Independent Project Proposal
a. Title of the research 研究標題:
To what extend does brand royalty effects on customer’s buying decision in regarding to IKEA’s furniture.
b. The research question to be answered 研究要解決的問題:
Based on the observation, a hypothesis is made:
With the appearance of more and more brand, many people would like to purchase the furniture with high brand royalty.
The research question is set upon the hypothesis:
To indicate to what extend does the brand royalty decide the customer’s decision for buying furniture.
c. The reason of choosing the research question 選擇研究問題的原因:
There is interesting phenomenon is that many people would like to purchase the product with high brand royalty, although the price is higher than other brand’s. Under the serious competition in one industry, brand royalty sometimes decides the customer’s buying decision. In this paper, it will take the IKEA Company as the case study to indicate what degree for brand royalty influences the people’s buying decision, as a result of the IKEA Company is a particular business strategy with high brand royalty.
d. The main issue to be studied in the project:
The main issues that will research in this project are the advantages and disadvantages of brand royalty, which will impact the customer’s buying decision. First of all, the review of literatures will point out the significance and functions of the brand royalty in the modern society. Secondly, the advantages for buying IKEA’s furniture with high brand royalty will be an important issue, as a result of this point is related to why the brand royalty can decide the people’s buying decision. In addition, the study will also research the factors which will influence the people’s buying decision. Lastly, the specialty of IKEA Company should be examines, as a result of this company has the different business strategy compared to the traditional furniture company.#p#分頁標題#e#
e. References:
s Alessandri, S.W. (2007): Brand royalty: How the world’s top 100 brands thrive & survive - Zag: the strategy of high-performance brands, Corporate Reputation Review, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp.319-321, Available from:
This paper shows the reasons why the top 100 brands can be survive. In addition, the writer points out that the significance of the brand royalty, which can explain why many companies attach importance to the brand royalty and why brand royalty can effect the customer’s buying decision.
s David, H. & Stephen, G. (2005): Valuing nor-for-profit and charity brands – real insight or just smoke and mirrors, International journal of nonprofit & voluntary sector marketing, Vol. 10, Issue 2, May 2005, pp.107-119, Available from:
This article indicates that the functions of the brand and brand royalty, and distinguish the differences between the companies with high brand royalty and low brand royalty. These results can show why the brand royalty can effect the customer’s buying decision.
s Jacobides, M.G. (2010): Strategy tools for a shifting landscape, Harvard Business Review, Vol.88, Issue 1, Jan 2010, pp76-84
This journal studies the business strategy of IKEA Company and the impact of the IKEA Company. It points out how the IKEA Company build the high brand royalty to make the company so successful nowadays and the reason why many people would like to purchase the IKEA furniture.
s Salinas, G. & Ambler, T. (2009), A taxonomy of brand valuation practice: methodologies and purposes, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 17, Issue 1, September 2009, pp.39-61
This paper states why more and more companies are attach importance to the brand of the business. The good brand royalty can bring the long-term benefits and profits for the company, which shows the advantages and value of the brand royalty.
s Munson, C.L. & Hu, J. (2010): Incorporating quantity discounts and their inventory impacts into the centralized purchasing decision, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.201, Issue 2, pp.581-582
This research provides the general information about the elements which will impact the people’s buying decision. The result of empirical study shows that both the brand and brand royalty are quite important factors when people purchasing the goods.
s Gary, J. (2004): What’s your brand worth? Journal of Canadian Business, Vol. 77, Issue 23, November 2004, pp. 69-73, Available from:#p#分頁標題#e#
In this study, it also indexes that the importance of the brand royalty for a business, as a result of it will make the company be paid more attention and be trust which is good for the company’s development.
s Groznik, A, & Heese, H.S. (2009), Supple chain interactions due to store-brand introduction: The impact of retail competition, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 203, Issue 3, June 2009, pp.575-582
In this research, it looks at the impact of the brand for the business. It includes the direct and indirect effects of brand and brand royalty. Due to the serious competition and more and more people paid more attention on brand, it shows the significant of the brand and brand royalty for the business and customers.
f. Methodology:
Data collection method:
This study, it will be used the questionnaire as the primary data collection, as a result of the more resultful and more efficient. The reason for choosing the questionnaire is this method can get the result from different people with different purchasing power and the respond rate will be more idealization. The questionnaire will be given to different respondents by hand or email, as a result of it can be made the result more efficiency.
Selection of data:
The questionnaire will be contributed to the people who aged between 20 and 50. Due to this paper takes the IKEA Company as the case study, which is the furniture company; this age group’s people have the real experience about purchasing furniture so that the result will reflect their real opinion about the purchasing. As a result of the limited time, the questionnaire will be distributed to one-hundred people in the age group from twenty to fifty by random sample, so that it will reflect what factors impact the purchasing decision for different salary group’s people and what extent for recognition degree of brand royalty on people’s decision.
Structure of questionnaires:
The questionnaire of this study will be mainly in a multiple choice format. The aim of the questionnaire is to analyze how many people think that the brand royalty is the most important factor when they purchasing furniture. The interviewees will be gives some different choices for every question. Due to the study takes IKEA furniture as the case study, the questionnaire will be chosen some other brands in the same industry for the people to select. In addition, there will be about 9 factors which can effect the people’s purchasing decision that includes: brand, brand royalty, price, quality, service, design, stylist, after service, transport service. Eventually, it will ask the opinion about the IKEA furniture, which divided into 2 questions including: what’s the opinion about IKEA’s brand royalty, what factors effects them purchasing IKEA’s furniture if they choose them.#p#分頁標題#e#
g. Structure of the final report
Literature Review
Hypothesis and The question
Results and Analysis
h. Work schedule
i. See poster
j. A consideration of any issues involved in carrying out the research
s The respondents of the questionnaires will be anonymous.
s The respondents will agree to do the questionnaires, and they can change their mind at any time.
s The research will be study in the local region, as a result of the different country have the different consumption
Independent Project Poster Review 獨立項目的回顧
Title 標題
To what extend does brand royalty effects on customer’s buying decision in regarding to IKEA’s furniture.
Research Question 研究問題
To indicate to what extend does the brand royalty decide the customer’s decision for buying furniture.
The Reason 原因
There is interesting phenomenon is that many people would like to purchase the product with high brand royalty, although the price is higher than other brand’s. Under the serious competition in one industry, brand royalty sometimes decides the customer’s buying decision. In this paper, it will take the IKEA Company as the case study to indicate what degree for brand royalty influences the people’s buying decision, as a result of the IKEA Company is a particular business strategy with high brand royalty.
Methodology 方法
This study, it will be used the questionnaire as the primary data collection, as a result of more resultful and more efficient. The respondents will be chosen by random sample which at the age group 20-50.
Some Reading 一些參考文獻
s Alessandri, S.W. (2007): Brand royalty: How the world’s top 100 brands thrive & survive - Zag: the strategy of high-performance brands, Corporate Reputation Review, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp.319-321