Pre-masters Business and Management 4 (Case Study)碩士預科商業和管理(案例分析)
Examples of models that may provide the academic basis of your work (you are only required to use one, or may select a different one to these if appropriate):
Handy’s ‘God’s of Management’ (structure and culture)
Schein’s ‘Onion’ (organisational culture)
Deal and Kennedy’s ‘Four Culture’s’ Model
Johnson and Scholes and ‘the Cultural Web’
Assessment Criteria:評估標準
The inclusion of a clear and appropriately constructed Literature Review based on academic sources, demonstrating a critical understanding of the subject area with reference to the leading developments in the field;
A demonstration of an understanding of the case study methodology and the appropriate selection and use of secondary data sources, including an awareness of the limitations of any data sources used;
Analysis of the situation, circumstance or incident of the organisation selected using the appropriate application of the chosen model in the form of an original case study piece of work, including an awareness of any limitations of the study;
Clear and correct referencing of all sources throughout your assignment (not just in the literature review), using the Harvard method of referencing, including a correctly constructed bibliography.
Please note: If any of the above elements are missing this may result in a maximum mark of 50% being applied to your assignment.
Word Limit: 3,000 words (excluding the Bibliography and any appendices)
As an indication, the majority of your word count, for example up to 2,500 words should be divided between the case study write up, the literature review and the methodology sections, with the case study write up and the literature review being the largest sections of your writing. It is likely that your case study section will be between 1,000 and 1,200 words, (any less and the content is likely to be judged as lacking). The remaining word limit is likely to be used in an introduction of your question and the reason you selected the model and the organisation you have used; and a conclusion, with an acknowledgement of any limitations of your work and recommendations for any further work, if appropriate.
Required Stages of the Assignment assessment:
Assignment of Supervisor and first meeting – each student will be allocated a supervisor to support you with your work for this project in the early weeks of the term, and your supervisor will meet with all their students as a group.
Submit proposal to Study Direct – Week 4 – Submit your research question and a brief outline of your proposed case study process for the UK based organisation you have selected - in a maximum of 250 words. This is to include reference to at least one academic journal article to support the relevance of the business model you have chosen.
The proposal will be assessed and will represent 10% of your final grade.
Submit a draft of the required sections (minimum) – Week 6 – Submit the draft sections of your assignment to your supervisor by 4pm Friday 18th May - the end of – Week 6 of the term. Your supervisor may wish to give you feedback on this before the final submission. However, you should continue to refine your work independently of this ready for final submission. You should submit the draft sections of however much you have done by this time, even if incomplete, as this is the last opportunity to receive written comment on your work before the final submission.
Submission deadline for completed assignment – before 12noon Tuesday in Week 9 – All completed assignments should be submitted on Study Direct. You will need to ensure that your supervisor has a printed Turnitin similarity report and a hard copy of your assignment by the end of the day, but the assignment must be submitted on Study Direct by the deadline. Please do not leave your submission to the last minute as this will create a queue and you may not be able to submit your assignment by the deadline, resulting in lost marks. Any assignment submitted after this time will be subject to the rules for late entry. If there is a medical or other reason for late submission you will need to submit a Mitigating Circumstances form to your Programme Manager with the appropriate supporting evidence.
All assignments should be word processed, in a minimum of 11point Arial font, single sided and double spaced with a minimum of 2.25cm margins down the left and right of left justified text. All pages should be numbered and please include your candidate number and name in the footer of each page.
Assignments should be covered by a front sheet that should include:
your assignment title,
module name,
your name (including your English name) and candidate number (from your Uni ID card),
your Pre-masters AWA group,
project supervisor name, the date of submission, and
word count.
Please secure your assignment pages together by staple or in a cover. (Do not submit the hard copy as loose pages or in a plastic wallet).
Course Text:
Saunders M, Lewis P and Thornhill A (2009) Research Methods for Business Students#p#分頁標題#e#
(the same text as for the B&M1 Introduction to Business and Management Module)
You will need to find academic sources to support your discussion of your chosen business model, which will need to be academic journal articles.
