英國dissertation網專業提供英國斯特拉斯克萊德大學市場營銷dissertation定制The planning and implementation of integrated marketing communications
Barbara Caemmerer
Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the tasks involved in the planning andimplementation of integrated marketing communications using an interesting, real-life case study.
Design/methodology/approach – A mix of secondary and primary research is used: analysis ofacademic literature, market research data and organisational data, as well as interviews conductedwith members of the Renault Marketing Team.
Findings – The planning and implementation of integrated marketing communications is complexand involves a wide range of different management tasks. These include: situation analysis andidentification of marketing communications opportunities; choosing the right marketingcommunications agency; campaign development and implementation, including the selection of themarketing communications mix, creative execution and media planning; campaign evaluation;planning of follow-up campaigns; and managerial coordination between all tasks and parties involvedto ensure integration of marketing communications initiatives throughout the campaign.Originality/value – Applies marketing communications theories to a real-life example and illustratescomprehensively the management tasks involved in the planning and implementation of integratedmarketing communications campaigns. Provides hyperlinks and references to organisations and bodiesrelevant to the marketing communications industry as well as academic literature.
Keywords Marketing communications, Marketing planning
The country-of-origin (COO), conveyed through marketing communications messages,can act as an important informational cue in consumers’ buying decision-makingprocess when evaluating products and brands (Verlegh et al., 2005). Research suggeststhat the image consumers have of the country the product or brand originates frominfluences their purchase intentions (Yasin et al., 2007). In particular, there is evidencethat familiarity with and attitude towards the country impacts on how consumersevaluate products and brands from that particular country (Kinra, 2006). Therefore,
this phenomenon – termed the COO-effect – is a crucial factor organisations need toconsider when planning marketing activities (Al-Sulaiti and Baker, 1998; Josiassen and
Harzing, 2008), such as integrated marketing communications campaigns. Dependingon the image consumers have of the COO in the target market, stressing the COO inmarketing communications messages can either enhance or deteriorate attitudes
towards the marketed product or brand (Johansson, 1993). It is, therefore, important formarketers to first understand how the COO is perceived in the target market.#p#分頁標題#e#
There are many examples of organisations and entire industries that have usedconsumers’ favourable associations with the COO and a specific product or service
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Received November 2008
Revised March 2009
Accepted March 2009
Marketing Intelligence & Planning
Vol. 27 No. 4, 2009
pp. 524-538
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/02634500910964083
category in order to create effective marketing communications campaigns: Emirates
Airlines is positioned as providing excellent in-flight service quality, in line with theluxury hospitality image of the Emirates; campaigns for French fragrances, such asChanel and Dior, often feature images of Paris to reinforce the association between theproducts’ COO and romance and beauty; IKEA have used Sweden’s reputation forbeing a social, family oriented nation to position their business across continents;Japanese electronics producers, such as Sony and Panasonic, take advantage of theircountry’s reputation for being leading in high-tech consumer gadgets; and marketing
communications campaigns for German cars, like Volkswagen and Audi, often includeGerman features (Vorsprung durch Technik) to exploit consumers’ association of highquality, reliable manufacturing with Germany.
Related to the COO-effect is the phenomenon of consumer ethnocentrism, which isthe overall tendency to evaluate domestic products as better than imported ones (Bakerand Michie, 1995; Cleveland et al., 2009). A large body of research supports the notionthat this tendency has a strong impact on consumers’ choice of products (Shimp and
Sharma, 1987; Papadopoulos and Heslop, 1990; Evanschitzky et al., 2008). For example,research suggests that the COO is a strong factor impacting on consumers’ decisionmaking when buying a car (Ahmed and d’Astous, 1996) – particularly in the fiveEuropean key markets of Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK (Netzeitung, 2006).Industry data show that most of the top ten best-selling cars in Germany – the biggest
car market in the EU – are produced by Volkswagen, BMW or DaimlerChrysler, while
the French and Italians prefer cars that originate in their home markets (Loeffler, 2002).
This ethnocentric loyalty is the result of clever marketing communications campaignswhich have created country-specific, favourable brand images that appeal to themanufacturers’ target groups in the domestic markets.
