澳大利亞墨爾本大學工程管理碩士課程essay寫作輔導:PROJECT MANAGEMENT
1. Background.
You are a senior Project Manager with an organisation called PM Construction Ltd (PMC). PMC has won a contract for the design and construction of a large bauxite mine and village to support the mining development and operation. The mine is located in an emerging third world country approximately 450 kilometres from any significant population centre. PMC is a privately owned local, large and reasonably experienced company, employing about 1,500 employees.你是一個組織稱為PM建設公司(PMC)的高級項目經理。PMC贏得了為支持礦業開發和運行一個大型鋁土礦和村的設計和施工合同。礦山位于新興的第三世界國家,大約450公里從任何重要的人口中心。PMC是一家私人擁有的地方,大和相當有經驗的公司,雇用了約1500名員工。
The development of the mine needs to commence as soon as possible as the National Government, which owns the mine and its outputs, has signed supply contracts with an international aluminium producer – this contract will produce significant foreign exchange benefits for the country. The design and construction contract is potentially highly lucrative to PCMas there are substantial bonuses for the completion of various stages of the Project. There are also some major risks such as significant liquidated damages, at the rate of $50,000 per day, for late delivery of the various stages礦山的開發需要盡快為國民政府開始,擁有該煤礦和它的輸出,已簽訂供應合同與國際鋁生產商–這個合同將為國家生產重要的外匯收益。合同可能是非常有利可圖的PCMAS有對項目各階段的完成大量的獎金的設計與施工。也有一些重大的風險,如重大違約金,在每天50000美元的速度,對各個階段的延遲交貨
The mine is expected to employ at least 450 people when it is in full scale operation, so the village will need to accommodate well in excess of 3,000 people taking into account families and the various support personnel. Therefore, in developing the village, amenities required for a medium size village including power, water, health care, transport, shopping and recreation need to be provided for.
Your team, chosen by you, is required to design and construct the mine and the village for both construction and operations phases.
2. Additional Information.
• As indicated, the mine is owned by the National Government however, the Regional Authority and the Indigenous Councils that manage the area are not happy with the Project for a number of reasons. These include sacred sites, unique flora and fauna but, principally, that neither the Authority nor the Councils would receive much direct or indirect benefit from the activities of the mine – on the other hand they would suffer considerable dis-benefits - the main one being a major disruption to their lifestyle. Some of this dis-satisfaction will possibly resultin PCM being unable to promptly obtain the appropriate approvals, licences, etc.#p#分頁標題#e#
• The village is planned to be permanent and last the estimated life of the mine which is expected to be at least 50 years.
• PCM and the National Government are jointly funding the Project so are anxious that the mine and village are set up as soon as possible so that cash-flow from the mine’soutputwill begin quickly.
• There is an active union movement in the country which is agitating for improved conditions and more even distribution of the bounty the country will be receiving. It is also concerned about environmental issues at the mine site, the transport difficulties associated with getting the bauxite out of the area (minimal adequate access roads, etc) and the remoteness of the site for its members who are to be flown in during the initial construction phase and not have the support of their families and communities during this hectic construction period nor adequate compensation or amenity.
• Environmental Impact Studies have been done and show that, generally, the mining can be done with minimal damage to the environment. However, the conservationists are not satisfied and are strongly opposing the Project and may try to hinder its progress.
• Because world demand for aluminium is high, this new mine is seen as a cheap and quick source of supply, therefore there is pressure on the Project Manager to get the mine operational quickly. No risk analysis has been undertaken and there is a real chance of accidents occurring as the mine is being set up for production.
i. Explain how you would establish your Project Team identifying:-
- The major issues that need to be addressed;
- The most important competencies required to cope with the identified major issues; and
- The style of leadership and management you consider appropriate for the success of the Project in the construction phase.
(40 marks)
ii. Indicate the key milestones you would adopt, why they are important and how they would be measured. (20 marks)#p#分頁標題#e#
iii. Given the urgency of the Project, its remoteness, the anxieties expressed by the Regional Authority, the Indigenous Councils, the Trade Unions and the conservationists, what communication strategy would you adopt to ensure you were able to deliver the Project on time and within cost. Who would be accountable for the various components of the strategyand how would you measure the effectiveness of the strategy. (40 marks)
4. Instructions
This examination will be marked out of 100 andis to be completed by Wednesday, 13th February 2013.Itis tobe received by me by email no later than 6.00pmonthatdate. My email address is
[email protected]
b) If received later than 6.00pm, an automatic deduction of 15 marks will be made from your final result. An additional 5 marks will be deducted for each 48 hours after the deadline your submission is delayed.
c) All questions, including components, need to be answered.Please read the ‘Background’and ‘Additional Information’ Sections carefully.
d) If you wish to create additional background material to assist in explaining your responses, you may do so. However, you must clearly outline what additional background information you have created at the very beginning of your response prior to answering any of the questions. Some of the provided material on Pages 1 and 2 may be irrelevant and some may require interpretation - where you believe interpretation is necessary you are to provide your understanding of it.
e) The examination is to be done in your own time with no collaboration with any other person, particularly your fellow students. Plagiarism and/or copying of any form are considered serious offences by Swinburne University of Technology and, if detected, usually result in immediate disqualification.