Your group is the marketing department of your allocated supermarket within the market2win simulation and you take over an existing marketing plan and an operating business. You are required to make the necessary strategic decisions to achieve your business plan. THIS WILL REQUIRE YOU TO ATTEND THE ALLOCATED TUTORIALS EACH SESSION. Upon completion of the 4th decision (2 years within the simulation), as a group, you are required to write a strategic marketing plan to cover the next 6 decisions (3 years within the simulation). Your plan will take your business forward and should concentrate on key markets and strategic direction based on your position at the end of decision 4.
The task is to write a marketing plan for your organisation in the marketing simulation. You are not to collect data outside of the simulation. Rather you should use the tools discussed in the course, previous marketing related modules and apply them, taking a customer focus at all times (this needs to be explicit within your report).
Do not be distracted by too many operational issues curtail your report to factors which are variable within the simulation.
Remember it is a marketing plan so must include retail marketing mix recommendations
Group Project Marking System
Marketing audit 35%
Recommendations 35%
Tangible representation of recommendations including cost/benefits 10%
Demonstration of understanding
and application of retail marketing theory 10%
Layout, sourcing, tables, graphs, use of English 10%
The project report will be graded principally on its content. Please note the report should be well written and structured and 10% of the marks for the assessed coursework have been allocated for this purpose. It is expected that the report will be divided into sections and major and minor headings.#p#分頁標題#e#
You may be tempted to hand in essays, projects or other pieces of assessed coursework containing work that you know are not completely your own, hoping that the tutor won’t notice. This may be for several reasons such as shortage of time, hoping for a better grade than would be achievable under a particular set of circumstances or perhaps even lack of knowledge regarding how to correctly reference the sources of data used. This is plagiarism – it is a matter that the University takes very seriously indeed - and it usually takes one of four forms.
(a) Copying chunks of text from books, dissertations, journals or the web without acknowledgement. (It is permissible, even desirable, to quote extensively from the work of other writers on your subject, but all quotations should be fully referenced).
(b) Paraphrasing ideas from texts without stating their origin. (Instead, use phrases such as “According to Jobber (1995).” or “Wright & Taylor (1994) propose that ..” or similar acknowledgement).
(c) Colluding with other students and submitting identical or near identical work.
(d) Copying the work of another student without that student’s consent.
University regulations state: “A dissertation, thesis, essay, project or any other work which is not undertaken in an examination room under supervision but which is submitted by a student for formal assessment during his/her course of study must be written by the candidate him/herself and in his/her own words, except for quotations from published and unpublished sources which shall be clearly indicated and acknowledged as such. ..... The incorporation of material from other works or a paraphrase of such material without acknowledgement will be treated as plagiarism subject to the custom and usage of the subject ... Where an examiner identifies a failure to comply fully with the foregoing this will be regarded as a suspected breach of Regulations by the student concerned and will be the subject of investigation.”
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