英國桑德蘭大學(xué)商業(yè)研究碩士英語essay寫作輔導(dǎo)-Operations management
You are asked to write a report identifying the operational issues raised by the design and day-to-day running of a University library.
You should ensure that you relate your service and its delivery to the intended "market" and cover important aspects such as design, planning, control and monitoring of the course, especially for quality. The report should contain adequate references to support your plans and ideas. You may wish to compare your plan to your own experience.
The report should identify the “service package(s)” required for the intended users and examine the implications for this in terms of design and delivery. The following points are typical of those that need to be discussed. You may feel that you want to add others.
The intended market - Discuss and define the service package expected: explicit service, implicit service, supporting facilities and services; nature of services/ involvement of customer. You need to relate to a specific market - issues created by the different users, access. registration etc. etc.
What are the order-qualifying/order-winning criteria? What do users expect from the service? How does this relate to the performance objectives: quality, speed, dependability, flexibility. cost etc.?
You might like to consider some of the following issues:
The transformation process
Transforming resources: staff, book stacks, I.T. support, administration support, support equipment etc. Suitable range of materials and subjects.
Transformed resources: students, information
Capacity planning.
Resources: staff, rooms, support materials and facilities, car parks, supervision/security. Availability of resources.
Resource utilisation, performance criteria.
Definition of quality in the context of a University library; its characteristics; quality assurance systems.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
The report is an individual piece of work and should be no more than 3000 words, excluding appendices.
Your answers will be assessed against the following criteria:
1. An ability to understand the issues in the case.
2. An ability to analyse the issues in the case.
3. The application of the module content.
4. Clarity of presentation of the answers.
Work submitted must adhere to the University policy on Cheating, Collusion and Plagiarism.
Tom Cuthbertson
Module Leader Moderated by Dr Tie Xu
Structure – Business report
Service package
Defining the Market
Transformation Process
Order Qualifies/ Winners
Design and Customer satisfaction
Performance Objectives(How does 5 keys of Performance Objectives relate to
the Library Operation.)
Quality Systems
Topics – Design and Running of University Library.
University Library is a repository of information from books to collections of material like magazines, reports video and visual materials. The main objective of the library is to serve as a central location depository of material which would enable sharing of this information and material by numerous people. The University Library would be more restricted in terms of the fact that it is mainly use to serve the students and lecturers from the university and not open to the public. In addition, the information stored within the University Library would be more focus and relevant to meet the requirements of the borrower or users of the library rather that like that of a public library where the repository of material would be wider because it serves the wider audience base.
Currently the Library offers a wide range of general services such as borrowing service, IT service and helpdesk support etc and in addition also provide specialise services to their customer base ranging from research base customer to on campus students to student on work based learning program. #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
It would be beneficial to the general campus fellowship if the library could enhance the service available to include after graduation related needs to foster alumni network building.
It would be good that the university could provide a service package targeting at final student and fresh graduates. Objective of the service is to provide career advice and job recruitment advice.
Service Package
The Service package would be ideal to be one that provides value added services that is able to help the target customer from final year student to fresh graduate. The service package should be able to advice the target customer in their needs in career building and provide effective guidance in the initial career path. This would be the explicit service to be provided by the University Library.
Only with proper and accurate initial guidance and matching of jobs will it enhance the career building of graduate from the university. This will further enhance the reputation of the university and also to create better alumni network. The promotion of a stronger alumni network and to foster better working relationship between the industry and the University would an implicit service within this service package.
The explicit service will be broken down into 2 main components, one in the area of advice to students in their career building and another in the area of job recruitment for companies via matching of job vacancy and graduating students.
The service of advice to the students in their career building is planned to be delivered by volunteers from the graduating alumni and lecturers; this would help alumni in their recruitment of members. The tangible benefits foreseen to arise out from this initiative is a better stronger network for the alumni.
The job recruitment initiative should be facilitated by full time staff from the library. All the service is delivered within the university library facility and should be done via a section within the university library. The tangible benefits arising from the university library providing a centralise recruitment centre would be 2 folds. One for the students as this would definitely provide them some clear direction where they could start from as for the University this is one good marketing publicity in their future student recruitment in not been known as just a place for knowledge but also a place that would help and facilitate the progression of graduates to exercise their knowledge as for prospective employer it would also provide a means to channel their direct feedback to the University on the relevant skills required and also to feedback on the immediate shortage on man power with what type of skills and knowledge. #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
Other intangible benefits to be arise out from this service is a direct feedback from industry to the University on the shortage skills in the industry so that University has the ability to make gradual changes in curriculum to cater to the market readily. In addition this working relationship once initiated would be able to grow to provide other services such as organising of workshop that have speakers from the industry direct sharing their knowledge and findings with the research students in the University.
The service should be publish on the university web site and could be request via the university library web site and also via over the library counter. This would make the utilisation of the service more convenient.
The Market
The market of the service is primarily target at final year students and fresh graduates. The target market could gradually be increase to include post graduate students,(students graduating with master degree and Phd.) However, the secondary customer market would be the Alumni and Employers.
The University library has advantage over the competitor in this target market because of the already establish relationship with students over the years during the terms of the schools. In addition, the students would have a more precise and clear channels to the prospective employers via the University Library and also to provide prospective employer a more cost effective direct communication to the student via the University Library than if they were to go for a direct recruitment initiative.
