1.1 Market valuation in the United Kingdoms
According to Mintel report of Fruit juice and Juice drinks UK 2006 and Bottled Water UK 2007, in juice drink market and bottled water market, the sales were increased in both value and volume (Figure 2.3.1). Sales of juice and juice drinks increased by 16% between 2002 and 2004, and increased by 20% between 2004 and 2006 to reach £3.1 billion. Bottled water market volume (including water coolers) stood at 2,256 million litres in 2007, with a value of nearly £2 billion.
Figure 2.3.1: UK sales of bottled water*, by volume, value and average price, 2002-06
Source: Bottled Water - UK - June 2007, Mintel
1.2 Market Future and Forecast
The trend of both fruit juice and juice drinks market and bottled water market would be keep increasing after 2006 as Mintel forecasts. UK bottled water market would grow by an estimated 10% to reach a value of £2.6 billion at current prices over the period year 2010 to 2012. From the previous figure of sales and the Mintel forecasts, the sales of both value and volume in UK bottled water market could be steady increased as presenting on Figure 3.3.6. Healthy living and eating still be the most important factors to impact the market (Fruit Juice and Juice Drinks UK 2006, Mintel). http://ukthesis.org/dissertation_sample/
FIGURE 2.3.2: Forecast of UK sales of bottled water*, by volume, value and average price, 2007-12
2.1 Market valuation in the United Kingdoms
The sports and energy drinks market has continued its dynamic growth path I past few years, which reach £773 million sales, market value growth of 11% in 2006. The market is expected to exceed £800 million in 2007 (Figure 2.4.1). Sports drinks have a wider appeal than energy drinks, consumer interest in healthy lifestyles including exercise may be one of the reasons of the market expansion. According to Sports Drinks and Sports Nutrition–UK Mintel report, September 2005, consumer interest in healthy lifestyles incorporating exercise is the primary driver of the increased sales of sports drinks.
2.2 Market Future and Forecast
As more numbers of consumers experiencing the taste from the sports drinks, they will increasingly choose them as an everyday drink, therefore, sports drinks market will continue to expand as interest in diet, health and exercise increases.
FIGURE 2.4.2: Forecast of the UK sports drinks market, by value, 2007-12
Source: Sports and Energy Drinks - UK – July 2007, Mintel
FIGURE 2.4.3: Forecast of the energy and stimulant drinks market, by value, 2007-12
Source: Energy and Stimulant Drinks - UK - July 2005, Mintel
It also shows the increasing of population will influence growth of other beverage market, for example, the soft drinks are more likely consumed by young people, the market growth with population of the age group expansion. Despite population forecasts offer mixed opportunities for manufacturers of non-alcoholic drinks, healthy concerns would still make changes in beverage consumption. The total rejection of alcohol is increasing, with 17% of respondents to research commissioned for this report claiming to be teetotal. In addition, a further 8% of drinkers claimed to be temporarily ‘on the wagon’ (Soft Drinks - Consumer Attitudes. 2006, Mintel)
它也顯示了人口的增加會影響其他飲料市場的增長,例如,軟飲料消耗的年輕人,市場的增長與人口的年齡組擴展更容易。盡管人口預測非酒精飲料制造商提供混合的機會,健康問題仍然使飲料消費的變化。完全拒絕酒精不斷增加,有17%的受訪者自稱是滴酒不沾本報告委托研究。此外,另有8%的飲酒者自稱是暫時旅行車(汽水 - 消費者的態度,2006年,敏特)#p#分頁標題#e#
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