英國利物浦約翰摩爾斯大學事件管理方向留學生essay-Introduction Management Practice
Task: Produce a 3,000 word report on an organisation for which 100% of the marks will be available – there is no examination. This must be a different organisation from that which you chose the first time.
You are requested to research the organisation by finding data on the web, corporate documents, text-books, journals and online-newspapers. You should also have conducted an interview with someone from the organisation (preferably a manager) to supplement your researched material.
The exact format of the report is provided on the attached task sheet. Please study the assessment criteria carefully and tailor your work to meet the assessment criteria.
You should aim to integrate information about the organisation with theory from your research, lectures and further reading.
Hand in date:
Monday 9 August 2010
Supplementary information: Please note the 3,000 word limit. This does not include the abstract, references or the appendices.
You are advised to attend the referral day support session with a draft structure for your report, a list of potential appendices and a list of questions you need answering about this assignment.
Introduction to Management Practice
Referral/Deferral Assessment
Type of Assessment
1. Coursework: 100% Individual 3000 word report
Instructions on Coursework Assessment
The assessment requires you to research and analyse an organisation of your choice, excluding the one you previously studied, and to write a 3000 word individual report based on the findings of your research.
Your should identify the following:
• The background and development of the organisation.#p#分頁標題#e#
• The type of organisation, how it is organised and structured.
• How the organisation type affects management issues.
• The role played by management and marketing within the organisation.
• External environmental issues, which may affect the future of the organisation, these may be technical, political or social.
Throughout the report you should compare your findings with theory and reference accordingly. A suggested structure for your report is on the following page.
Organisations can be chosen from any of the three sectors: public, private or voluntary.
• The report should be accompanied by an evaluation of any problems/difficulties and how you overcame them in researching the issue (10% of the mark)
Coursework Submission Guidance
Spiral bound please – avoid submitting each page in plastic pockets!
The report should be in 1.5 line-spacing with double-spacing between paragraphs.
Font size 12 – Arial, Times New Roman or something similar
Write in past tense and third person eg. No ‘I’s
No ‘cut and pasting’ – put direct quotes in italics and keep short
Put citations in text and we anticipate at least one page of Harvard References!
Include your name and organisation’s name in a header or footer if you wish.
Include up-to-date data and reference it.
Cover Sheet – looking business like (paper or card)
Put this statement on the bottom of the cover
‘This report on xxxxxxxxxx was submitted by xxxxx xxxxx, in date as coursework for the Introduction to Management Practice Module of a BA in xxxxxxxx!
Contents Page
1. Introduction
2. The organisation and why you chose it. (brief)
3. Aim and Objectives
4. Research Methodology
5. Background
Name, Sector, Development, Structure and rationale for it. (include theory)
6. Functions and Operations
7. Management Style
8. External Influences on the Organisation and the Management of Change (You can cross reference a summary here to a larger analysis in your appendices)
9. Conclusions: Reflection on Management Theory and Practice (don’t skimp on this section!)
10. Evaluation of Research Process (10%)
APPENDICES (List the titles below)
Introduction to Management Practice ECLCS 1046
Referral/Deferral Marking Criteria and Feedback
Marker: Heather Griffiths / Phil Williamson August 2009
Students Name:
Individual Report
Circle Standard Achieved
Mark Given
Clearly described background and development of the organisation and its structure, relating the structure to theory 8-10 Excellent Coverage
6-7 Very Good Coverage
4-5 Satisfactory Coverage
2-3 Poor Coverage/No theory
0-1 Not Covered/Minimal
Identification of how the sector and choice of management and leadership may influence the manner in which organisations operate and the organisational structure 8-10 Excellent Coverage
6-7 Very Good Coverage
4-5 Satisfactory Coverage
2-3 Poor Coverage/No theory
0-1 Not Covered/Minimal
Informative description of the operational elements of the organisation – finance, marketing etc. 8-10 Excellent Coverage
6-7 Very Good Coverage
4-5 Satisfactory Coverage
2-3 Poor Coverage/No theory
0-1 Not Covered/Minimal
Coherent discussion about the role of finance, marketing and external influences on the organisation. 8-10 Excellent Discussion
6-7 Very Good Discussion
4-5 Satisfactory Discussion
2-3 Weak Discussion
0-1 No Discussion/Minimal
Thorough, suitable and varied research of both the organisation and the supporting theory 8-10 Excellent Research
6-7 Very Good Research
4-5 Satisfactory Research
2-3 Poor Research
0-1 No Evidence of Research
Evaluation of the problems/difficulties in researching the issue 8-10 Excellent Evaluation
6-7 Very Good Evaluation
4-5 Satisfactory Evaluation
2-3 Poor Evaluation
0-1 No Evaluation/Minimal
Presentation: Line spacing, font size, contents,
Consistency, consideration to reader. 8-10 Excellent Presentation
6-7 Very Good Presentation
4-5 Satisfactory Presentation
2-3 Poor Presentation
0-1 Very Poor Presentation
Academic Style of Writing
Analysis v Description
Degree of academic discussion 8-10 Excellent Acad. Text
6-7 Very Good Acad. Text
4-5 Satisfactory Acad. Text
2-3 Poor Acad Text
0-1 Very Poor Text
Harvard Referencing in the citations and the references. 8-10 Excellent Referencing
6-7 Very Good Referencing
4-5 Satisfactory Referencing, Few omissions/errors
2-3 Poor Referencing, many omissions or errors
0-1 No referencing/minimal
Spelling and Grammar 8-10 Grammatically correct and no spelling errors
6-7 Very few grammar or spelling errors
4-5 Needed proof reading, too many errors
2-3 Difficult to read because of number of errors
0-1 Very difficult to read
Strengths of this work: Areas for Improvement:
80+ (First)
All work completed to an excellent standard, linking key points together in a fluent and effective way.