In light of the above, the Director of Marketing Communications at Renault Germanyfaced a particular challenge when the French headquarters decided that Renault had toexpand its share in the German http://www.mythingswp7.com/dissertation_writing/Marketing/market. In order to reach this objective, he had tcarefully plan and implement a new integrated marketing communications strategy#p#分頁標題#e#
(Madhavaram et al., 2005). To do so, he followed a pre-defined set of actions (Figure 1).
Situation analysis and identification of opportunities
First of all, he and his teamengaged in a phase of thorough research in order to analyse themarket situation and identify potential opportunities for his brand. The market researchconsisted of a collection and analysis of secondary and primary data. Secondary data isinformation that already exists and that has been collected for another purpose. In many
cases, market research is started by collecting such secondary data in order to establisha first understanding of the situation and to define problems and objectives for followingprimary research (Kotler et al., 1999; Wilson, 2006).The advantages of secondary researchare that it is normally faster, cheaper and easier to conduct than primary research.
Secondary datasets also often contain data an individual organisation cannot collect on itsown, because the information is not directly available or too expensive to collect. In thiscase, at Renault theDirector ofMarketing Communications and his teammade use of datafrom tracking surveys carried out by large market research institutes, such as the
Gesellschaft fuer Konsumforschung (GfK, accessed 3 March 2009), andreadership surveys conducted by leading car magazines, such as auto, motor und sport
, accessed 3 March 2009). These surveys are carried out at
several points in time to track, for example, consumers’ changing attitudes towards carbrands and tend to consist of large, representative samples. For example, the auto, motorund sport readership survey included more than a 100,000 participants over a one-yearperiod.After a detailed analysis of all the secondary data available, theDirector concludedthat forGerman consumers safety was one of themost important criteria when choosing anewcar – and that they perceived the brands Mercedes and Volkswagen as being among
Figure 1.
Stages in the planning and
implementation of
integrated marketing
1. Situational analysis
• Internal: Organisation; product
• External: Competitor; consumer;
2. Identification of marketing
communications opportunity
• Marketing communications
• USP (Unique selling point)
• Key target audiences
3. Agency selection
• Creative brief
• Invitation for pitch
• Selection of most suitable
agency (Expertise and
4. Campaign development and
• Choice of marketing
Communications mix
• Creative execution
• Media Selection
5. Campaign evaluation
• Before, during and after
• Tracking studies
• Evaluate effectiveness and
efficiency of campaign#p#分頁標題#e#
6. Future planning
• Remain in consumers’ mindset
• Reminders
• Follow-up campaigns
the market leaders in this attribute. Renault lagged way behind in terms of safety
perceptions of the most popular German as well as some imported car brands.
In order to understand in more depth, why consumers were perceiving Renault carsas not being particularly safe and whether this was in fact one of the main reasons for notbuying the brand, the Director of Marketing Communications and his team conductedfurther primary research. Primary research is usually carried out for a specific purposeat hand. In order to derive meaningful decisions from a study, the data collectedmust berelevant, accurate, current and unbiased. Primary research can be broadly divided intoqualitative and quantitative research. Both of those methods can provide data on
markets, their structure, key competitors, trends and consumer behaviour and attitudes(Proctor, 2000). However, both approaches differ, since qualitative research can exploremore in depth consumers’ impressions and motivations, whereas quantitative dataprovides a structured overview of opinions of a large group of consumers (Wilson,2006).To complement the secondary data available, the primary research took mainlyplace in the form of focus groups, guided discussions with a small group of potentialRenault customers in order to explore their motivations for driving cars from thecompetition and under what circumstances they would switch to Renault. The resultsconfirmed the two main finding from the secondary data analysis:
(1) The safety attribute was one of the decisive factors for Germans when buyinga car.
(2) Renault cars were not perceived by German consumers as being as safe as
German cars and even some other imported car brands.
