英格蘭提賽德大學管理類留學生essay寫作-BUSINESS DECISION MAKING
W/C Activity Responsible
12/4/2010 Introduction to SimVenture M Ashwell
19/4/2010 Business Simulation Assessment M Ashwell
26/4/2010 Assessment preparation and submission M Ashwell
3/5/2010 Business Simulation feedback M Ashwell
The introduction to SimVenture will take place during the normal lecture and tutorial times w/c 12/4/2010. The lecture will show students more about the computer-based package. The tutorials will concentrate on the process to be followed by each group and the maintenance of the group portfolio of evidence.
W/ C活動負責
在正常的講座和教程倍W / C2010/12/4將于到SimVenture引進。本次講座將展示學生的計算機為基礎的軟件包。本教程將集中在過程中應遵循的各組和維修組組合的證據。
Assessment Elements
The assessment will comprise submission by students of 2 elements:
1. Group Report 70% weighting
2. Individual Reflection Report 30% weighting
Submission of the group report and individual student reflection report will be in the open area in the Clarendon Building.
Group Report
The group report will require student groups to demonstrate how they ran the business simulation: what decisions were made, how they were made, what the impact of the decisions were, as follows:
• A summary report of the operational activities performed
• www.mythingswp7.com Evidence of discussion and decisions made by the group #p#分頁標題#e#
• Use of appropriate analytical and problem solving techniques
• Group meeting minutes/notes and SimVenture reports
The report will be marked according to the processes involved in the business simulation and not the outcome: i.e. students will not be deducted marks if the business is not successful.
Individual Reflection
The reflection will be submitted at the end of the simulation activity period. Each student will provide a reflective summary of their involvement in the business simulation and decision making process with the learning achieved as follows:
• Evidence of Individual participation through a log/diary
• Discussion of role/s taken on and executed
• Evaluation of the experience
• Individual reflection statements on the outcomes achieved for both self and the group objectives.
•角色/ s的討論和執行
The individual report should be approx. 1000 words in length.
Student Groups
Students will be organised into groups during the tutorials in Feb/March 2010. The number of students in each group should be a minimum of 5. Some groups may have more participants.
The names of the students in the groups will be posted on Blackboard prior to the Easter break.
Students not attending tutorials and not in groups will need to contact the module leader (M Davenport) before the Easter break.
Any non attendance for the assessment due to sickness etc should be notified to the module leader M Davenport.
Support Team
M Ashwell Co-ordinator Business Simulation Exercise
Yasser Iqbal Support and advisory service
Jo Laity #p#分頁標題#e#Student Advisor co-ordinator
Student Advisors Student representatives from 2/3 years
IT Technician Alan Fishburn
Marketing Support D Norris
Finance Support M Ashwell
Operations M Davenport
Business Simulation
Mike Ashwell will take students through the business simulation software in preparation for the assessment. Students will have an opportunity to use the software and appreciate how it works and what they will be required to do.
This is an important element in the programme as the introduction to the business simulation should encompass all student concerns and explain how they will be operating during the assessment.
Each group will be given a portfolio file to maintain the records of meetings, reports and outcomes for the business. That file will contain submission details, names and signatures of the students in the group, a list of the appropriate documents to submit and templates for recording group meetings and decisions.
SimVenture is the business simulation package being used and is available in the IT laboratories and open area in the Business school. Each group will identify roles to be performed by students. The roles will be:
Managing Director (group co-ordinator)
Marketing Director
Operations Director
Finance Director
HRM Director
Other roles may be designated by the students in the group
M Ashwell will provide a brief for the company and business that students will be simulating. All groups will be using the same company brief. The group will develop a business strategy and then implement using SimVenture. Decisions will be made by the group and then entered on the simulation model in the IT labs or open area. The simulation will be run after decisions have been made and results will be displayed and printed in reports. As a result further decisions will be made to develop the business, change strategy and continue trading.
Initially the group will decide the roles that each student will perform. The next step will be to obtain an opening statement of the business. Groups will run 6 trading periods of the simulation. Each period will be involve consideration of the state of the business using reports and online information. Decisions about resource allocation and strategy will be followed by input of new conditions into the simulation and the running of the next period of trading.#p#分頁標題#e#
During the simulation the group will meet and evaluate the position of the business and make decisions about finance, operations, marketing and human resources. Those discussions and decisions will be recorded by the group and provide the evidence for the groups work.
Students will also present arguments from the functional point of their designated roles. A record of those needs too be maintained by individuals for their own report submission Reports will be generated from the simulation package from the different aspects of the business. However the group must make the decisions together and the role of Managing Director will be to co-ordinate the group decision-making process. The integrated nature of running a business means that decisions cannot be made in isolation; the consequences for other business functions will need to be accounted for in a co-ordinated way.
The simulation package provides numerous reports, advice and assistance to groups when making decisions. SimVenture also provides an online tutorial demonstrating the way the package works.
A summary and feedback on the business simulation exercise will be provided by M Ashwell and the team on 4/5/2010 in the Tuesday Lecture slot in the CLT between 12-1pm.
The difference between this and other ‘Dragons Den’ type exercises is that the results of the decisions will be simulated dynamically and the outcomes of decisions will be evident. The business will be trading and outcomes for each period will be displayed.
The purpose of the business simulation is not necessarily to run the best business case but rather to demonstrate learning about how a business works and how decisions have to be made between groups with possibly differing objectives even though the overall business objective is to make a profit. There will be different roads to your successful business outcome.