制定酒店管理專業(yè)英國(guó)留學(xué)生dissertation-Data analysis
In this dissertation, it used SPSS 16.0 for data statistics. The major analytical steps include the following aspects. First of all, it tests the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Reliability mainly refers to the reliability , consistency and stability of results of a questionnaire. Reliability test in this study is mainly implemented through using inter-item consistency method, by SPSS 16.0 to calculate Cronbach's α, if α> 0.6, the reliability of a questionnaire is satisfactory. Validity refers to the extent that measured results can reflect about the content that a research desires to investigate, if measurement results match with the content more, then the validity will be higher; conversely, the validity will be lower. Validity is divided into three types: content validity, criteria validity and construct validity. In this study, it used factor analysis method to test the construct validity of the questionnaire. Then, it adopted correlation analysis, ANOVA test to analyze the questionnaire results to understand the relationship between respondents' emotion management ability and performance of emotional labour. If the statistical result P <0.05, there is a statistical significance.
Research ethics
In this study, the researcher was involved in the whole process of data collection to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the research data. In the process of data input and analysis, the researchers cross-checked and verified to ensure the accuracy of the data analysis results, so as to avoid errors in expression of information. All information obtained here was only be used for this study, it would not used for other commercial purposes or cause the disclosure of personal information. Respondents in this study are more than 18 years old, they are able to be separate to clearly express their opinions. The researchers did not intend to induce the respondents in answering the questions.
Number of samples in this questionnaire was 250, but there are more than 100,000 employees engaging in five star hotels Beijing, the total number of samples in this study only accounts for 1/400 of the number of the whole sample size, the sample size is small, which may lead to the inadequate representativeness of the research results. In addition, qualitative research and interview have advantages for the understanding of the psychological motivations of respondents’, but limited to the researcher’s time and money conditions, this dissertation only took the way of questionnaire to collect data and information, which resulted in deficiencies in understanding respondents' views and attitudes towards emotional labour management.
In this chapter, it mainly introduces content relating to methodology, in the next chapter, it will introduce the results of the questionnaire, combining with relevant literatures to discuss the results.
Chapter IV Finding and analysis
This chapter describes the results of the questionnaire, combining with relevant literatures to discuss the results.
4.2 Reliability and validity
In this study, it made use of SPSS software to test the internal consistency of the questionnaire, the test results showed that the Cronbach's alpha for the questionnaire was 0.712>0.7, indicating that the questionnaire has a high reliability.
In this study, it factor analysis method to test the construct validity of the questionnaire. First of all, it examines the correlation between variables, KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) is the index used to compare simple correlation coefficient and partial correlation coefficient between variables. Kaiser gives a common KMO value: if the value is 0.8, it indicates that it is suitable; 0.7 indicates the normal; 0.6 indicates the less normal; the index which is below 0.5 shows the extremely abnormal. The KMO value of the questionnaire is 0.794, indicating that a factor analysis can be carried out. While Bartlett test results show that, X2 = 456.17, p<0.001, it also supports factor analysis. In accordance with the principles that latent root is greater than 1 and varimax orthogonal rotation to conduct factor extraction, it gets three-factor structure. The analysis results showed that the variance ratio of the principal-factor solution was 35.265%, the variance ratio of the second principal-factor solution was 29.118% and the variance ratio of the third principal-factor solution was 20.767%, 85.116% of the sum of variance (greater than 85%) could be explained be three factors. It can be found from exploratory factor analysis that the overall design of the questionnaire is reasonable and it has high construct validity.