The UK Food & Drinks Market 英國食品和飲料市場
An in-depth survey of the buying needs of UK supermarket consumers
Executive Summary執行摘要
In the most exhaustive survey ever undertaken of the UK food and drinks market we interviewed over 1000 consumers to find out what their needs are both now and in the future.
The results are useful for all UK supermarkets and provide an invaluable snapshot of their current thinking.
There are differences across age groups and between products categories. Moreover, as the global economics change we are likely to see further changes in buying needs in the future.
Survey Methodology調查方法
The survey was undertaken at the start of Period 1. We spoke to 1000 adults from across the socio-economic spectrum including pensioners. We also included a significant proportion of parents in our study in order to understand the buying needs of their children.
Existing socio-economic databases were used to ensure a fair population sample. Once identified, the interviewees were telephoned and asked to complete a short questionnaire with a trained interviewer.
Interviewees were assured of their confidentiality and given a £10.00 supermarket voucher (redeemable in any supermarket) as a reward for their time.
Baby & Toddler
Green preferences have a strong impact on the Baby & Toddler market. Parents are increasingly looking at the green image of the supermarket when deciding where to buy their bay & toddler food and drinks. They want to have confidence that there is a minimum amount of additives in the products and chemicals (e.g fertilizers) used in their production.
Similarly, having the right brand in stock is seen as key. Parents tend to trust established brands and be less willing to try substitutes if their normal brand is out of stock.
With an emphasis on trusted brands it is not surprising that this is not a price-sensitive market.#p#分頁標題#e#
Parents told us that their children are very much aware of green issues and the perceived green image of the products do have a strong influence on the purchase of food and drink for their consumption (even though the purchase is often done by parents without their children present).
Children are also very brand-aware across all food and drink categories. We see this as symptomatic of the success of food & drink manufacturers in targeting children in their advertising. Further evidence of the success of this is that The Advertising Standards Authority has already had to intervene on a number of occasions to scale back this assault.
A high level of choice is required for both Kitchen Cupboard and Drinks items. This is not the case for Fresh and Frozen Food.
Adults expressed a very strong interest in green issues but, interestingly, this only affected their purchase of Fresh Food and Kitchen Cupboard items. With Frozen Food they require good choice and convenience. We see this as adults ensuring frozen food is purchased locally so that it can be brought home quickly.
With Drinks, adults are far more likely to purchase their favourite brand. Interestingly, a good green image and convenience are also required.
Prices are less a determinant on the purchasing decision than the above factors. It is only with Frozen Food that a satisfactory price level is sought.
More than anything else, pensioners are looking for convenience. There is a high requirement for local stores with easy parking.
They are also looking for good choice across fresh and frozen foods and kitchen cupboard items. We see this as symptomatic of pensioners wanting to ensure they have a broad choice within the narrow foods they tend to buy (e.g vegetables, tea, coffee, soup etc)
Brand has the lowest impact on the buying decision and there is not a strong requirement to stock famous brands.
. . . An Insight into Future Consumer Needs
Although the UK retail market is still experiencing good growth, from our research we would like to underline the nervousness amongst consumers about their future spending habits.
Many adults are concerned about their job security at present and although this has not yet permeated into the UK retail market we see this as only a question of time before they start cutting back their expenditures.
In addition, many pensioners are worried about the effect of falling interest rates on their savings.
Consequently, we see the average UK consumer propensity to spend to fall back as they try to “save for a rainy day” and recover lost savings interest.
We see a possible UK retail slowdown as affecting the buying needs as follows:
1. An increasing influence of price on the buying decision
2. A significant decline in the influence of brand and green image
3. Some decline in the other factors (as price becomes dominant)
We await with interest the timing and scale of the changes in the wider UK economy and the impact that is will have on UK food and drink consumers.
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