The author Arjun Appadurai is an expert in sociocultural anthropology, globalization and public culture. He is a person of authority in the South Asian study. He was born and educated in India, then moved to USA. He is the professor of Chicago University. For so many years of research in humanities, he has published several papers about his formulation concepts about modernity, consumption public culture and etc. In this paper, the author has described a world where different cultural elements that may demonstrate the formation of global cultural economy coexist and affect each other in different ways. The elements are mostly categorized due to its phyletic difference, for instance, words like Americanization, Indonesianization, Japanization and Russianization appear frequently. The paper mostly presents the differences exists in the process of globalization. The influence produced by the moving groups like immigrants, refugees, tourists and guest workers upon a country’s well fare, policies and constitutions formation. Therefore, the global economy which could be affected by those elements could still be considered as traditional “indicators” and studied in the way of conservational comparison. The “Scapes” like “ethnoscape,technoscape , finanscape, mediascape and ideoscape are the cultural phenomenon build upon disjuncture like human movement, technological flow and financial transfers. The “Scapes” compose the soul this paper. The data collected in this paper are mostly secondary data which means the author collected it from the works of others and laboratory research. The conclusion of this article is quite neutral .The both sides of the global cultural process are products of time, no matter in what way it’s categorized.
Beck, U. (2002) The terrorist threat
The main purpose of this article is that author classified the three different axes of conflict in the risk society of world. Author gives the concept of axis as following: ecological conflicts, global financial cries and the last one is that the threat of transnational terror network.
Be more specific, the first axis is that of ecological conflicts are belongs to the external risks, which means, their very essence global. And the second axis is financial identified by author in the book. He also found that the financial cries are belong the internal risks. The first stage of the financial cries has been identified as individualized and nationalized by the author. At last, author also mentions that the strike was happened in the September 11th, so called 911 that world famous terrorist attack which happened in New York in USA. The sad thing happened because of the terrorists have very well network so that they are able to control by the quarter centre efficacy. It is obviously that threat empowers governments and states.#p#分頁標題#e#
At end, Author gives out two sets of implications: first, there are the political dynamics of world risk society. In an age where trust and faith in God, class and progress have largely disappeared, humanity's common fear has proved the last - ambivalent - resource for making new bonds. Second, the methodological nationalism that preoccupies the sociological imagination has to be overcome and a `methodological cosmopolitism' has to be created.
Sassen, S. (2008) Neither global nor national: novel assemblages of territory, authority and rights, Ethics & Global Politics,
Saskia Sassen ‘research mostly focus on the globalization which contains economic and global dimensions. Immigration could be considered as one of the subjects of her research as well as global cities. Now Sassen is doing her project When territory exists existing framings which is under contract with the Harvard University. This article mostly argues about the questions concerned with the future frameworks relates to the operation of modern societies, economics and politics. TAR, territory, authority and rights consist of the elements used in the assemblages. These assemblages, both cultural and economic, are important part in this article. The data in this article is mostly collected after the research and experiment. The author could have done massive work and preparation before it. It also mentions that the process of larger scale of geopolity lifts the diversity of dimensions. As to the specialized assemblages which could be seen as a new type of territoriality, it is being built through the development of jurisdictional geographies. The conclusion reached by the author shows that the process of the normative and analytic legibility contributes to the assemblages.
Anna Lowenhauot Tsing (2004) Friction
Anna Tsing is now a professor of University of California Santa Cruz in Humanity Department. Her research is mostly about social science, anthropology, affiliations, globalization and feminist studies. As it mentions in the introduction part, this article is named friction because it is mostly talk about the aspirations for global connection and in what way it come to “life” in friction. A special term, “zone of awkward engagement” should be mentioned before we discuss the book in detail. This is used in her study of capitalism. In many parts of this book, the author defines the book as ethnography of global connection. It suddenly comes to me that the expression global connection appeared frequently, what is it eventually? Going through the entire book, I find that maybe it is about the connection between all the existing in the world, for instance, the rainforests in Indonesia is greatly damaged in late twenties. The reason could be many, but the most important one according to the author is put out by the author in forms of questions like Why is the global capitalism so messy? Who speaks for the nature? The data collected seem to be very convincing and critical. I believe the author could have done careful researches. The conclusion of the article is the friction in the global connection differs from each other, but still it is the that brings the connections into life.#p#分頁標題#e#
Tomlinson, J (2007) Globalization and Cultural Analysis
Tomlinson is now a professor of Nottingham Trent University. He is an expert of globalization on cultural aspects. What’s more, he has ever worked as a consultant on the issues of globalization. His current project is about the place of speed and current culture and the results have benn publish in the book The Culture of Speed. The article begins with a discussion of the word globalization and the author find it quit un satisfactory. Then about the cultural analysis, the author also put out the term Americanization, it seems like the author also believes that the territory and state could also shape the formation of culture. But on the other hand, globalization also exists in culture, no matter in politic or art. The consequentiality of culture as an important part in the article is discussed. He also mentions James Clifford’ work on “Travelling cultures” in which a fundamental assumption in anthropology---authentic social existence is challenged. The data collected in this article is mostly secondary data, it in a conclusion after research and reference on others’ work. In the conclusion of this work, the issues deterioration, cultural conflicts, indeed violence is said to be ignored by the modern society. But attention on dynamic culture could still be paid.
