新西蘭營銷學留學生essay:Discussion and conclusions
In the conclusion, both primary and secondary research showed a similar result for some area. First of all, in objective 1 where size and trend of the fast food, fruit and vegetable market that been conducted by secondary shows that the market size for fast food and fruit market been growing, whereas there’s a slow decrease of the market for vegetable. Overall, these two markets are doing well. Even though the market size for vegetable has been decreased, but the average expenditure for vegetable been increased.
Objective 2 result been conducted through secondary research, it shows the profile of the teenage fast food consumers and importance of teenage market. Both male and female seems to be consuming roughly the same amount of fast food in different franchise, but male normally consume fast food from franchises that provide large portion of meal like Pizza Hut and KFC compared to Burger King and McDonald. And majority female consumers consume their fast food from Burger King and McDonald.
Main income earners also play a huge role in this objective, it’s been shown that most main income earners prefer McDonald compared to other franchises and it is important to target the teenage market because teenagers tend to have higher purchasing power, they are willing and able to afford fast food, another reason would be that they doesn’t mind the calories of the fast food when they are consuming them. Targeting teenage market will probably the best for McDonald to gain more market shares and improve the growth of the company quicker.
Objective 3 shows the total amount spent on promoting fast food consumption for each of the past 2 years, and compares it with the fruits and vegetable consumption over the same time frame. In this objective it been shown that the fast food franchises have a higher media expenditure compared to fruit and vegetable market. This is partly due to the fact that fast foods have a larger market size compare to fruit and vegetable. TV advertising seems to be more popular than other media advertising compared to nowadays when the internet usages been so high. In the research it been shown that most fast food franchises and fruit and vegetable companies tend to spend most of their media expenditure on TV advertising. Also in the research McDonald been rated as the highest media expenditure out of all franchises and fruit and vegetable companies. Having high media expenditure does prove that more teenagers are likely to visit McDonald as it shows on the main income earner and different gender’s consumption behaviour.
Objectives 4 been conducted by both primary and secondary research, objective is to find out teenager’s attitudes toward fast food, fruits and vegetable consumption. It shows that teenagers doesn’t like to have their fast food that is all vegetarian, and a lot of teenagers tend to have fruits and vegetable as snack throughout the day. These been conducted by secondary research from Roy Morgan, therefore when McDonald creating a new product they should be concerning the amount of vegetable they will be having on the new product. Primary research shows that the teenagers don’t think having a vegetable food choice is important at all in fast food franchises, but the price for the fast food is extremely important.
Objective 5 been conducted by primary research, and the goal is to find out the comparison of teenagers/group’s behaviour toward fast food, vegetable and fruits.
In the research, it shows that teenagers don’t tend to purchase fruits or vegetable and fast food very often. Average of the teenagers will purchase about one to two times of fruit and vegetable and fast food in a week.
Objective 6 also been conducted by primary research, this objective is to find out teenager’s choice of selections toward fast food. Average of the teenagers believes that it is important to have healthy food choices, location of the fast food franchises and cleanness of the fast food franchise. Managers have to make appropriate decisions when they are targeting the teenage segment as a whole, they will need to make sure they meet the expectations of the teenage consumer’s attitude toward fast food.
Overall the findings of secondary and primary research are essential for McDonald to make an appropriate management decision when they are targeting the teenage market. They will need to consider what problems or gap there is in the teenage market and how they could overcome them with appropriate marketing and management decisions.
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