This is the first of two assessments for PM018, The Theory and Practice of Strategic Management and focuses on a proposal and report. The second will be an examination.
Further details will be found in the PM018, The Theory and Practice of Strategic Management student handbook.
Learning outcomes addressed
This assignment and examination address the following learning outcomes:
? Gain insight into the process of strategic leadership and the management of strategic change.
? Demonstrate an in depth understanding of the theories of strategic management and be able to critically use and analyse these theories
? Explain how the external structural environment in which organizations operate drive strategy formulation
? Develop a logical approach when dealing with strategic business issues
? Analyse the nature of the strategic situation facing an organisation
? Present feasible strategic responses to a strategic problem based on appropriate criteria
Theoretical perspective
It is at the point of change that competitive dynamics can best be observed and analysed. This is where organizations and industries are subject to pressures and where issues that may be dormant can assert themselves. Therefore, each report should be concerned with a story of change of strategic direction and the use of analytical frameworks discussed in the course to shed light on the chosen change. The idea of the report is to test the critical use theoretical frameworks presented during the module.
Part 1: The proposal
Individually, students will select a company from the list on page 6 and prepare a proposal to analyse:
a. The industry the company is in
b. The situation faced by that company that caused it to change its strategic direction.
At the very least, the proposal must contain the following:
? A brief description of what you are planning to do.
? Background. This section should contain a rationale for your research. Why are you undertaking the project? Why is the research needed? This rationale should be placed within the context of existing research. You need to demonstrate that you know what you are talking about and that you have knowledge of the literature surrounding this topic.#p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
? Aims and objectives. The aim is the overall driving force of the research and the objectives are the means by which you intend to achieve the aims.
? Description of proposed research including method or approach.
? List of references. Do not say “I’ll use books and / or journals”. You must state their titles and explain how and why they fit in with your proposed report.
Part 2: The report
Having prepared the proposal, students will write a report that addresses the strategic situation of the real, existing actor in terms of the industry in which the player operates.
Students will therefore critically examine one or more major shifts in strategic direction by a firm by drawing on the theoretical tools of industry analysis, firm strategies, technological issues and national strategies for creation and enhancement of strategic direction.
At the very least, be sure to include:
? What industry / industries does the firm compete in?
? What is the current attractiveness of this industry / industries and how is it likely to evolve in the next 3 to 5 years in terms of profitability and the level of competition?
? What implications does this industry analysis have for the industries/markets that the firm should be considering entering, exiting and/or otherwise changing its level of participation in?
? How will current rivals and potential new entrants in the industry / industries compete in the next 3 to 5 years?
? Which strategies are most likely to improve its absolute and/or relative performance in the next 3 to 5 years?
General Marking scheme
Assessment area and criteria
1. Evidence of further reading and work beyond the core texts and study guides.
i. Frequently and relevantly uses reading and work beyond that encountered in study guide and core texts
ii. Stays generally within the confines of reading and work done from the core text and for module sessions
iii. Shows weak understanding of reading for sessions and no evidence of reading and work beyond session requirements
2. Appropriateness of action
i. Implications for the organisation & industry expressed fully / randomly / barely
ii. Comments made show full / sound / superficial awareness of the implications for the current situation and future considerations.
3. Recommendations #p#分頁標(biāo)題#e#
i. Identifies all / most / some of the courses of action available to the company
ii. Uses / does not use appropriate evaluation criteria.
iii. Demonstrates good / adequate / little critical awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of some / all available courses of action
4. Assumptions and limitations of analysis
i. Refers to and explains well / adequately / superficially the assumptions behind the analysis
ii. Refers to and analyses well / adequately/ superficially the limitations of the analysis within the given context
5. Assembling and analysing data
i. Qualitative and quantitative data applied well / on occasion / not at all
ii. Used data is always / generally / only sometimes appropriate to task and context
iii. Uses appropriate/sometimes relevant/inappropriate analytical procedures
6. Identification of problems
i. Problems defined accurately/ inadequately
ii. Problems ranked hierarchically/briefly/not at all
7. Understanding of the content and processes of ‘strategic management’ activities and their interrelationship
i. Demonstrates good / adequate / little understanding of the content and processes of strategic management activities
演示足夠好, 稍微了解戰(zhàn)略管理活動(dòng)的內(nèi)容和流程
ii. Very full / adequate / insufficient comment on the relationships between strategic management activities
8. Presentation and communication of report, references etc.
i. Structure of the material is always / generally / not sufficiently logically ordered and appropriate
ii. Language is always / generally / not sufficiently clear, unambiguous and coherent
iii. Presentation is always / generally / not sufficiently clear, easy to follow and appropriate.
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