David Harvey (2005) A Brief History of Neolibralism
David Harvey is a professor in City University of New York. He is an expert in anthropology and social science. He has published many influential works, like Explanation of geography, Social Justice and the City. Neoliberalism, according to Harvey, is originally drawn from the so called value market exchange. It pays most attention on the important meaning of relationship exists in the contractions. Another term, “neoliberal state” explains the how the freedom became the special service for the economic elites. The welfare states and the political institution formation could also have connection with the neoliberalism and the neoliberal state. He also quotes China as an example, because in China, the market are being liberalized rapidly and the social phenomenon like malicious competition take place all the time . It is because the Deng Xiaoping’ opening up policy and revolution. However this could also be considered as good and bad. For the economy, it helps it to develop but on the other hand, gold rush and speed rush are also severely damaging the society. The author both talks about the brght and dark side of liberalism, that’s how the neoliberalism comes. The data collected in the article are based on research and laboratory experiments. The conclusion of the article is very insightful and stimulating which is perfectly supported by the data used in the whole body.
Mohammed el-Naway and Shawn Powers (2010) Al –Jazeera English: A complementary medium in a conflict-driven environment?#p#分頁標題#e#
How the global media changed and improved the communication could be used to describe the issues discussed in the article. AJE, al-jazeera English is the English version of Arabic language news network, is said to be very productive and resourceful. Its audiences are mainly in sic countries and AJE provides a model of journalism in which stereotype and counterproductive attitudes maybe encouraged. Compare to the traditional news media, like CNN the international and BBC, it provides the fresh break news agenda. The role of media in the society has expanded, which also creates challenges, not only in some countries, but also in a international background. Then about the media technology, it is also an important part in the international conflicts. Satellites news also involves in the media world. The audiences of the news broadcaster have been strictly categorized and targeted. In the article , the author quotes other’s publication and speech a lot, which obviously shows that the data collected is based on the laboratory experiments and research studies. The conclusion answers some questions but also put out more important questions and encourages people to explore it. The author clearly discussed the current and future development of the media world.
Christian Fuchs (2010) New Imperialism: Information and Media Imperialism?
Maxist notion of imperialism is put out in this article. It is questioned by the author together with the media imperialism whether they have been a new form that be characterized by the current society. Lenin’s theory about imperialism: the role of economic concentration, the dominance of finance capital, the importance of capital export, the spatial stratification of the world as a result of corporate dominance and the political dimension of the spatial stratification of the world, has been used by the author to develop the article. In globalization studies, the imperialism has become more and more important. The article examines the background and context of imperialism and based on the research the article is well organized and develop. The author uses a chart to express the idea of new imperialism. One of the advantages of chart is that readers could clearly understand what the author is trying to say and without misunderstandings. Some of the data used in the article is from database, for example the chart used in page5, while some is draw from keen research and experiment. The conclusion reached by the author gives us some information about the changes take place in the structure of economy. The author also says that the discussion of the relationship between media information and new imperialism.
Robin Stryker
Globalization and welfare state
Robin Striker is famous for her study in law, politics, inequality and social changes. Her research on the globalization on globalization and welfare state can also be considered as an important part of her whole career. The welfare state build consists of policy, social institutions and welfare. In the article, the author defines the economy of capitalism as a global economy based on the fact that most of the economy community is capitalism. The economy contributes a lot to the globalization, which could be considered as a good phenomenon, but on the other hand, the globalization of the economy could definitely bring about the concentration of the capital. As a result, it would severely affect the policy making, the deterioration of the gap between the rich and the poor which is a very central issue of the welfare state building. In the advanced capitalist world, the welfare state building has already become an issue as important as the growth of economy. But how to balance the relationship between them and gain profits both sides has became an important concern in the capitalist world. The author quotes Sweden as an example, as a matter of fact, Sweden, as one of the few countries that could be considered as welfare states, has set very good examples for the world to follow. The conclusion drawn by the author has fully covered the whole article and explains all the changes that happened in the process of globalization and welfare state as well as the relationship between the globalization and welfare state.#p#分頁標題#e#
Richard Kustin, A Philosophy of globalization
Richard Kustin is an expert in international marketing and globalization. The author develops the article based on the analysis of the marketing strategy of different countries, for example, the Europe, United state of America. He views the globalization in a holistic way which is called by him “holistic philosophy”. To the author, the globalization is the result of developing economy and the international marketing that is developing very rapidly. According to the author, one version of the globalization is to market standard products in global market place. Despite the strategy, the globalization could help the optimization of the resources. The global multinational corporation, as a form of the concentration of the capital, on the other hand is an expression of the globalization. Modernity as another part of the globalization is also discussed in the article. The data used is from the database, for instance, the chart used in page2, some of the data is formed based on the survey and research of the target materials. In the conclusion, the author emphasizes the function of holistic philosophy in the globalization as well as in the global marketing. The strategy for the globalization in marketing could be found in the holistic philosophy, which could also benefit the multinational corporation.