Therefore, the Director ofMarketing Communications decided that the only way forwardwas to directly attack the main German competitors as well as other major car importbrands on the attribute of safety. He believed that a creative, well integrated marketingcommunications campaign could reposition the brand to one of the safest andmost reliableones in the Germanmarket (refer to Figure 2 for the positioningmap). The opportunity hespotted was that Renault had factual evidence for this positioning strategy: eight of theorganisation’s car models won the European New Car Assessment Programme
Figure 2.
Positioning map
(Euro NCAP, accessed 20 November 2008) Crashtest competition
with five stars. This result made Renault officially the manufacturer of the safest cars inEurope – an excellent unique selling proposition (USP; Frazer, 1983), given the market
situation. Therefore, the overarching strategic marketing communications objective forthe campaign was set to enhance the desire for the brand amongst German consumersthrough an increase in awareness of Renault’s unique safety features. As market researchshowed that the most profitable target audience for the campaign were potential new carbuyers, male, 30-49 years old, with an income of over 2e, all marketing communicationsinitiatives were planned and developed with a focus on this particular market segment.#p#分頁標題#e#
Choosing the marketing communications agency
Although a marketing communications opportunity and target group were identified,
various questions remained for the Director of Marketing Communications:
. What elements of the marketing communications mix should be used?
. What should the creative execution look like?
. How should the campaign be evaluated?
In order to find the best answers to these important questions, he prepared a creativebrief – mainly outlining key existing market data and campaign objectives – andinvited various marketing communications agencies to present their ideas and pitch forthe account. After this process, he and his team decided to work with Publicis (www.
publicis.com, accessed 20 November 2008) and Nordpol þ Hamburg com accessed 20 November 2008) on the project. While Publicis is a large andwell-established international advertising agency network, Nordpol þ Hamburg is arelatively new agency with only 25 employees. The latter has been attracting great
industry attention over the last ten years thanks to their extraordinary creativeapproaches to campaign planning and design (Rattmann, 2004). The Director of
Marketing Communications believed that both agencies would complement each otherwell, due to their levels of expertise in different parts of the marketing communications
mix, as well as their creative approach (Cagley, 1986).Selection of the marketing communications mix and creative execution
As it was the direct objective of the campaign to increase these consumers’ awareness ofthe safety of Renault cars, it was decided to use the following message content for thecommunications campaign: “Die sichersten Autos kommen aus Frankreich” (“The safestcars come from France”). The task of the agencies was to identify how thismessage couldbe conveyed to the target audience in the most effective and efficient manner (Cowles andKiecker, 1998). In general, there are various marketing communications mix elements
available to marketers, such as advertising, public relations, personnel selling and salespromotion (Pickton and Broderick, 2005). Advertising delivers communication via arecognisable advertisement in a medium. The delivery of the unmodified message isguaranteed for an agreed rate. As such, advertising allows to effectively target thespecified audience through the use of appropriate channels, asmarketers have full controloverwho is targetedwhen and how. Since this is important for a repositioning campaign tobe successful, Nordpol þ Hamburg recommended that the key marketingcommunications mix element used in this campaign should be advertising, consisting
of cinemacommercials. supported by viralmarketing initiatives andTVscreenings, a newcompany web site that would link into the theme of the campaign, as well as a printadvertising campaign (Gesamtverband Werbeagenturen (GWA), 2007).In order to stress the superlative that the safest cars come from France, the Directorof Marketing Communications at Renault decided together with Nordpol þ Hamburgand Renault that the cinema and TV commercial, which was also disseminatedthrough the viral campaign on the internet, had to demonstrate that Renault cars were#p#分頁標題#e#
safer in comparison to those of other car manufacturers from competingcountries-of-origin, mainly Germany, Japan and Sweden. To reinforce the factualbasis for this claim, the agency decided to recreate in detail the Euro NCAP Crashtestscenario for the commercial “Crashtest”. However, instead of showing how cars withCrashtest-dummies slam into the barriers, the agency decided to film the collision ofstereo-typical national food items with the walls (Figure 3): for a start, a giant Germansausage is driven into the barrier bursting into thousands of pieces. The same happensto a Japanese Sushi roll and a Swedish crispbread: both pretty much disintegrate onimpact. The last contestant is a soft French baguette which is thrust into the barrier,and surprise: it survives the test with hardly any damage as it can fully absorb theshock (through crumpling and uncrumpling its front [. . .]). The scenes are shown inslow-motion and the forceful images stand in stark contrast to the accompanyingmusic, the passionate song J’attendrai (I will wait) by singer Rina Ketty, which wasrecorded in 1939.