Demonstrates a high level of analytical thought and critical evaluation of the main concepts/ ideas in a clear and succinct manner, showing understanding and building upon key concepts throughout the work.
70 -79(First)
All work complete with reference to clearly identified subject theory
Demonstrates an ability to analyse the external environment and make reasonable judgements
Report format excellent
Includes an extensive evidence of research from diverse sources.
Work includes an appropriate application of theoretical models.
Demonstrates a high level of written communication skills (including referencing) in the writing of both pieces of work.
Demonstrates a high level of competence
60-69 (2:1)
All work complete with reference to clearly identified organisational theory
Includes evidence of research from diverse sources
Includes good review of external environment with some judgments included
Demonstrates an ability to critically reflect on project
Demonstrates good written communication skills.
Report format used correctly
50-59 (2:2)
All work complete with some aspects of organisational theory
Satisfactory but not extensive evidence of research.
Demonstrates an ability to apply theoretical models.
Includes some external environment factors
Report format correctly used
Demonstrates satisfactory written communication skills in the written work but poorly organised
40-49 (Third)
All aspects of the work complete with some weak areas in terms of the level of detail.
Very basic report format
A limited range of research evidence used.
Difficulty applying or drawing on theoretical models.
Demonstrates satisfactory written communication skills appropriate to purpose of work
30-39 (Compensateable fail )
Fails to use the report format
Some aspects of work have a low level of detail. A minimal or no range of research evidence used.
A minimal or no supporting theory
Demonstrates very poor ability to reflect on actions and performance Demonstrates very poor written communication skills and very poor organisation of the portfolio.
Demonstrates a low level of competence in transferable study skills
0-29 (Fail)
Demonstrates an obvious lack of planning and preparation.
The work contains significant misconceptions and basic errors and shows little familiarity with the concepts and language expected of an answer to a subject question, inadequate understanding of subject with significant errors and omissions
No evidence of reading.
Adair, J., (2004), The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership, Thorogood, London
Armstrong, M., (2006), A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 10th Ed, Kogan Page, London
Armstong, M. Stephens, T., (2005), A Handbook of Management and Leadership: a Guide to Managing for Results, Kogan Page, London
Brassington, F & Pettitt, S., (2006), Principles of Marketing 4th Ed., Prentice Hall, Harlow
Fillis, I., (2005), Creative Marketing: an extended metaphor for marketing in a new age, Palgrave Macmillan
www.mythingswp7.com T. et al (2005), Management: Concepts & Practices, 4th Ed., Pearson Eduction, Harlow
Keijzers, G., (2005), Business, Government and Sustainable Development
(electronic resource) Routledge
Marcouse, I., (2003), Business Studies 2 Ed., Hodder and Stoughton, London
Mullins, L. J., (2004), Management and Organisational Behaviour, 7th Ed.,
Financial Times/Prentice Hall
Reid, R. D. & Sanders N. R., (2005), Operations Management: an integrated approach. 2nd Ed., Wiley
Stredwick, J., (2005), An Introduction to Human Resource Management 2nd Ed., Elsevier, London
Torrington, D., Hall. L & Taylor, S. (2005), Human Resource Management 6th Ed., Financial Times/Prentice Hall
There are a great many books in all libraries both within LJMU and outside, dealing with management issues. The Internet is another valuable source of information, The search engine - Learning Resources Network (WWW.rdn.ac.uk ) may assist in ensuring you find websites relevant to learning. Journal references as evidence of academic research will add strength to your work.