The question is:
You are the marketing research analyst working on a major electronics account. You are responsible for understanding the 18-24 African-American target market and you conducted a research study to identify the target’s response to an ad using a famous movie star endorsing the brand.
Your methods include the following procedures:你的研究方法包括以下步驟:
Sample: A convenience sample of 144 African Americans aged 18-24.144名18至24歲的非洲裔美國人作為你的樣本。
Design: A one shot, post-test only, no control group experiment.沒有對照組實驗
Procedure: Subjects are told to arrive at a local movie theater to evaluate a new television sitcom pilot. Subjects view 6 minutes of the sitcom, then a pod of ads where the test ad is placed in the middle of the pod. Subjects then view another 5 minutes of the sitcom. The lights are turned on and subjects are asked to respond to a paper and pencil questionnaire that includes one scale to measure attitude toward the brand, and another scale Measures
You decide to measure attitude toward the company as follows:http://http://ukthesis.org/thesis_sample/guanlileizuoye/
Good ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Bad
Favorable ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Unfavorable
Like ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Dislike
You decide to measure celebrity credibility as follows:
Distant ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Close
Attractive ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Unattractive
Believable ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Not Believable
Credible ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Not Credible
Tall ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Short
Young ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Old
Your results show the mean celebrity credibility perceptions in your sample is 3.1 and the standard deviation of the sample distribution is 2.4. The mean attitude toward the brand is 4.3 with a standard deviation of .12.
Below are the results from your reliability analyses of your scales.
Attitude Scale Cronbach’s alpha = .89#p#分頁標題#e#
Item Alpha if Item is Deleted
Good/Bad .34
Favorable/Unfavorable .56
Like/Dislike .42
Credibility Scale Cronbach’s alpha = .43
Item Alpha if Item is Deleted
Distant/Close .78
Attractive/Not Attractive .23
Believable/Not Believable .35
Credible/Not Credible .23
Tall/Short .86
Young/Old .83
Answer the following questions using the information above.
a. Evaluate your experimental design for internal and external validity.
b. Evaluate your credibility scale. Use the concepts of face validity, construct validity, and internal reliability.
c. Evaluate your attitude scale. Use the concepts of face validity, construct validity, and internal reliability.
d. What is your estimate of the population’s average attitude toward your brand? Create a 95% confidence interval for your estimate. Show your work; include the formulae that you used and your mathematical operations.
e. Interpret this result in words that your client will understand.
f. What is your estimate of the population’s average credibility perception of your celebrity endorser? Create a 95% confidence interval for your estimate. Show your work; include the formulae that you used and your mathematical operations.
g. Interpret this result in words that your client will understand.
h. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your sampling procedure. How do you think the sample type influenced your results?
i. Discuss the implications of the reliability of your scale for the error in your estimate of the population’s credibility perceptions?#p#分頁標題#e#
j. What would you do differently to improve your accuracy in measuring credibility?
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