英國考文垂大學人力資源管理專業留學生dissertation寫作指導-Strategic HR management
Assessments must be all your own work and must not have been copied in part or in whole from any other source, such as books or the internet, or from other students’ work. If you wish to use another author’s exact words in a short quotation this must be clearly marked up in inverted commas with the exact source given, including page number, so that the reader can clearly see which words have been copied and are not your own. Just quoting references used at the end is not sufficient.
Please see your course handbook or the Faculty website for more information on referencing and university regulations on plagiarism.
Instructions for Submission
Students should submit their coursework either in person or by recorded/special delivery, addressed by name to the relevant module leader, care of the appropriate reception, as shown below:
Law, ISS, HIP, Languages, English, Sociology, GED (Geography/Disaster Management) & Tourism modules Management, Business, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, HRM, Leisure & Sport Management modules
George Eliot Reception
Faculty of BES,
Coventry University,
Priory Street,
CV1 5FB Wm Morris Reception
Faculty of BES,
Coventry University,
Priory Street,
法, ISS ,臀圍,語言,英語,社會學, GED (地理/災難管理)及旅游模塊管理,商業,經濟,金融,會計,市場營銷,人力資源管理,康樂及體育管理模塊#p#分頁標題#e#
CV1 5FB WM莫里斯接待
Faculty of Business Environment and Society
Module No: 340 HRM
MODULE TITLE: Strategic H R Management 2009 - 2010
Contributes 50% of total module mark
Issued 24 May 2010
During times of recession many organisations are focussing on cutting costs especially by reducing employee numbers.
While there are obvious short term benefits to this approach, what could be the long term drawbacks in terms of Strategic Human Resource Management?
Use examples of UK or European based organisations you know or can research to support your arguments.
You must also underpin your arguments with academic theory and best practice.
You should present this work in a report format.
Submission by 4pm on: Friday 13 August 2010
This assignment must be submitted, with a BES coursework cover sheet attached, to William Morris reception / and also an electronic copy via the icon on the module web ( See instructions on module web) by 16.00 on the above deadline.
Please note:
2. Extensions will be in accordance with University and Faculty policy. If in doubt you are advised to read the Guidelines for Assessed Coursework on STiLE.
Students MUST keep copies (electronic file + hard copy) of their assignment.
Please also submit an electronic copy of your assignment via the module web.
Word Length 3,000 words.
Any penalties for not complying with word limits will be in accordance with University and Faculty policy. Ability to write within word limit is actually part of the assessment, in which case a penalty of 10% of the mark is applied if word limit exceeded by 10% or more, or is below a set minimum by more than 10%.#p#分頁標題#e#
Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Identify and critically evaluate the major theoretical debates around SHRM
2. Discuss the relationship between SHRM activities and the strategic imperatives facing organisations.
3. Synthesise the available evidence and apply SHRM theory to a practical situation.
Assessment Criteria
Students will be assessed on their ability to analyse & critique the statement in the question and put forward reasoned arguments from both sides of the debate.
In order to gain a PASS grade (40-59%) students must satisfactorily:-
• Prepare a report or essay, which demonstrates a basic understanding of strategies for human resources management.
In order to gain a MERIT grade (60-70%), students must satisfactorily:-
• Comply with the requirements for a PASS grade and additionally:
• Prepare a more detailed piece of work which demonstrates a thorough understanding of the issues of the topic
• Present logical and coherent arguments with underpinning academic theory
• Support the arguments with examples of best practice
In order to gain a DISTINCTION grade (70% or above), students must satisfactorily:-
• Comply with the requirements for a MERIT grade and additionally:
• Demonstrate an in depth appreciation of the issues associated with the topic
• Consider a variety of options and their merits
Marking Scheme
For information on how marks are awarded for particular elements of this assignment see below:
Understanding of relevant issues and priorities: 30%
Analytical discussion with reasoned arguments
and conclusions 30%
Discussion supported by reference to
academic work, theory and current debates
Examples and case studies of best practice 30%
Presentation: Work submitted is presented in
a clear, concise and logically structured manner,
together with correctly laid out
references/bibliography 10%
Return of Marked Work
Marked work will be returned via WM Reception or in class. You can expect to have marked work returned to you by 4 weeks after the submission date.
PLAGIARISM WARNING ! – Assignments should not be copied in part or in whole from any other source, except for any marked up quotations, that clearly distinguish what has been quoted from your own work. All references used must be given, and the specific page number used should also be given for any direct quotations, which should be in inverted commas. Students found copying from the internet or other sources will get zero marks and may be excluded from the university.
Please make sure that your ID number and the module number appear on the actual coursework assignment as well as on the cover sheet that you attach to it. (but don’t put your name for individual assignments as marking is anonymous)
For large modules with multiple seminars your Seminar Group or Tutor’s name must be clearly shown, to ensure that your assignment goes to the correct person for marking. ( Put the class day and time if you cannot remember tutor’s name).
UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS UPDATE – please note that from 2009-10 an amendment to the university regulations will have a significant impact on students who do not attempt assessments. The revised Academic Regulations now say:
“A student shall be reassessed by resit without re-registration in any failed module that has not specified an attendance requirement where an attempt has been made or a deferral granted. Where an attempt has not been made or a deferral not granted students will ‘normally’ be required to withdraw.”