Media planning
Besides, the creative execution of the commercial, Nordpol þ Hamburg and the Directorof Marketing Communications at Renault also had to decide which media channels tochoose to reach the intended marketing communications objective. They identifiedcinemas, the internet,TV and print as appropriate channels and a goodmediamix – witheach channel complementing the other. Figure 4 gives an overview of the time periods inwhich the different media were used. Cinemas were seen as the most important mediaclass, as it is possible to produce cinema commercials with extended length, higher artistic
Figure 3.
Timeline of media used
Figure 4.
Scenes from the
commercial “Crashtest”
value and in general higher quality than TV commercials. The Director of Marketing
Communications felt that these attributes were particularly important to impress theaudience and underline the creative focus of the campaign. In the third quarter of 2005“Crashtest” was shown in multiplex cinemas across 141 German cities.
In support of the cinema launch, a viral campaign was started that initiated thediffusion of the commercial on the internet – by viewers sending the link on to eachother by email. Viral campaigns have become a major trend in marketingcommunications (New Media Age Online, 2006b) as industry data suggest that theyare effective in spreading messages amongst consumers whilst being cost efficient
(New Media Age Online, 2006a; since organisations do not have to pay for consumersexchanging emails with each other in social networks or posting commercials onshared blogs). Within a few weeks thousands of viewers had seen “Crashtest” on#p#分頁標題#e#
YouTube From December 2005 to April 2006 the campaign was extended through thebroadcasting of the commercial in two-week periods on TV. In support of the TVcampaign, the commercial was screened again in cinemas in April and May 2006.
Finally, from autumn 2006 onwards “Crashtest” could be seen continuously on TV incommercial breaks during selected programmes. TV was chosen as a complementarymedia-class to cinema, as a wider target audience could be reached which helped togenerate higher levels of awareness. Moreover, synergies with and sponsorships of
particular programmes were possible. Direct response was also generated byappealing to consumers to visit the newly created Renault web site.
In parallel, to the TV campaign, a web site was developed that was directly linked to
the campaign message: (sicher ¼ safe; Figure 5). The planned use ofthe internet as a media-class was seen as complementary to the use of cinema and TV,as it is recognised as a flexible and relatively cheap way of reaching a wide targetaudience. It can also appeal to multiple senses as sound and visual features can be
embedded in web sites. Moreover, due to their interactive properties, web sites cancontain a lot of information which individual customers can choose from. On the new
Renault web site, users could identify how safe their car was according to the latest
Euro NCAP Crashtest results. In addition, the interactive web site contained a widerange of additional information on car and road safety.
Finally, in parallel to the TV campaign and the launch of the web site also a printcampaign was started. While print media do not appeal to multiple senses, their usewas regarded as an important addition to the campaign, as they help to create longlasting awareness and recall of messages. The main reasons for this are that theaudience has to actively read print adverts and that print media are not transient,which means that newspapers or magazines are tangible entities which can be kept bythe reader and used for future reference. Therefore, consumers may be exposed to the
same print advert more than once. Publicis was responsible for the supporting printadvertising campaign that stressed the safety message throughout (“Niemand hat
mehr ueber Sicherheit zu erzaehlen als Renault”; “No one has more to say about safety
than Renault”; Motz, 2006) and also made reference to the web site.
Campaign evaluation and success
英國dissertation網During the campaign, the market research institute tns sofres accessed 20 November 2008) tracked changes in consumers’ attitudes to evaluate the
effectiveness and efficiency of the marketing communications initiatives used
(Sherwood et al., 1989). The data suggest that the campaign was successful in changing
consumer attitudes towards the brand, as there was a strong increase in awareness#p#分頁標題#e#
levels of the safety of Renault cars, from 44 to 52.2 percent of all consumers asked
(Figure 6), as well as in intentions to purchase a car from Renault, which were
consistently higher throughout 2006 than in 2005 (Figure 7). An independent
Figure 5.
readership survey by the magazine auto, motor und sport also confirmed that in the
last three months of the campaign, quarter 4 in 2006, Renault had achieved a seven
percent increase in consumers’ perceptions of the safety of their cars. In comparison,
the main competitors had no change or even a decrease in that attribute (Figure 8).
