dissertation題目:英格蘭mba PROPOSAL——The localization of IELTS in China
dissertation語言:英語dissertation English
dissertation專業(yè):English, globalization, and language policy
字數(shù):2500(10% margin)
您的學(xué)校:Institute of Education, University of London, 歐洲最好的教育學(xué)院,專業(yè)世界排名第二,所以dissertation要求很高。
英格蘭mba PROPOSAL——The localization of IELTS in China
1. Research background
IELTS (IELTS - International English Language Testing System) is a kind of English level test which is more comprehensive for four abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, for people who want to study, to work or going to settle in the English-speaking countries.
2 Research significance
3 Research question
4 Research aim and objective
5 Research contents
6. References
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