A cross-border environmental management model
Environmental management companies to manage environmental issues and the establishment of environmental management , criteria, procedures and practices . When companies grow to become multinationals when it developed into a cross-border environmental management environmental management .
Environmental management is a multinational level gradually increased concentration of a continuous collection can be divided into decentralized , international obedience type , as well as globally integrated centralized management . Decentralized management company does not have cross-border environmental policy and procedures, only by the branch responsible for environmental issues , and only by its management, headquarters and branches on environmental issues no relationship. But most multinationals will have branches in environmental management requirements, this model uses much. Type in the international environmental management under obedience , when multinational headquarters for branch operations to ensure that the host country does not violate local laws and regulations . This mode including the purchase of pre-operative assessment , monitoring and reporting procedures. As the host country is the most important issue of environmental protection and not the implementation of environmental laws and regulations are not prepared , so this multinational environmental management strategy is very important for the host country, the local environmental protection . Centralized management strategy will be the home country 's environmental management system for all the company 's basic framework for environmental management , the formation of a unified environmental standards and procedures. Centralized management is an advanced form of internalization of environmental standards , environmental standards that meet most of the parent branch where the host country environmental standards. Therefore, centralized environmental standards at least meet the standard or higher than most of the host country , not because of the different host countries adopt different environmental standards. The most advanced environmental management strategy is a global integrated mode , the headquarters responsible for setting environmental principles and standards, and to evaluate the environmental performance of each subsidiary , the specific implementation strategy is innovation by the subsidiary , but to set a framework for the parent within . Under this system , the specific environmental objectives determined by the scattered branches , but the unified management by the parent company . Headquarters and subsidiaries in environmental management were parallel .
Second, the impact factor model of environmental management strategies
Multinational environmental management strategies in the selection mode, due to internal or external factors, the degree of integration adopted different strategies . These factors include industry factors , internal factors , the formal regulatory and market factors .
( A ) industrial factors
Industry factors can be divided into industrial concentration impact on environmental management and industry associations on the impact of environmental management . Industrial concentration is the main determinant of market structure , is one measure of the degree of competition in an industry important factor. In highly concentrated industries, environmental management has become Except for financial , human resources management and other traditional areas of another manufacturers to improve the competitiveness of an important means to establish a brand image , and sometimes a high level of environmental management strategies can become a monopolist prevent new firms enter the industry barriers, so manufacturers generally use a higher degree of integration of environmental management strategies. In the low concentration of industries , firms make strategic adjustments , the impact on prices is small, nor do they need to consider other vendors response. Thus, in a perfectly competitive market sector , manufacturers generally take a more relaxed environment management strategies , a higher degree of decentralization .
Industry associations ( especially serious environmental pollution in petroleum, chemical and other industries ) in the code of conduct binding industry environment plays an important role , which is a supplement of government environmental regulation , while affecting multinationals operating policies standardized global environment . Industry associations through formal and informal enterprises impose penalties on its members normative and coercive pressures, so companies must comply with its specifications. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 1991 , launched the " Business Charter for Sustainable Development " , the Canadian chemical industry in 1985 launched the " Responsible Care " has been adopted in more than 40 countries . These industry rules for the industry member companies' environmental behavior provides specific guidelines . However, in the case of no punitive measures , industry associations constraints force becomes smaller.
In short, the basic characteristics of the industry ( such as concentration, cooperation, etc. ) on cross-border environmental management has a direct effect. Concentrated in the industrial area of ??business due to a higher market control can better digest environmental costs.
( Two ) internal factors
Ownership , firm size, production technology as well as factors such as environmental history home country selected environmental strategies of transnational corporations play an important role. Several studies were carried out on the environmental performance of multinationals compared to either scale than other types of multinational companies and large , or by the technology, export-oriented joint decision and other factors , the results demonstrated the environmental performance of multinational companies to be better.#p#分頁標題#e#
Are generally large-scale enterprise or a monopoly position in the industry -leading , from a competition point of view, or set out to maintain the status of entry barriers need to integrate environmental strategies as a means of competition . Moreover, large companies are more technology and management advantages , easier to adopt environmental management strategies and achieve better results. One pair of U.S. multinational study found that company-specific factors ( such as size and capital structure ) will affect the company 's decision whether to participate in environmental projects . Another Mexico through empirical research data that large multinational companies are more willing to adopt environmental management strategies and perform better.