The unique creative execution and the well integrated integration of messages and
Figure 6.
Percentage of consumers
who think that Renault is
concerned about making
safe cars – comparison
"Is concerned about making safe cars."
Okt 05
strategic key item "Safety"
Okt 06 Quelle: tns sofres
In percent
Figure 7.
Percentage of consumers
who consider buying a car
from Renault –
comparison 2005/2006
Entwicklung der kaufbereitschaft
Jan Feb Mrz Apr Mai Jun Jul Sep Okt Nov Dez
Quelle: tns sofres (keine messung im august)
2005 2006
In percent
media channels used played a crucial role in making this campaign effective in moving
towards the repositioning objective as was illustrated in Figure 1 (GWA, 2007).
But it was not only the consumers who were impressed: the campaign won various
prestigious advertising prizes in 2005 and 2006, for example at the Art Directors Club
(ADC, www.adcglobal.org, accessed 20 November 2008) Awards and the International
Advertising Festival in Cannes – a result that both, client Renault and agency
Nordpol þ Hamburg can be proud of. For the Director of Marketing Communications
at Renault Germany the success of the campaign clearly reflects that creativity can be
effective and efficient. While the French headquarters of Renault were first sceptical
about the rather unconventional approach to the campaign, they are now considering
whether the “Crashtest” commercial should be launched in further 13 European
countries. However, before doing so, further market research is necessary in each
individual country to identify how France is perceived as the COO for cars, how
Renault is perceived as a brand and what attributes are important for consumers when
choosing which car to buy. After all, there is evidence that such attitudes may be#p#分頁標題#e#
country specific (Johansson, 1993; Josiassen and Harzing, 2008) which may mean that a
simple adoption of the commercial across countries may not have the same positive
impact as it had in Germany.
After the successful implementation of the campaign, client and agency went back to the
drawing board to create follow-up commercials for “Crashtest” in order to ensure
continuous exposure to and reinforcement of the communications message (Shapiro and
Krishnan, 2001). The result since 2007, the web site (www.sicher.de) has been hosting
the two new viral commercials “Ballett” and “Kollision”, both created by
Nordpol þ Hamburg. They have spread quickly through viewers’ recommendations
across the worldwide web and have had an impressive number of hits on YouTube.
Cinema and TV screenings have also been used in support of the viral campaign.
Linking into the crashtest theme, “Ballett” shows the eight Renault Euro NCAP five-star
models in a desert in South Africa performing a ballet dance. Built into the performance
Figure 8.
Car brands with high
safety standards –
comparison 2005/2006
Herstellervergleich " Hohe sicherheitsstandards" - die besten 8
Basis: Marke käme in frage
0 10 20 30 40
Quelle: Auto, motor & sport, "best cars 2007", 100782 Teilnehmer insgesamt, Zeitraum 10/06-01/07
50 60 70 80 90 100 –10
Veränderung zum vorjahr
are quite a few coordinated (but serious) crashes – however, all cars survive with minor
damages and are all able to “dance” until the end of the piece. The commercial ends with
the tagline “Das sicherste Ensemble der Welt” (“The world’s safest ensemble”) and a
shot of the eight Renault models. The other follow-up commercial, “Kollision” is also
closely linked to the Crashtest theme, but instead of bursting food items, the commercial
features scenes of people colliding with each other. Judging from their facial
expressions, it is pretty clear that the Sumo-ringers hurt themselves quite badly during
their fight – so do the Swedish and German folk dancers when they bump into each other
during a performance. Only the French are exceptionally well coordinated: an elegantly
dressed man and woman are about to collide – but instead of hurting themselves they
start kissing [. . .] the tagline of the commercial is “Der beste Schutz bei einem#p#分頁標題#e#
Zusammenstoss kommt aus Frankreich” (“In case of a collision the best protection
comes from France”). Is not this exactly the sort of story we expect from the French?
