Singapore Airline’s success caused by their brave and wise innovate which is combine low-cost and differentiation strategy. In order to offer excellence service to their customers, the human resource function is not only focus on set the right mission for HR, but also need force the strategy they using suitable and consistent with company goals.
This article claimed the importance of making HR strategy consistency with company strategy. Last but not least, the resource based view is shown which helping SIA gain competitive sustainable as a core competence for a company.
SIA seems human resource as a key element for achieve business strategy. SIA’s human resource strategies ensure their human resources can not be copy by competitors. For instant, the Singapore girl has become synonymous with SIA.
The human resource function in SIA is using the most appropriate ways to manage human resources, moreover, this suitable employee behavior and their personality capability can fully meet and attribute the business strategy which is offer excellence service. This is SIA’s HR outcome-the employee behavior aligned with company goals. (Schuler and Jackson, 1987)
Wernerfelt (1984) claimed that ‘from a resource-based view of strategy, all companies have resources.’ In addition, the writer divided the resource into tangible and intangible which includes capabilities and ability to organize resources effectively and efficiently to realize their strategy.
Many researches shows that enterprise use of RBV can effectively help obtain competitive advantages. (Barney, 1991, Peteraf, 1993) moreover, company should notice that the resource based view of firm should base on the diversity and immobility of resource. (Barney, 1991; Mata et al., 1995) The competitive advantage is used inter changeably with distinctive competence. (Day and Wensley, 1988)
Both Afiouni (2007) described RBV as way to contribute company gain competitive advantage by ‘creating specific knowledge, skills and culture within the firm that are difficult to imitate.’
Capabilities are intangible, SIA’s people, processes and culture are hard to imitate. SIA human resource function using their manage system attribute to capabilities of company which are being valuable to customers, rare, hard to imitate and hard to substitute. These HR actions help company gain sustainable competitive advantages which is ‘core competence’ for SIA.
For instance, RBV is looking inside of company. SIA selects their employees in a very careful method with lots of require. The employees is unique, not only because their personality, but also caused by the developing and training by HR management system. For example, SIA has management their employees who offer services by team. The divided team can help employees known each other and it is easy to supervisor by managers. Besides, the Singapore Girl as front line stuff is well known by customers which can not be imitate by their competitors. Otherwise, the knowledgeable and skillful employee is the key role for achieve SIA’s business strategy. Speak for the processes of HR system within SIA; they have a excellent training system and idea. Moreover, everyone within the company seems the training processes as an essential part of their working. SIA not only invest in training school, but also focus on the methods on how to effectively satisfy the customers’ need, even their employees’ needs. On the other hand, their training resource distribution is unique. Offering excellence service for customer is the key goals for SIA, that not only support by the right employees, the general mood within SIA is helpful. All employees are proud of their company culture which is anthropocentric and excellence service.
To contrast with Porter’s ‘positioning school’ which looks at the company’s position in the economic marketplace. The Porter’s view is focus on position the place of the company. Both of RBV and positioning school are aimed are obtain and find the source s of competitive advantages. Porter’s view is defining the performance of company influenced by the external environment. It is shown that managers should focus on the competitors who is the key elements for reduce performance of them. RBV seems the external environment just a part of reasons. The RBV is trying the get known of ‘black box’ and using the internal resources to keep sustainable competitive advantage which is core competence for company. Barney (1995) claimed that keep competitive advantages should use the internal and valuable resource which is ‘costly-to-copy’.
Speak for SIA, they innovation the strategy choosing. Although, in Porter’s view, the company should clear identified the strategy they choose, cost-leadership or differentiation. Moreover, he claimed that adopt both will leads to ‘stuck in the middle.’ SIA do a brave innovation which is combine differentiation and low-cost strategy. For instance, their service which offered by their empowered and well training employee may different with others, but they also control the resource distribution within company. SIA can do both in control cost and differentiation with competitors attribute by the consistency strategy, especially for HR strategy and business competitive strategy. In SIA, their HR strategy is always considered company’s business strategy and capability which leads to supporting the SIA’s combined strategy which is suitable for airline industry.
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