As the product and corporate events are different, different enterprises are facing environmental risks are different. Exist or may exist in a higher environmental risk, multinational companies tend to cross the border , that is a higher degree of integration of the environmental management measures. 1993 , the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development study of the world 's largest 169 multinational cross-border management that is easy on the environment caused by the more polluting industries such as chemicals , etc. the more likely a higher degree of integration of environmental management , and vice versa tend to decentralized management .
As the developed countries more stringent environmental regulations , the home country of the multinational corporations in developed countries when domestic production or the use of clean technologies to comply with higher environmental standards , such as fixed or sunk costs multinational companies reluctant to re- align the environmental standards , so when the development is still relatively foreign affiliates tend to clean technology or environmental management strategies to the development of the British nation. In general, the home country 's environmental history and Regulation does greatly affect the environmental behavior of multinational companies . United Nations Conference on Trade and Development noted that multinational environmental practices and mother owned a strong path dependencies.
( Three ) formal regulatory factors
Formal regulatory factors , including international environmental regulation , environmental regulation home country and the host country environmental regulations . From the existing international regulations , due to the constraints of international law is not mandatory for multinationals almost no direct role . However, international law is an expression of society's expectations , indicating the direction of future development of environmental management for multinational companies have a certain reference value. And, because GATT prohibition related to this standard cross-border use , so many multinational 's home country is not on the branch offices of multinational environmental management restrictions. But some are not stringent measures , such as some countries in Europe, the parent company only needs to provide the environmental performance of foreign subsidiaries as part of its financial accounts .#p#分頁標題#e#
Therefore , the host country environmental regulations to play a key role. Multinational companies to invest abroad by host country regulatory forces. Because of externalities, the starting point in the system , enterprises will not take the initiative to carry out environmental management , different for different multinational host of regulatory role played by different. Strength and weakness of regulation is mainly reflected in legislation and enforcement of intensity . Although the development of the British national environmental standards and close to developed countries , but the law enforcement efforts and grassroots organizations have defects , which leads to either short-term or non- multinational multinational companies have relaxed environmental management motivation. But in the long term , the company usually expected future standards or become more strict, so will still take more stringent environmental management strategies to avoid future adjustment costs. In the German survey, only 16% of multinational companies and local use of different environmental technologies . This suggests that " expectations for the future environmental labeling rather than the current standard " determines the choice of multinational companies . Finally , the use of a high standard of environmental policy but also to avoid the intervention of the local government and rent-seeking activities .
( Four ) market factors
Traditional economic theory holds that a given market capacity, manufacturers can lower production costs competitive prices virtue rewarded , so that means a minimum long-term environmental costs of manufacturers will gain market for multinationals means should able to take advantage of the environmental advantages of local production . Therefore, manufacturers will have to take environmental strategy localized tendencies. However , recent studies have found that under certain conditions can bring environmental market return. In the spot market, the consumer , the buyer's market and financial markets , consumers spot market , a buyer's market analysis indicates that consumer power is bigger and more environmentally conscious multinationals will have a better environmental performance . In the financial market, the market will lead enterprises in the environmental efforts rewarded .
Third, the conclusion
Multinational environmental management strategies selected, the role of these four forces , will choose from a decentralized to a globally integrated strategy for the integration of different levels of measures . Factors from the industrial point of view, if the industry concentration is relatively low or no oversight of industry associations , multinational environmental management strategies tend localized decentralized management , and vice versa will choose a globalized management strategies ; foreign-owned or holding large-scale multinational generally be applied globally integrated management strategies. National state-owned or private multinational companies generally adopt diversification strategy. If the parent state environmental regulations tradition , then an environmental management strategy is also relatively high degree of globalization ; formal regulation from the host country perspective , you want to multinational companies have an incentive to adopt global integration strategy , the host country legislation must first relatively complete , and more It is essential that strict law enforcement ; Finally, if a relatively high degree of market , consumer power is more powerful and more emphasis on environmental issues , more timely and accurate transmission of information , so that the environment is more conducive to increased globalization strategy . In addition, the degree of perfection of the financial markets and the higher the degree of dependence on exports , but also more conducive to a higher level of environmental strategy of globalization .#p#分頁標題#e#
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