The Germans seem to love it – the viral spread of “Ballett” and “Kollision” has been fast
and successful.
The case illustrates how the creative execution has successfully exploited the existing
country image (Al-Sulaiti and Baker, 1998), while combining it with a new attribute: as
it was the strategic objective of the marketing communications campaign to convey the
message that Renault cars are safe and reliable, stereotypical functional and emotional
components, such as the baguette and romantic scenes, of the French country image
were linked to the safety quality aspects of Renault cars, which come from France. This
creative execution had the desired effect, as tracking studies showed that consumers
who were exposed to the campaign increasingly thought of Renault cars as being safe.
However, the case also demonstrates that the success of marketing communications
does not depend on the creative execution alone. Thorough market research is essential
in order to understand what message contents are appealing to potential customers.
In this case, Renault knew that Germans place strong importance on car safety and
therefore executed the campaign accordingly, by choosing the safety attribute as their
USP (Frazer, 1983), in order to ultimately raise purchase intentions amongst consumers.
Moreover, the case illustrates that market research is important to identify the most
profitable target segments, not only to develop a message content that is appealing
to them, but also to identify the right marketing communications mix elements and
media to effectively and efficiently reach these audiences (Cowles and Kiecker, 1998).
For example, in the Renault campaign the internet played a strong role as a
communications medium in reaching potential customers. It was planned in such a way
as market data showed that the market segment Renault wanted to target with the
campaign was internet savvy. If the target group had been much older, this may not
have been the right media class choice.
Another important point to consider when planning and implementing marketing
communications is the evaluation of the campaign (Pickton and Broderick, 2005). For
example, tracking attitudinal and behavioural changes in the target segment while the
campaign is running can help establish whether the execution is effective. In this case,
market data showed that consumers’ awareness of the safety of Renault cars as well as
the purchase intentions were increasing during the campaign. If this had not been the
case, the organisation could have thought about changing aspects of the campaign#p#分頁標題#e#
without wasting further resources on ineffective marketing communications. The case
demonstrates that if the target market is large, the evaluation of campaigns is
contracted out to external market research institutes that have expertise in covering
representative cross-sections of the segment.
Finally, the organisation also needs to consider how to penetrate the market with
follow-up campaigns in order to remain prominent in consumers’ mindsets (Shapiro
and Krishnan, 2001). The difficulty in planning and implementing such follow-ups is to
strike the balance between a new, exciting creative execution to attract consumers’
attention, and keeping the consistency of the original message to not diffuse the
intended brand image. Renault tackled this balance by creating different scenarios in
the two subsequent commercials, but emphasising the safety aspect throughout.
To conclude, the case shows that it takes a lot of expertise in different areas in order
to plan and implement marketing communications campaigns successfully. Therefore,
it is important for organisations to choose the right marketing communications
agencies as partners throughout the process (Cagley, 1986). As many agencies have
specialised in specific marketing communications mix elements or media channels,
the industry has become relatively fragmented. This means that organisations often
have to work with more than one agency. In the case of the safety campaign, Renault
chose to work with two agencies that complemented each other in their expertise in
traditional media, such as print, and new media, such as the internet. Careful
coordination between the actions of different agencies is paramount to ensure an
integration of the marketing communications initiatives throughout the campaign.
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About the author
Barbara Caemmerer worked on several service performance management projects, while at the
same time pursuing her PhD before joining the Department of Marketing at the University of
Strathclyde as a lecturer. She discovered her interest in research during her BA joint degree in
Marketing and Psychology, which she absolved at the University of Strathclyde, UK, and
Queen’s University, Canada. During her undergraduate degree she worked on public relations
projects for BMG, Germany, and the strategic planning of marketing communication campaigns
with the BBDO, Mexico. Prior to her studies she worked four years in public relations and
advertising, mainly with DDB Needham, Germany, specialising in international account
management and later in strategic planning for international brands communication.
Barbara Caemmerer can be contacted at:MIP
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