In today's competitive economy, a lot of the organization need to be competing affectively to maintain growth. Apart from facing a complex and dynamic environment, organizations are also exposed to face the current global challenges which includes: talent flow; managing employees with two different generations and shortage of competent employees (Tarique and Schuler, 2009). With the changes in the global environment, it has also changed how businees is run and how organization is managing their workforce (Tarique and Schuled, 2009).
The recent economy crisis and financial meltdown has resulted many organizations revamping their business strategy by downsizing operations and cutting down workfoces to have a lean organization. Regardless the economic situations and workfoce conditions, all the organizations have noted the importance of managng their workforce effectively to gain and sustain a global competitiveness (Tarique and Schuler, 2009).
Now talent management has become more important to a much wider range of companies compared to ten years ago (Sweem, 2008). Knowing the importance of talent in the company, Sweem (2008) emphasized that many organizations have vision or mission statement that includes mentioning employees are assets to the company and it is essential to attract, retain and develop the best talent. If this were true, talent is now a very critical driver of corporate performance (Michaels et al., 2001) and organizations would be placing a huge efforts in ensuring of recruiting, developing and engaging the best, brightest, and most diversified people (Chowdhury, 2002) to maintain the competitive edge (Sweem, 2008).
According to Michaels et al. (2001), there are three fundamental forces fuelling the war for talent: the irreversible shift from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, the intensifying demand for high-caliber managerial talent, and the growing propensity for people to switch from one company to another. And they believed that this is a phenomenon that will be happening for a long period of time. As the society becomes becomes more knowledge-driven, the differential value of highly talented people continues to mount (Michaels et al., 2001).
It was the corporate downsizing happened in the late 1980s that first broke the traditional mindset that traded job security for job loyalty (Michaels et al., 2001). That was followed in the mid-1990s by a surge in job opportunities, and, coincidentally, greater transparency and availability of job opportunities through Internet and career sites (Michaels et al., 2001). Technology makes it easy to find almost any opening that matches their qualification and interest (Schumann and Sartain, 2009) without needed to go through recruitment agencies or headhunters. After a few years, the old taboos against job-hopping had evaporated and it had become a badge of honour to have multiple companies on one's resume and from then employees have come to realize the big advantage of changing jobs and companies (Michaels et al., 2001).#p#分頁標題#e#
Companies have come to recognize their need for highly skilled employees and this new priority shows sign of shifting the focus of attention from lifetime employment to succession planning and bringing in people with the potential to grow and take over the leadership of the organizations (Woodruffe, 1999). With organization giving renewed priority to attracting and retaining talented employee, this phenomenon might have gone around in circle. However organizations and their environment have been transformed during the cycle (Woodruffe, 1999).
All organizations realize and recognize the need of having skilled employess and because of this new priority, there is a shift of focus in lifetime employment to career succession planning. Organizations will have plans to bring in high potential peoples into the organizations to groom them to take over the leadership of the organizations in the future (Woodruffe, 1999). With the new shift of priority from the organizations in attracting and retaining talented employee, Woodruffe (1999) thinks that this phenomenon might have been going around in a circle. However, he also noted that the organizations and their environment have also been transformed during the cycle (Woodruffe, 1999).
In this competitive situation, Michaels et al., (2001) noted that excellent talent management has become very important. All those organizations that is better in attracting, developing and retaining their talent, will definitely gaining more of their market share compare to their competitors. In this critical situations and with the limited scare resources, the organizations that have been doing well will benefit the talent and boost their performance dramatically (Michaels et al. 2001). McKinsey's study in 1998 off 6000 executives says that only 23 per cent strongly agree that their companies are able to attract highly talented people, 10 per cent think that their companies hold onto the people they should and only 16 per cent think that their companies know who their high performers are and just three per cent think that their organizations develop people effectively and move low performers out quickly (Johnson, 2000).
Aegis Group Plc (AGP) is the global media communications and market research group employing approximately 6,400 staff in over 62 countries. Headquartered in London and listed in the London Stock Exchange, the Group is structured around two core business area: Aegis Media and Synovate, leading global market research company. AGP provides competitive advantage through unrivalled understanding of consumers, markets and brands and pursues enhanced returns on marketing investments for clients. AGP further offer measurement and analysis of marketplace dynamics, consumer attitudes and behavior, and new and traditional media through its network of wholly-owned full service companies in key markets around the world. Among the clients of AGP are leading consumer product, manufacturers and retailers, service firms, media and entertainment companies.#p#分頁標題#e#
Synovate in Malaysia works in partnership with clients to provide the highest quality of research and client service, based on innovative thinking, exceptional expertise and facilities. Synovate's focus on the development of reearch techniques to better understand the specific research issues in the Asian region. Synovate has developed several areas of expertise and research solutions in brand building, customer intelligence, market studies, online research, sales forecasting and product optimizations. Currently Synovate Malaysia has approximately 251 full-time employees where the researcher is employed. During the three (3) years of tenure in the company, noticeably that the research department from various team are the core of talent in the company. Numerous talent management strategies has been introduced in the company in attracting good and experienced researcher for market research industry. As it is a niche talent, the company needs to focus on retaining the talent through its a comprehensive talent management programme.
In order to address the issue discussed earlier, this research will mainly be focusing on the following main objectives:-
Objective 1: To examine the perception of the employee in the organization's talent management programme
Objective 2: To identify employee value proposition (EVP) in the organization
Objective 3: To identify the factors that drives development of the employee
Objective 4: To measure the effectiveness of talent management programme in the organization
Based on the above importance of talant management and to obtain the answers to the objectives mentioned earlier, the research should be ideally be guided by the following questions:
Question 1: What strategies have been most valuable in the organization's approach to talent management?
Question 2: What do employees look for when deciding to join the organization?
Question 3: What are the factors that drive the employee development?
Question 4: How talent management strategies affect employee engagement?
A general review on the topic “talent managementâ€Â? would certainly lead to conclude that it is a gaining popularity and growing field. Therefore a further review of talent management in the literature reveals a severe lack of clarity regarding the definition, scope and overall groups of talent management (Lewis & Heckman, 2006) and it differs according to organizations. The talent management scope is indeed a broad area in human resource management and with the existance of a holistic view of talent management, will enables human resource to address any urgent problems (Oracle, 2008) accurately and effectively.#p#分頁標題#e#
This study intends to identify the perspective of talent management, knowledge on talent management strategies adopted by Synovate Sdn Bhd and measurement of the effectiveness of the programme. This research will enhance any Human Resources Department intervention, improving its efficiency, effectiveness and impact on the organization (Leimbach and Baldwon, 1997) and the research is a primary way in which Human Resources Department is linked to the broader organizational goals. This research has the potential of translating the Human Resources Department activities into the language of business in a way no other Human Resources Department function can (Leimbach and Baldwon, 1997).
Chapter one is an introduction of the topic to give an overview of the research problem, the research purpose, objective and the need for this study.
In this chapter, literature review to the research topic will be reviewed which will be linked to answer the research questions raised. Definition of talent and talent management in general and its application to Malaysia working environment will be discussed.
The researcher discussed the development of the research questions and shares the limitation of the research. This chapter also introduced the research methodology used as well as the reliability and validity of the methodology used.
This is the chapter where the data collected will be analyzed and presented. The findings will be discussed to reach a conclusion.
Chapter five will highlight the important findings, conclusion and recommendations made for the talent management programme in the Synovate Sdn Bhd.