Module Leader: Dr Tim Bickerstaffe
[email protected]
Postgraduate Research Methods
10 Credits
Research is central to business decisions and behaviour. It may be undertaken in-house, commissioned, or encountered in the public domain. Media and public commentary and debates concerning 留學生dissertation網business affairs are regularly informed by research. Research further influences business perceptions of opportunities and challenges, and shapes business policies and decisions.
In recent years, research within the business and management domain has become much more eclectic with the result that there is now a wider range of acceptable research strategies which researchers may pursue. PGRM will focus on equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills to distinguish between, and critically review, different research methodological approaches.
Research ethics has also become increasingly important in recent years in light of damaging corporate scandals, political corruption, and scientific misconduct. Ethics in research is concerned with awareness, understanding, monitoring and consequences; and applies equally to issues surrounding organisational cultures and the responsibilities of an individual researcher.
PGRM aims to develop skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable students to:
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