With reference to the other service of providing career guidance, the customer (students) would have a more accurate and realistic understanding of the kind career if they were to have guidance from seniors and from people working already in the society. As such the University Library is ideal in facilitating the communication between the past graduates and present graduates and would have an advantage in the already common grounds for both groups of people in them all coming from the same University this helps in fostering a closer bonding and a strong alumni.
Alumni and employers would gain valuable direct interaction with the students via the University library. This would much reduce their direct cost and would definitely also provide a more establish and clear channels to the huge pool of resource readily going to be available from each graduating cohort.
Transformation Process
To provide and kick start the initiative for the required service, the university would need to first setup a new section within the library. The new section would be the direct communication channel and act as facilitating channel between the students and the outside world, both the alumni and employers. #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
In order to be able to provide a good and effective service in career guidance and job recruitment, the library needs the assistance from the alumni and prospective employer in having regular meeting to update each party of the progress and to plan for upcoming activity. The service provided are planned to be in the active stage during the school holidays. Library would be able to provide small study rooms during the final drive for interviews and career planning meeting with minimum inconvenience arising for other library patrons.
The service provided by the University Library needs to have certain monetary returns in order for the library to be able to continue providing this service with the cost of running the centre been taken care of. The best way to price this service is in the form of commission from the primary supplier that is both the alumni and employers. The commission should be structure in the manner that of a commission on the student joining membership fee to the alumni and a direct recruitment fee from the employer that participate in the recruitment activity. In this manner the centre long term running cost could be easily taken care of and with surplus be able to contribute into future new initiative as start up cost.
The participation from Alumni and Employers will require their participation not only in providing the service directly but also in other form such as feedback and series of workshop. In the case of alumni it would only be good career guidance service if there is in place a series of workshop to be provided by senior alumni members and also group coaching. As for the employers it would be in the form of curriculums feedback. Putting in place this process of capturing feedback and series of workshop the overall service would over time be refined and improved.
With a series of planned workshop and proper group guidance from alumni members, it is believe that fresh graduates will have a better understanding of what to expect from the workforce and working environment in the current context so as to be able make better decision on their initial career move. Couple with the timely and proper matching of available job vacancy in the market place with establish employer, graduates from the University would be able to more quickly contribute to the workforce without much retraining or re-equipping of skills and would be able immediately join the workforce.
Order Qualifies/ Winners
The key objective of the service was design to assist the current cohort of graduating student in making informed and appropriate decision with regards to their career. At
http://www.mythingswp7.com/management/ the same time foster a close network working relationship between the University, employers and Alumni so that the three parties can work closely in nurturing effective resource to the workforce in the short to long terms. With time it is believe that this relationship will bring about the much longer term objective of establishing the establishment as one of the top 10 Global University that is always relevant to the working economy. This would in turn attract valuable talents to consider the University as preferred choice of education provider.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
With this long term objectives in mind it is extremely important that during the planning and executions stage for each activity proper planning and considerable consideration needs to be put in place to ensure that only partners that are willing to participate in this initiative in the long run are selected and that materials are up to mark.
This arise than a need to have certain selection criteria set in place for the University to better score and gauge the willing participants. Selection criteria should and not be limited to the following such as the organisation’s standing in the workforce, ability for commitment period of initial 5 years, structure and working task force is in place from participating organisation so that no organisation who are looking for short term gains are allow to participate in this initiative.
From the university library perspective in order to better facilitate the initiative and be view as been fair and unbiased, it is extremely important too, to setup a Task Force working committee to oversee the selection of participation partners. The Committee would also be the spear heading body in planning out the strategy on the longer horizon and also in recommending appropriate measure to achieve this objective.
Design and Customer satisfaction
The initiative cannot be executed without proper design and knowing how to gauge and obtain feedback on satisfaction level from the customer. The initial step with the stepping up of the working committee is to design the first stage execution plan and design the feedback path.
The execution can be split into 2 path one for the alumni and another for prospective employers. For the alumni path it is definitely required to derive a working mechanism between the alumni working committee and the University Library centre staff. The mechanism needs to be one that is a to and fro link that would encourage close working relationship. As for the employers, the initial steps is to start working with unions and industry co-operations as this would be the fastest way to market to the employers of this new initiative.
Putting in place working mechanism for the initiative, University Library would than need to move on planning and design how to gauge the success of each activity and capturing the feedback so that comparison can be put in place as a key performance indicators on measuring the success of each initiative.
Not forgetting the initiative was initially mooted to meet the primary customer (students) in facilitating their career, therefore care planning needs to be put in place on how to capture the students feedback on each activity and each feedback needs to be properly address and handled so that the same feedback from students can be channel to as feedback to the alumni and employers. The capture of this feedback will form the foundation for further improvements in the service provided by the University Library.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
Performance Objectives
Key Performance indicators to measure customer satisfaction and success of each activity need to be establish so that they can be aggregated up so that more detail understanding on the reasons for some failure or success can be analyse and be feedback to the working committee for consideration in refining certain aspect of the strategy so that the longer terms objectives can always be the main focus.
In capturing this feedback proper planning and design also need to be put in place so that it can be executed and achieve what it was setup to do instead of creating just an additional layer of task. This understanding of the performance measurement needs to be always refocus with all participating parties so that no misunderstanding and wrong interpretation of reading the indicators arises from the process.