Business essay代寫參考-絲綢制造、分銷和材料。本文是一篇由本站代寫服務提供的business essay范文,主要內容是講述絲綢的生命周期所需的原材料是家蠶、蠶、繭和桑葉。絲綢的發現開始了蠶業和絲綢工業的實踐。這需要的原料是一種叫做蠶的小生物。本篇essay指出在紡織工業中廣受歡迎的生物被稱為蠶。蠶有不同的種類,但在蠶業中最常用的是以桑葉為食的家蠶。家蠶蛾是家蠶的成熟期。這只蛾體現了蠶生命周期的結束和開始。雌蛾與雄蛾交配后,會產下數百個卵。雌蛾作為有翼昆蟲的壽命并不長;雌蛾生完孩子后死亡。蠶期是昆蟲一生中最長的階段。在養蠶場里,人們進行養蠶活動。本篇essay闡述蠶業是指以生產絲綢為目的飼養蠶。在家蠶幼蟲的生命周期中,它會連續幾天以桑葉為食,直到它變得對皮膚來說太大。它會脫落那層皮膚,繼續進食和生長。它在兩個月內這樣做了大約四次,最終長到了3英寸。當它完全長大后,毛毛蟲停止進食并改變皮膚顏色。這是一個跡象,表明插圖已經為下一階段,即抽繭階段做好了準備。蠶繭是絲綢生產中非常重要的部分。這個通用術語是指許多昆蟲為保護自己如蛹而紡成的保護套。以下內容就是針對絲綢制造、分銷和材料等相關問題的Business essay范文,供參考。
The product’s life cycle as below-產品的生命周期如下-
The raw material needed to start the life cycle of silk is Bombyx Mori moth, Silkworms, Cocoons, and Mulberry Leaves. Discovery of silk began the practice of sericulture and the silk industry. The raw material that was needed for this was a small creature called the silkworm. The creature that gained popularity in the textiles industries is known as the silkworm. There are different types of silkworms, but the one that is most commonly used in sericulture is the Bombyx Mori, the silkworm that feeds on mulberry leaves. The Bombyx Mori moth is the mature stage of the silkworm. This moth embodies the ending as well as the beginning of the life cycle of the silkworm. After the female moth is mated with a male moth, it lays hundreds of eggs. The female moth does not have a long life as a winged insect; after giving birth, the female moth dies. The silkworm stage is the longest stage of the insect’s life. In the silkworm cultivation farm, sericulture takes place. Sericulture refers to the rearing of the silkworm for the purpose of producing silk. During the life cycle of the Bombyx Mori larvae, it continuously feeds on mulberry leaves for a few days until it becomes too large for its skin. It sheds that layer of skin and continues to eat and grow. It does this about four times within two months and eventually grows to 3 inches. When it is full grown, the caterpillar stops eating and changes its skin color. This is a sign that the inset is ready for the next stage, the cocoon spinning stage. The cocoon is the very important part of the silk production. The general term refers to the protective casing that is spun by many insects to protect themselves as pupas. The cocoon that we are most familiar with is the one built by the caterpillar to enclose its transformation into a butterfly. One that we are not quite familiar with is a silkworm’s cocoon that protects it during its transformation into a moth. This particular type of cocoon happens to be the most valued cocoon in the textile industry because if it’s distinct features. The characteristics of these cocoons are only produced from the silkworms because they produce a protein called sericin and fibroin.
After the threads are prepared, the next step is turning it from silk thread to varying silk works. During the fabrication of silk, it undergoes dying and weaving. After it becomes fabric, it is used to produce garments, wedding dresses, draperies, and etc. The natural dyes of the silk threads are pure white and pure yellow. This varies from the different types of silkworms. In terms of the dyeing process, vegetable dyes were used to color the silk in the past. In recent times, silk body began using synthetic dyes however, they are interested in returning to the usage of natural dyes. Today, the dyes that are used are acid dyes, metal-complex dyes, reactive dyes and etc. The dying process requires a well maintained pH, good quality water and proper duration of dyeing and drying in order for the coloration to turn out well. In some of the place in New Zealand, the procedure for dying is manual. They use their hands and dye-tubs to dye the silk. During the procedure, the silk is soaked in the dye for a certain amount of time. After they are soaked, they are squeezed to remove the access water. After that, they threads are left to dry. After the dyeing process, the silk threads are ready to be turned into gowns, clothing, and other uses. When the silk is a yarn, it is weaved into fabric like any other yarn. However, since silk is very delicate, it requires more specialized looms. In the past, the Jacquard loom was invented to be used for silk because of its fragility. Today, power-looms are used however, traditional looms are still used too.
After the garments are ready they are transported to different parts of the New Zealand to retailers, shoppers etc. to sale them out. The kiwi people are using silk clothing and garments because silk can be worn in any season silk is nice to wear in both warm and cool weather is due to its chemical or molecular structure as silk is a natural fibre. The silk is transported through trucks and other transport nearly all over New Zealand.
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