dissertation題目:英國戰略管理專業碩士畢業dissertationAnalysis of strategic alliance between Chinese commercial banks and foreign institutio
補充要求和說明:需要建模,需要實證研究,需要數據處理, dissertation參考文獻格式havard,dissertation參考文獻數量100個左右, dissertation是碩士畢業dissertationessay格式,全日制碩士,導師不是博士生導師,引用率15%
英國戰略管理專業碩士畢業dissertationAnalysis of strategic alliance between Chinese commercial banks and foreign institutio
In the past several years, strategic alliance has become one of the strategic means widely used. Since 2003, with the continuous opening of Chinese banking industry, the Chinese commercial banks one by one introduce strategic investors, accelerate the reform progress, and form diversified strategic alliances.
This paper use theories and tools for the analysis of strategic alliance of Chinese banks and foreign institutions from the view of integration of resources. First of all, foreign commercial banks have deeper cooperation than foreign non-bank institutions in strategic alliances. Secondly, each of the strategic alliance parties has different resources and capabilities, so the depth of the cooperation between Chinese banks and foreign institutions are affected by both resource backgrounds. Foreign banks own complementary resources, and then the performance management indicators of Chinese commercial banks are turning better. While foreign non-bank institutions only provide the financial resources, which can be seen as affiliated resources, the performance improvement of Chinese bank is weaker. Complementary resource combination brings obvious performance growth. Thirdly, this paper examines the impact of resource combinations in bank strategic alliance on financial performance of bank, especially on management efficiency, asset quality and prudent operation indicator. The resources from foreign investors have strategic value for improvement of operational efficiency management skills and profitability ability of Chinese banks.
Key words: 英國dissertation,Strategic Alliance, resource based view, Commercial Bank
Content 3
1.1 Research background 6
1.1.1 Theoretical background 6
1.1.2 Practical background 7
1.2 Main ideas and content 8
2.1 Connotation of strategic alliance 9
2.1.1 Strategic management perspective 9
2.1.2 Resource-based view 10#p#分頁標題#e#
2.1.3 Other angles 10
2.2 The motivation of strategic alliance of Chinese banks 11
2.2.1 The theory of value chain 11
2.2.2 Resource-based theory 12
2.3 Alliance management 13
2.3.1 The choice of alliance partners 13
2.3.2 Influence of resource integration type on alliance type 14
2.3.3 Trust and commitment 15
2.4 Effect of alliance partner resource properties on alliance depth 16
2.5 Resource combination properties and alliance performance 17
3.1 Raise 3 hypothesis 19
3.2 Research Method 19
3.2.1 Pooled Regression Model 19
3.2.2 Financial index analysis method 21
3.3 Data Analysis 21
3.3.1 Data sources 21
3.3.2 Performance index 22
3.4 Research steps 22
4.1 Correlation analysis of foreign property and strategic alliances depth 24
4.1.1 List of strategic alliance partner selection 24
4.1.2 Analysis on strategic alliance depth 24
4.2 Complementary resources in strong correlation with alliance performance 26
4.2.1 Chinese banks’ strategic alliance partners own complementary resources 26
4.2.2 Performance management indicator turning better 27
4.2.3 Complementary resource combination bring obvious performance growth 28
4.3 Complementary resources have strategic value for Chinese banks 29
4.3.1 Comparison of asset quality and prudent operation indicator 29
4.3.2 Measurement model on management efficiency of strategic alliance 30
4.3.3 Empirical test results and analysis 32
5.1 Conclusion of the Question 34
5.2 Research limitations 34
5.3 Research prospect 35
Appendix 1 Table 41
Table Content
Table 1 Further analysis on different background 25
Table 2 Comparison of Return on Assets (ROA) 27
Table 3 Comparison of Return on Equity (ROE) 27
Table 4 Performance index Change before and after investment (ROA) 28
Table 5 the regression results 32
Table 6 List of foreign capital taking share in Chinese commercial bank 40
Table 7 Comparison of Capital adequacy ratio (CAR) 42
Table 8 Comparison of Core Capital Adequacy Ratio (CCAR) 42
Table 9 Comparison of Non-Performing Loan ratio (NPLR) 43
1.1 Research background
1.1.1 Theoretical background
Strategic alliance is a cooperative arrangement of two or more than two between enterprises, through the sharing of resources to improve their competitive position and performance. Strategic alliance is an important source of knowledge and resources, also an important source of competitive advantage (Teece, 1992). Therefore, it has a very realistic meaning to have research on the strategic alliance. Since the United States of America DEC company president Jean Hopland and management experts Roger Nagel put forward the concept of strategic alliance, the academic and business circles in the strategic alliance has attracted much concern, the strategic alliance has become a hot issue of the current research of strategic management.#p#分頁標題#e#
5.3 Research prospect
In the current global financial crisis environment, some domestic enterprises begin to consider cross-border mergers and acquisitions, cross-border cooperation. The domestic financial institutions invest overseas such as China Investment Corporation (CIC) investing in Blackstone, Pingan investing in Fortis Bank Belgium. Therefore, the results of this study have certain reference significance for future transnational operation in financial industry. But it needs to be pointed out that, the results of this study are limited to data and need to be validated in larger range. From the resource-based view angle, resources can be obtained in many ways, there are various forms of strategic alliance, how to combine the resources also need to be further studied.
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