished by the evaluation and assessment of the training. These stages are very important because they help to define the effectiveness of training and give insight concerning possible improvements in the training process.
In practice, this training cycle may be implemented in different fields, including in training managers for the national retail organization. Firstly, it is necessary to define the goals, for instance, implement the strategy of the total quality management. Secondly, it is necessary to develop the plan - make quality a part of the philosophy of the company in long-term, focus on the quality in relations between employees and customers in short-term, and learn the major ways to improve the quality of the production and services in the near-term. After that it is necessary to implement the training plan and evaluate and assess its effectiveness. In this respect, it is possible to use quantitative data, for instance, changes in the level of sales in departments of the managers trained, or qualitative data, for instance, interview of customers to reveal whether they are satisfied with the work of trained managers or not. Thus, the training cycle should be carefully planned and its outcomes should meet the goals defined at the beginning of the training.
In addition, I believe that my communication skills are crucial for my professional development and overall success. In the course of my learning, I have already made a consistent progress in the development of my communication skills. In fact, I always enjoyed communication but I paid little attention to communication techniques that can be used in the course of communication. As the matter of fact, the communication process is very complex but the effectiveness of communication is crucial for the development of positive interpersonal relationships of managers with their subordinates. In actuality, the development of positive interpersonal relationships facilitates the work of a manager. However, it is difficult to control the process of communication and develop effective communication techniques respectively to the context in which communication takes place. Moreover, I have learned that the cultural background of people involved in the communication is of the utmost importance and this experience is very useful for my further professional development as a manager.
At the same time, employers are very concerned with the qualification of employees and I think that employers would also appreciate the development of conflict management skills as well as such personal characteristics as tolerance, because people working in non-profitable organizations work in very severe environment. Such organizations often face a problem of shortage of financial resources, while people they are helping to are, as a rule, marginalized. In this respect, it should be said that I have poor conflict management skills because I rather tend to avoid conflicts than manage them. Nevertheless, I understand that these skills are particularly important when you work with disadvantaged people, who are often discriminated and oppressed.#p#分頁標題#e#
Nevertheless, I believe that I can develop my conflict management skills, although I will probably need the assistant of professional who can develop a special training program for me. In fact, I think that the most efficient to overcome this weakness is to attend training courses where I can learn in details different strategies of conflict management.
Thus, at the moment I have reached a considerable success in my professional development but I believe that I will keep progressing to improve my professional skills and abilities.
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