Sources and references for the use of case studies, and the use and selection of secondary data, may be in text books (including the course text) as well possibly in academic articles. Please ensure these are referenced also.
There is a summary of Harvard referencing in the Appendices of the course text, as well as on InfoSuSS, as before. This is an essential element of your assignment, so please ensure you are clear about it and how to use it.
Management of your Time and Supervisor Support
Each student has a maximum of 2 hours of individual supervision time available to support your independent study for this assignment. Your supervisor will be allocated to you.
You will have a group meeting at the beginning, and a group meeting for feedback on the proposal, after this all other meetings with your supervisor will be on a one-to-one basis and will be up to the student to arrange, in advance, at a mutually convenient time. Your supervisor will be accessible to you by email and pre-arranged meetings. The time taken in meetings, in reviewing and replying to email enquiries, and reading and responding to any draft materials (including responding to the full draft in week 6), will all count towards your 2 hours of supervision time available to you.
Please note that a supervisor will arrange to meet with you within a reasonable time of any request, however due to other teaching commitments they may not be able to meet with you, or respond to a request, at short notice. Your supervisor will attempt to read and return any work that you submit to them for reading and comment within 3 working days, where possible. Supervisors will attempt to respond to any email enquiries within 24 hours, but please do not send multiple emails on the same subject or with similar questions, as you will be using up your supervision time.
It may be useful if you find out from your supervisor when are the times of the week when they are more likely to be able to meet with you, or review your work. You are likely to need to continue with other aspects of your project work whilst you wait for feedback from your supervisor.
It is the student’s responsibility to manage the time they use to access the support of their supervisor. Your supervisor will keep a record of any time used and inform you after each meeting/email of your time remaining. Therefore it is very important that you manage your time and pay attention to your time management at all stages of your project to ensure you can complete your work in a timely manner, and so that you don’t use all your supervision time in the early stages of your project, as you will then be without support in the later stages of your assignment and the term. (Your supervisor will mark and assess your proposal, and the final assignment, in addition to your 3 hours of supervision time).#p#分頁標題#e#
Assignment Headings
A description of the research question
An indication of why the problem is important
Literature Review
A review of relevant literature
A description of the case study methodology, and why it is useful and any limitations of its use in business research
A discussion of the use and selection of secondary data sources, and the process of the selection of your data sources for this piece of work
A discussion of any problems you encountered with your data collection and an awareness of the limitations of any data you have obtained
Case Study
Your writing of the original case study
What your use of the model in this case showed you
Any observations that can be made about how someone may take the research forward, or do additional work in this area
A list of all references used during your research, whether you actually refer to it or not.
The list should be constructed using the Harvard referencing system
To give you a guide of how assessments at University are marked, the information below will give you something to consider.
Assessment Criteria
Less than 29% - fail (Fail)
requirements not met in full
very limited, inadequate
lacks coherence
omissions, errors and lack of clarity
30 - 39% - fail (refer)
inadequate but recoverable
rudimentary answer but with limited interpretation
limited response to brief
inadequate research and/or reflection
limited or no analysis
40 - 45% - satisfactory (Pass/Third)
adequate response
demonstration of basic knowledge
some analysis attempted
limited research
good in some areas but inconsistent
50 - 59% - good (Merit/ 2ii)
satisfactory with some conceptual ability
clear arguments; evidence of personal viewpoint
coherent and organised presentation
adequate research with limited application
60 - 69% - consistent and very good (Distinction/ 2i)
good analysis, evaluation and synthesis
clear defence of viewpoints
relevant research with good application
well structured, fluent with logical argument
evidence of creative approach and some critical ability
70+ - Excellent (Distinction/First)
excellent and outstanding
original, innovative and authoritative
wide knowledge and theoretical ability
command of critical position, limitations of methods and theories
articulate, fluent with exceptional argument
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